[Kolab-devel] Kolab XML specification

Joon Radley joon at radleys.co.za
Wed May 4 10:06:36 CEST 2005

Hi Bernhard,

> David has added the scheduling id to the format document and 
> I just released a pdf version as release candidate 1.
> Check out the documentation section of www.kolab.org.
> This actually reflects the status of the document as we are 
> actually using the format for quite a while now.

Is it possible to have a more regular update of this document as I just
discovered that there is a whole new object defined (Distribution-List) that
was not in the previous document. 

Is it also possible that we can have a specification freeze at some point. I
was under the impression that we where in a freeze and stared rolling out
release candidates, now I will have to revert back to beta's.

Best regards

Joon Radley
Radley Network Technologies CC
Cell: +27 (0)83 368 8557
Fax: +27 (0)12 998 4346
E-mail: joon at radleys.co.za

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