[Kolab-devel] kolab 2.2beta1: implicit ACL not effective

Alain Spineux aspineux at gmail.com
Fri Aug 31 04:24:32 CEST 2007

A user cannot recover administrative right on its own mailbox.

Can someone running kolab2.1 test this
as a user in cyradm :

n610.asxnet.loc> lam INBOX/Sent
alain.spineux at n610.asxnet.loc lrswipcda
n610.asxnet.loc> sam INBOX/Sent alain.spineux at n610.asxnet.loc r
n610.asxnet.loc> lam INBOX/Sent
alain.spineux at n610.asxnet.loc r
n610.asxnet.loc> sam INBOX/Sent alain.spineux at n610.asxnet.loc a
setaclmailbox: alain.spineux at n610.asxnet.loc: a: Mailbox does not exist

I tried the same on INBOX just before.
I also tried to set "implicit_owner_rights: lca" in imapd.conf but nothing
manager can give back the 'a' right to the owner.

The same works as expected on my old kolab2.1beta3 and also on fedora 7
native imap-2.3.8



Alain Spineux
aspineux gmail com
May the sources be with you
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