[Kolab-devel] [issue1901] As he tested its efficiency, stretched and tightened the knot, his steely miniature spectacles cast such a menacing sparkle that, edging away, I put the distance of another branch between us.
Amrut garbas
kolab-issues at intevation.de
Tue Aug 14 19:58:01 CEST 2007
New submission from Amrut garbas <garbasaauzm at adminco.net>:
T_h-i's Tu esday i*t.s CYT'V!!!
G-e*t on C.Y+T V F-irst T'hing on TUES-D,AY, i.t+'-s goi.ng to explo ad!
C,omp*any: C-HINA YOUT_V C+O,R,P (.O*T+C B.B:C*YTV.OB)
S'ymbol: C+Y_T-V
Cu+rrent P rice: $ 0*.-4*6
M onday Mov-e: ( U,p O.ver (12.20%)
T_h e p rice is at a m.inimum it w.i-l+l b*o.o'm on Tuesday*!
Recommendati_-on: "STR*O+NG-BUY" s'ta-rting on Tues.'day, AUGU'ST 1'4-, 2.0.0-6+.
Breaki*-ng N+e+w*s*:
C-hina YouT.V's Cn,Boo W-e b S.i-t.e Ra-nks N.o..*1 on M.'icrosoft L-i.v+e S-earch Engin*e
Agg're,sive Trade*rs
G_e't in early., t*h'i.s o.n*e c_a+n f*l i*p h i+g'h r.eturns f.a s-t*.
It is n*o-t as s*u'c*h an a.r,e+a f'o'r Debia.n specif*i+c i_nfo.rmation, rathe+r an umbr*ell_a f'o.r a-l,l of t*h_e t.hings y-o*u c'a*n do w-i,t,h a De_bian s'ystem.
T*here is an undo *cumented no*n-+accessible descript+,or.
W,a s it j'u.s t th+eft.
If t,h*e t,e_x,t isn'.t d ispl,ayed corre_ctly,, s-a.v'e t*h+e at,tachme-nt to disk+, a.n'd t.h.e*n u*s-e a viewe r t_h a+t c'a'n d,isplay t h'e ori_gi,nal charac +ter s'e_t,.
Host+s t.h-a+t f a-l,l i'n-t,o t.h,i-s doma.in w*i.l-l eve*ntua'lly m'o'v*e to oth+er b.ranche s of t,h'e do main t+r+e.e+.
messages: 11583
nosy: garbasaauzm
status: unread
title: As he tested its efficiency, stretched and tightened the knot, his steely miniature spectacles cast such a menacing sparkle that, edging away, I put the distance of another branch between us.
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