[Kolab-devel] [issue1119] ldaptransport_query_filter doesn't take kolabSharedFolders into account

Thomas Arendsen Hein kolab-issues at intevation.de
Wed Feb 8 12:20:50 CET 2006

New submission from Thomas Arendsen Hein <thomas at intevation.de>:

Seen in server 2.0.3:

I think main.cf should have something like:
ldaptransport_query_filter = (&(mail=%s)(|(objectClass=kolabInetOrgPerson)

instead of
ldaptransport_query_filter =


messages: 6516
nosy: thomas
priority: bug
status: unread
title: ldaptransport_query_filter doesn't take kolabSharedFolders into account
topic: server
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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