Kolab on top of a minimal installation

Aurelien Marchand aurelien.marchand at researchcapital.com
Thu Apr 8 21:12:43 CEST 2004

Hi all,

I was wondering if it would be a good idea to install Kolab on the a 
machine who has the least amount of program installed on it.
I tried with Mandrake 9.2, deselecting every group, but *not*selecting 
"Truly minimal install". Instead, I let it install urpmi.

When I tried to install Kolab. using the source .tar from zfos.org, I 
realised it needed both gcc and gcc-c++ packages.
Would you think it is better to install Kolab this way, with the minimum 
other packages, or would you say it's better to have a full-featured 
machine beforehand?

Also, I couldn't use ldapsearch against my test machine from my 
workstation. I've tried to follow the instructions found in 
http://www.pokorra.de/diplomathesis/howto/install_kolab.html (under 
point 7) but it failed. Is there any special settings I should have done 
to successfully query against the kolab machine?



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