[Kolab-devel] [issue2617] Kleopatra: After importing a p7c or p12 file the user is informed, that he has imported 0 certifictes.

Ludwig Reiter kolab-issues at intevation.de
Thu Apr 10 15:30:48 CEST 2008

New submission from Ludwig Reiter <ludwig at intevation.de>:

A user uses kleopatra to import a p7c or a p12 file and he is informed, that he
has imported 0 certificates. If he looks at the list, he finds new keys and
certificates. So he is confused.
I except the information dialog after importing to contain the number of
imported/new certificates.

assignedto: till
messages: 14424
nosy: bh, ludwig, osterfeld, pradeepto, till, vkrause
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: Kleopatra: After importing a p7c or p12 file the user is informed, that he has imported 0 certifictes.
topic: kde client, prokde35
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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