Task format

Joon Radley joon at radleys.co.za
Mon Sep 20 14:39:02 CEST 2004

Hi all,

During the implementation of the task object I was unable to integrate the
full format.

The following issues arose:

A) Location and parent fields are not set as I cannot map anything to it.
B) Start date and due date can only be in date format and not date time.
C) I cannot set the alarm field as due date is only a date and not a date
time. I do set a tag called <reminder-time> that contains a date time format
for the alarm.
D) For the priority tag I only have 3 values low, normal, high. When
translating from the xml format I map 1 & 2 to low, 3 to normal and 4 & 5 to
high, but when translating from outlook to xml I set low to 1, normal to 3
and high to 5. Who does this impact on Kontact?
E) Recurrence and attendees are not implemented as they different from the
event object in Outlook. I will try and find a middle ground for this, but
the abstraction for the incidence base is to generic to make it fit.


Best regards

Joon Radley
Radley Network Technologies CC
Cell: +27 (0)83 368 8557
Fax: +27 (0)12 998 4346
E-mail: joon at radleys.co.za

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