[Kolab-devel] How to change the Postfix setup

Morten Christensen mckalender at tiscali.dk
Sat Sep 4 00:05:37 CEST 2004

Martin Konold wrote:

>Am Freitag, 3. September 2004 21:03 schrieb Morten Christensen:
>Hi Morten,
>>When I go to the Services-page in the web-interface, I cannot see, that
>>my changes to Privileged Networks affect the behavior of Postfix or is
>>written anywhere in the config-files.
>This should work. Are you using the correct syntax? What is exactly the string 
>you are putting in the web interface?

I changed this line manually in /kolab/etc/postfix/main.cf
mynetworks = -> mynetworks =,,

to be able to send mail from a client on the internal 
to Kolab's postfix.

>>I have found /kolab/etc/kolab/templates/main.cf.template, but that is
>>not the template-file as it has the same warning-lines in the top.
>This is indeed the real template file.
I would be a good idea to change the top-warning linesa to reflect that.

Morten Chistensen

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