[Kolab-devel] [issue921] kolabquotawarn may send warnings for users with 0% quota

Bernhard Herzog kolab-issues at intevation.de
Thu Sep 8 17:22:41 CEST 2005

New submission from Bernhard Herzog <bh at intevation.de>:

At one customer's site it happened that kolabquotawarn sent mails to users which
had not used their accounts yet and thus has 0% of quota.

It's not clear what happened as it only happened one time when kolabquotawarn
was run from cron.  It happened again yesterday, but that was because it was run
manually for debuggin purposes and incorrectly was executed as user kolab-r
which doesn't have permissions to read kolab.conf.

AFAICT, what might have happened is that for some reason kolabquotawarn could
not read the cyrus-quotawarn attribute from ldap and thus $quotawarnpct was
uninitialized.  Later it's used in the comparison $pct >= $warnpct which is
considered true by perl if $pct is 0, and therefore a warning mail is sent.

kolabquotawarn has to be made more robust against such things.  If important
values such as $quotawarnpct or the login credentials cannot be determined, it
should log an error message and exit immediately.

assignedto: steffen
messages: 5482
nosy: bh, steffen
priority: bug
status: unread
title: kolabquotawarn may send warnings for users with 0% quota
topic: server
Kolab issue tracker <kolab-issues at intevation.de>

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