[Kolab-devel] SyncKolab and Kolab2

Niko Berger niko.berger at corinis.com
Fri Apr 29 01:36:43 CEST 2005

Hi all,
I am wirting the synckolab extension, but hence I do not have too much 
time at my hands I am looking for someone who could write/fix 
contact<->kolab2xml calendar<->kolab2xml format functions. kolab1 is 
done and hsould work quite well. If anyone wants to help you can get the 
extension+souce from www.gargan.org/extensions/synckolab.html (current 
version is 0.4.7).

Some informations on how/where to implement it:
The calendar conversion functions are found in 
contactTools.js/calTools.js the reading of kolab2 are the functions: 
xml2Card (contacts) and xml2Event (calendar). They do work, but I dont 
know if they have everything covered.

The other way round should be card2Xml(card) (returns the xml-content as 
String) and event2Xml(event) (return String).
The best start would be to look at card2Message in contactTools, which 
converts a tbird card into a vcard.
Just add:
Line 466:
    if (card.custom4 == null || card.custom4.length < 2)
        return null;

+    if (format == "Xml")
+        return card2Xml(card);

    // save the date in microseconds

and implement card2Xml(card). Make sure to add the email headers (see 
from line 484). To test it just remove following 3 lines from adressbook.js:
Line 25:
            this.format = 
            this.gSaveImap = 
-            // since Imap saving does not work with xml - disable this
-            if (this.format == "Xml")
-                this.gSaveImap = false;
        } catch(e) {

similar way for calendar (but a little differnt since i dont have a 
message2event instead using the calendar internal functions).

Thanks in advance


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