[Kolab-devel] Kolab on Ubuntu 16.04: swig with support for PHP7

Timotheus Pokorra timotheus at kolab.org
Sat Dec 31 08:51:27 CET 2016

Hello Javier,

> If I had to guess, maybe PHP for Fedora is built with some flags that make
> it crash when encountering a corrupt heap, while in Arch it tries to
> continue. But anyway, something is wrong on the swig/libkolabxml side, so
> I'll try to look at the valgrind errors if I get the time.

Thank you for looking into this!
The fix provided at https://github.com/swig/swig/issues/859 works for
php -version, great!

I still see a segfault when building kolab-freebusy, see
this call fails:
composer -vvv dumpautoload --optimize
but the workaround with export USE_ZEND_ALLOC=0 solves it.

And during setup-kolab and production operation, there is no issue
anymore, as far as I can see.
I have now packages for Fedora25, and they pass my nightly tests:

All the best,

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