[Kolab-devel] [issue2392] todos: moving some tasks results in conflicts.

Ludwig Reiter kolab-issues at intevation.de
Thu Jan 10 11:56:54 CET 2008

New submission from Ludwig Reiter <ludwig at intevation.de>:

enterprise rev. 751182
todos: I found a moving todos sequence which results in a conflict.

1. Switch to todos.
2. Create a todo "test"
3. Create a todo "sub1"
4. Create a todo "sub2"
5. Move "sub2" to "test"
6. Move "sub1" to "test"
7. Sync.
8. Press on the complete checkbox of "test"
=> A conflict between dublicted "sub1"s and "sub2"s occures.

assignedto: till
messages: 13337
nosy: ludwig, osterfeld, pradeepto, till, vkrause
priority: bug
status: unread
title: todos: moving some tasks results in conflicts.
topic: kde client, prokde35
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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