Fwd: [Kolab-devel] Non-standard IMAP flags in KMail

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Oct 9 14:55:50 CEST 2007

Hi Martin,

On Tuesday 25 September 2007 07:05, Martin Konold wrote:
> I further investigated this matter.

I had hoped you would investigate the extended freebusy lists first? 8)

> It looks like you took a totally expired draft (anyone can make up a draft)
> as a guideline.

Got anything better?
We tried to find what is there and how others solve the problem.
This is the right approach. When there is just a "totally expired draft",
I think it is better to work from there and develop a better one, if we must
and can.

> I am afraid that this draft did not only expire but it also did not get
> enough support fromt he community in order to become a RFC.

Got pointers?
Was it because of nobody was interested or there were technical things
with it or other issues? 

> Did I overlook some aspect?
> Regards,
> -- martin
> P.S.: - OL2K7 uses more than a single IMAP Flag

What does it use? Could you find out anything specific?

>       - KONSEC Konnektor for OL would be able to use any available IMAP
> Flag just as kmail.

Any client would, if they implement the meaning...

>       - For many purposes a plain boolean flag is not enough. E.g. flags
> have colours and replied has a date....

I think we will see how far we get with the easier ones first.
We can only put limited efforts in, 
so we should go for the lower hanging fruits first.

> > Am Freitag 14 September 2007 schrieb Volker Krause:
> > can you please explain which new commands (if possible verbatim) there
> > will be on the IMAP tcp connection?

None, I guess. Would we need new commands?

> > With which servers did you test?

Wouldn't this be more a client then a server issue?

Managing Director - Owner: www.intevation.net       (Free Software Company)
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Intevation GmbH, Osnabrück, DE; Amtsgericht Osnabrück, HRB 18998
Geschäftsführer Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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