Kolab numbers.

Martin Konold martin.konold at erfrakon.de
Wed Apr 7 11:20:19 CEST 2004

Am Wednesday 07 April 2004 09:06 am schrieb Bo Thorsen:

Hi Luca, Hi Bo,

> > Did any of you tested Kolab in a clustered/HA architecture?
> > Did you think Kolab working fine in a such environment?
> There is no support for clustering in Kolab1.

Yes, this is correct. Kolab 1 has no builtin clustering capabilities. Though 
erfrakon presented at Cebit 2003 a working Kolab 1 High Availability Cluster.

The shared storage is imho best implemented using fiber channel or SCSI. 
Second best is USB (not suited for high performance) or a software solution 
like DRDB.

Erfrakon sofar has most experience using HP HW and shared SCSI.

> might have a bit of age, 300 users is just not a problem.

I agree with you. This is especially true because the Kolab clients use 
caching through the use of disconnected IMAP. The later limits the load on 
the server significantly.

> restore, and mirror. Just by mirroring everything on the second server,
> you would be able to switch to the other server very quickly if the first
> fails.

-- martin

Dipl.-Phys. Martin Konold

e r f r a k o n
Erlewein, Frank, Konold & Partner - Beratende Ingenieure und Physiker
Nobelstrasse 15, 70569 Stuttgart, Germany
fon: 0711 67400963, fax: 0711 67400959
email: martin.konold at erfrakon.de

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