[Kolab-devel] [issue2449] Explanation in the section Mail Filter Settings on the services tab not clear (followup)

Richard Bos kolab-issues at intevation.de
Mon Feb 4 20:23:03 CET 2008

New submission from Richard Bos <ml at radoeka.nl>:

The "problems" mentioned in this issue are taken from issue 2439
That issue solved 1 of the several issues mentioned in that issue.

On the services tab, in the =Mail Filter Settings= section, the text is
on a very high subject matter expert level....

This text e.g.:

- Check messages for mismatching From header and envelope from.

would be easier to understand if there is an example available, like:

Received: from doto.intevation.org (localhost [])
        by lists.intevation.de (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6B2EC600D57
        for <kolab-devel at kolab.org>; Fri,  1 Feb 2008 11:09:19 +0100 (CET)
To: kolab-devel at kolab.org
From: Kolab User <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

To what "above checks" does this line refer to?
- Use the Sender header instead of From for the above checks if Sender 
is present.

Action to take for messages that fail the check:

o Always reject the message. Note that enabling this setting will make 
the server reject any mail with non-matching sender and From header if 
the sender is an account on this server. This is known to cause trouble 
for example with mailinglists

<<<<  "if the sender is an account on this server"
That seems wrong.

Why does this cause trouble with mailinglist?  Doesn't the emaillist have the
same From header as enveloppe (the emaillist has probably list.domain.tld).  it 
would be nice if this is also explained with an example.

Explanation from Thomas:
The problem with mailing lists is that usually they are configured to not alter
the From: header, but send with their own SMTP envelope sender. Often they
insert a "Sender:" header which should match the SMTP envelope sender though.
If "From:" address is from one of the Kolab server's domains, the mail will be
rejected in this case.

My comment on Thomas his explanation:
This explanation is getting there.  But I still need to read this explanation
several times to at least understead a little bit of what is going on.  I think
that when an example email header is provided, it will be easier to follow and
to imagine what is actually happening.  Those help texts could be urls to
another page, or pop up window, explaining the whole mechanism.

messages: 13585
nosy: rbos
priority: bug
status: unread
title: Explanation in the section Mail Filter Settings on the services tab not clear (followup)
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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