[Kolab-devel] Kolab 2.1 beta 2 & Horde - Doc error?

gelpi@corona.it corona at gelpi.it
Wed Aug 16 23:28:29 CEST 2006

   I'm testing kolab 2.1 beta 2 with horde (last stable release 3.1.2) 
and I notice a doc error in:


At 2.1 Configuration LDAP there is:

Horde requires an additional schema file to be installed in order to use 
LDAP as a preference backend. Add the following to your 
|/kolab/etc/kolab/templates/slapd.conf.template| after the existing 
schema include lines:

include /kolab/var/kolab/www/horde/scripts/ldap/horde.schema

This prevent the execution of /kolab/etc/kolab/kolab_bootstrap -b due to 
permission reason. Ldap start with kolab.kolab and cannot access a 
kolab-n.kolab-n directory

The correct solution is in the wiki doc page:


Here correcly you have to copy horde schema in 
/kolab/etc/openldap/schema and include the copied file in template.
The missing think here is to remember to change owenership of copied 
schema form kolab-n.kolab-n to kolab.kolab

Gelpi ing. Andrea
It took the computing power of three C-64s to fly to the Moon.
It takes a 486 to run Windows 95. Something is wrong here.

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