[Kolab-devel] Packaging Sesame2 storage backend for Soprano (Nepomuk)

Christopher Bertels christopher.bertels at intevation.de
Wed Sep 23 19:14:22 CEST 2009


I've uploaded the current version of my packages to files.kolab.org. 
I've got a buildable version ready, you can get the packages here:


It's still not fully finished (need to clean up most packages - like adding 
copyright etc...)

When starting Nepomuk, Sesame2 seems to get started as the storage backend, 
but then I get an error (see attachment). Maybe anyone knows what it causing 
I find the error when starting Sesame a little puzzling, since I pretty much 
got the same versions of all the dependencies I think. Also, the jar file in 
the original ubuntu package (soprano-backend-sesame) seem pretty much 

Something else, that I just found out is, that installing the original Ubuntu 
package gives me pretty much the same error, although it used to work before. 
I think I've messed up something else. I'd love to hear some feedback, 
especially if you're getting the same errors as I do. I've attached the error 
I'll try to figure more out tomorrow, but feel free to try it out yourself.


PS: You might need to create a symlink to your libjvm.so in /usr/lib, e.g.:
ln -s /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/i386/server/libjvm.so /usr/lib/libjvm.so

Christopher Bertels | OpenPGP key: 0x725D9BE5| http://www.intevation.de/
Intevation GmbH, Neuer Graben 17, 49074 Osnabrück | AG Osnabrück, HR B 18998
Geschäftsführer: Frank Koormann, Bernhard Reiter, Dr. Jan-Oliver Wagner
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