[Kolab-devel] [issue4279] Wish: OpenPGP encrypted attachments (pgp, asc, gpg format) should be decrypted from the mail. (rt#6097)

Ludwig Reiter issues at kolab.org
Tue Mar 30 14:33:29 CEST 2010

New submission from Ludwig Reiter <ludwig at intevation.de>:

A customer wishs for this feature:
It should be possible to encrypt an OpenPGP attachment (pgp, asc, gpg) of a mail
and open it.

1. Switch to the mail component.
2. Select a mail with gpg attachment.
3. Click on the attachment.
=> A dialog how to handle the attachment appears,
4. Choose Decrypt.
5. Enter password.
=> A dialog how to handle the decrypted attachment appears.
6. Choose Open with...(e.g. openoffice...)

Please estimate first.

assignedto: allen
keyword: enterprise35, kde client, kkc
messages: 24555
nosy: allen, emanuel, laurent, ludwig, sergio, till, tmcguire, vkrause
priority: minor bug
status: unread
title: Wish: OpenPGP encrypted attachments (pgp, asc, gpg format) should be decrypted from the mail. (rt#6097)

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