[Kolab-devel] [issue3619] A mail sent to a local distribution list doesn't contain the dist list email-addresses

Ludwig Reiter kolab-issues at intevation.de
Thu May 14 12:52:12 CEST 2009

New submission from Ludwig Reiter <ludwig at intevation.de>:

enterprise4 windows 20090430.961761

1. Switch to the contacts component
2. Create a local distribution list.
3. Switch to the mail component.
4. Send a mail to the dist list.
=> The mail is sent to the distlistname at server. I expect the mail to be sent to
the mail addresses of the contacts of the distribution list.
So this is wrong.

assignedto: allen
messages: 20224
nosy: allen, bh, ludwig
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: A mail sent to a local distribution list doesn't contain the dist list email-addresses
topic: kde client, kowi
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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