[Kolab-devel] [issue4865] Accepting an invitiation to a task without start date jumps to invalid date. (rt #10241)

aheinecke issues at kolab.org
Wed Jun 19 15:52:38 CEST 2013

Steps to reproduce:
- Create a Task with user A and invite User B
- Accept the invitation with User B

-> There are reports that kontact freezes up but I could not reproduce that. At
least it jumps to a weird (invalid?) date in the agendaview in that case.

It should jump to the due date of that task when no start date is given.

assignedto: aheinecke
keyword: enterprise35, kde client, kkc
messages: 28823
nosy: aheinecke, allen, emanuel, laurent, ludwig, sergio, till, vkrause
priority: bug
status: in-progress
title: Accepting an invitiation to a task without start date jumps to invalid date. (rt #10241)

Kolab issue tracker <issues at kolab.org>

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