[Kolab-devel] [issue928] imapd logging for mail deletion/creation

Bernhard Reiter kolab-issues at intevation.de
Tue Sep 13 11:36:05 CEST 2005

New submission from Bernhard Reiter <bernhard at intevation.de>:

Several times we had support cases where we needed to find   
out which client has created or deleted a special email   
and when was it done.   
So far Cyrus imapd does not have enough logging capacities   
that could be enabled help in this analysis situations.   
It would help a lot to have them.   
The filesystem and backups usually show a file which was there   
for a longer period. But if the mails comes in via lmtp  
and then is deleted by the client in the next minute,  
there is not much evidence left. The seendb provides   
a bit insight in that situation, but that is not a lot.  
Thus debugging possibilities should be configurable  
and of course documented.  
Bernhard Herzog has made a quick first attempt  
that I am attaching. We would need to check that and make 
it clean an accepted with upstream.

assignedto: steffen
files: imapd.more-debug-log.patch
messages: 5506
nosy: bernhard, bh, martin, steffen, thomas
priority: urgent
status: unread
title: imapd logging for mail deletion/creation
topic: kkc, server
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>
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