[Kolab-devel] [issue3976] Entering words into the dictonary while manual spellchecking are recognised from the Automatic spellchecking after a restart.(rt#5874)

Ludwig Reiter issues at kolab.org
Thu Nov 26 15:37:11 CET 2009

New submission from Ludwig Reiter <ludwig at intevation.de>:

observed with Kontact e35 20091113.1048602-kk1

1. Open a composer.
2. Enter a text with an word which is not in the dictionary.
3. Manual spellchecking->Add word into dictionary.
=> The word is still red. Users expect that the word is now black, because they
entered into the dict.
4. Restart kontact.
5. Open a composer.
3. Enter the text with this word again.
=> Now the word is black.

It seems like the dictionary of the automatic spellchecking is not updated.

Please estimate and wait on an okay before implementing it.

assignedto: allen
keyword: enterprise35, kde client, kkc
messages: 22588
nosy: allen, laurent, ludwig, till, tmcguire, vkrause
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Entering words into the dictonary while manual spellchecking are recognised from the Automatic spellchecking after a restart.(rt#5874)

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