[Kolab-devel] [issue1608] A patch for kolabd to include the horde LDAP schema

Gunnar Wrobel kolab-issues at intevation.de
Mon Feb 19 10:50:35 CET 2007

New submission from Gunnar Wrobel <p at rdus.de>:

In order to make Horde work with the Kolab server it is necessary to include the
Horde specific LDAP schema into the OpenLDAP configuration. I currently use a
patched version for the Gentoo version and now also for the OpenPKG packages.

I did attach this patch and would like to get some feedback to see if it would
be okay to include it into the kolabd package. The patch in its current form
simply includes the Horde schema by default and does not allow the user to choose. 

Another option of patching Kolab for Horde support would be to make the schema
inclusion optional. In order to do that it would be necessary to have a
corresponding option in the kolab-webadmin that would get translated into the
slapd.conf like this:

@@@if horde-enabled@@@
include @ldapserver_schemadir@/horde.schema

What would be the preferred method? Is there any drawback to including the
horde.schema by default? It would be no problem to rewrite the patch to support
the optional procedure.

A second question: When do you think could this patch be included? Ater
Kolab-2.1 or after Kolab-2.1.1 has been released?


assignedto: wrobel
files: kolabd-horde-20070219.patch
messages: 9661
nosy: bernhard, martin, steffen, stephanb, willverschuur, wrobel
priority: feature
status: unread
title: A patch for kolabd to include the horde LDAP schema
topic: horde, patch, server
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>
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