[Kolab-devel] Multi-domain support, request for ideas

Steffen Hansen steffen at klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se
Thu May 26 15:13:25 CEST 2005


Multi-domain support in Kolab is a much requested feature. It is 
possible to extend the current Kolab server to support users with email 
addresses in different domains with too much trouble, but all the users 
will still be in one bag so to speak.

A proper solution with separate distribution lists, users, maintainers 
etc. for each domain requires a change to the layout of the LDAP tree. 
I would imagine a subtree for each domain where each such subtree looks 
like what we have currently. But there might be other changes too.

So if we are going to make incompatible changes to the LDAP 
datastructure anyway (call it Kolab3 or whatever), we might as well do 
it properly so it fulfills as many peoples requirements as possible.

So speak up, give us your input!

Steffen Hansen          |       Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
Senior Software Engineer|       http://www.klaralvdalens-datakonsult.se
                        |       Platform-independent
                        |       software solutions

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