[Kolab-devel] Kolab 16 for Debian

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus at pokorra.de
Fri Nov 11 12:51:17 CET 2016

Hello Aaron, and everyone else interested in Kolab 16 for Debian,

> Lets see if we can convert the interest into motion! I'd like to propose
> that we gather on irc at a day/time that works for the most people and
> figure out how we get the debian packaging strategy in order.
> Timotheus: could you perhaps create a doodle (or similar) with some
> dates/times that work for you in the next week or two, and we can coordinate
> from there?

here is the link:

I have tried to reduce the options, and still giving a wide variety.
If we don't find a slot that all fit in, I am happy to add more days.


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