[Kolab-devel] [issue3415] freebusy cache regeneration on the command line looks confusing

Thomas Arendsen Hein kolab-issues at intevation.de
Tue Feb 17 17:47:03 CET 2009

New submission from Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas at intevation.de>:

When regenerating the freebusy cache on the command line as described in the
README the output on the command line is ugly:

kolab-n at host$ PHP_AUTH_USER=manager PHP_AUTH_PW='managerpassword' /kolab/bin/php
-c /kolab/etc/apache/php.ini /kolab/var/kolab/www/freebusy/regenerate.php
Regenerated calendar "user/theuser/Folder1 at example.com"!
<br/>Regenerated calendar "user/theuser/Folder1/subfolder at example.com"!
<br/>Regenerated calendar "user/theuser/Kalender at example.com"!
<br/>kolab-n at host$

Ideally the <br/> should not appear when not sending the output to a web
browser, a quick workaround would be to write <br/> at the end of each line, not
at the beginning of the next one, i.e.:

kolab-n at host$ PHP...
Regenerated calender "..."! <br/>
Regenerated calender "..."! <br/>
kolab-n at host$

assignedto: wrobel
messages: 18610
nosy: bernhard, martin, thomas, till, wilde, wrobel
priority: minor bug
status: unread
title: freebusy cache regeneration on the command line looks confusing
topic: freebusy, server
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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