Issues with Kolab

info at info at
Do Mai 16 11:55:51 CEST 2013

i got some troubles with my Kolab Installation. I hope you can help me.

1. How can i change or configure the UID/Username and the primary mail address. The field is greyed out. I'm unable to change the Rule over Kolab User resources, because there are no ObjectClasses.
  How can i insert or define them?

2. How can i configure a domain alias thus i can do the following example: User xyz can only use email addresses from xxc of domain x. I did not found any setup for it.

3. How can i configure that user z can use email addresses, calendars, dates of user b and for the domain a and domain b?

4. How can i configure auto responder messages?

The installed os is debian 7.0 / wheezy and was installed with the help of this tutorial:

Attached the pictures.

Thanks in advance for your efforts.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
with Kind Regards,

Sven Schmidt

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