[Kolab-devel] Ubuntu precise packages

Julian Cloos julian at halifax.rwth-aachen.de
Tue Feb 19 22:16:35 CET 2013


I am searching nice applications for my Raspberry Pi and I think running Kolab 
3 on the Raspberry Pi will be a funny project. As I see that you currently not 
provide arm packages of Kolab 3, I would try to build such packages. But I 
need an hint in building packages because that will be the first time for me. I 
already read some threads about building packages but I don't know exactly 
which packages I need to bulid. 
Here some questions in the beginning:
Where I have to start with building? In which way do you build the packages? 
Do you have an extra invironment to build packages like a fakeroot? Is there 
any tutorial in building kolab packages?

many questions but I hope they find some answers ;-)

kind regards

Am Mittwoch, 6. Februar 2013, 15:23:59 schrieb Axel:
> Hi,
> I was looking for Ubuntu packages and I mentioned that the actual
> precise repository seems to be empty.
> I never did this before but I can try to build Ubuntu packages. Can you
> provide me some informations what I need (build environment, nice tools,
> etc) and some literature (basics, best practice, ...)?
> I won't promise to be successful, but I try to.
> regards, Axel

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