[Kolab-devel] Fwd: libkolab* in debian

Paul Klos paul at klos2day.nl
Tue Apr 16 08:46:08 CEST 2013

Johannes Graumann schreef op 16-04-2013 7:46:


> Sounds good. How is the transition from kolabsys repository-borne 
> versions
> to debian proper versions going to work?
Right now I'm focusing on getting the packages to build and up to the 
right quality. After that, they will need a sponsor to find their way 
into Debian (see 
http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq#Sponsored_Packages). The most 
likely candidate would be Sune, since he actually approached me and 
asked for these libs, but this has not been agreed yet.

In short, it's all very new and exciting :-D.



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