[Kolab-devel] [issue4308] Spellchacker settings ignored

Sascha Wilde issues at kolab.org
Thu Apr 15 11:10:05 CEST 2010

New submission from Sascha Wilde <wilde at intevation.de>:

When using "Automatic Spellchecking" and changing spell checker
settings in the composer the settings are ignored.

What I do:

1. Open the composer (New Message)

2. Make sure "Automatic Spellchecking" is activated in the "Options"

3. Type an english word (e.g. "fun"), it is marked red as my spell
   checker seems to use a German dictionary

4. Right click the word, the suggestions shown ("Faun", "Fund", "Funk"
   ...) hint out, that I actually use a German dictionary.

5. Select "Spellchecker..." from the "Settings" menu.

6. Select "English [american]" as "Dictionary".  "Client" is
   "International Ispell".  Close the dialog with "OK".

   Observe: the spell checking still does not recognize English words
   and the suggestions are still German.

I tried lots of variations, including different back ends ("Client" in
the settings dialog) and many dictionaries -- none of them made any
difference for the behavior of the automatic spellchecker.

This is Version 1.2.9 (enterprise35 20100401.1112527).

assignedto: allen
keyword: enterprise35, kde client
messages: 24730
nosy: allen, emanuel, laurent, ludwig, sergio, till, tmcguire, vkrause, wilde
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Spellchacker settings ignored

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