[Kolab-devel] [issue4624] Multiple Authentication Backends in Roundup

Christoph Wickert issues at kolab.org
Mon Oct 11 16:22:36 CEST 2010

Taken from

Multiple authentication backends can help keep the number of logins / passwords
per user to a minimum; For example, Kolab Systems uses (and allows the use) of
LDAP credentials throughout its infrastructure, while people not in the Kolab
Systems LDAP can register against the service as normal (and end up in the
database for such service).

assignedto: thomas
keyword: roundup
messages: 26821
nosy: bernhard, jmeeuwen, thomas, wickert, wilde
priority: feature
status: unread
title: Multiple Authentication Backends in Roundup

Kolab issue tracker <issues at kolab.org>

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