[Kolab-devel] Interest in RPMs

Stuart Bingë omicron-list at mighty.co.za
Wed May 12 21:15:55 CEST 2004

On Wednesday, 12 May 2004 20:54, Nathan Toone wrote:
> I currently have SRC RPMs and SuSE 9.0 binary RPMs of the following (based
> off the zfos distribution - using obmtool)
> Adding spam and virus filtering to Kolab

Which spam/virus packages? As far as I know there is support in the Kolab CVS 
for Amavis/Spamassassin/Clamd to do virus and spam filtering, but more 
options in this field would be very beneficial.

> Adding the Horde web-client

Does your package include the latest version of the Webclient, that was 
released on 2004-04-27? If so, I would definitely be interested in seeing 
your RPM (as I'm sure many other would be).

> Adding mailman for mailing lists
> Adding a jabber server (which authenticates off Kolab)

Very nice, these should be great additions to a Kolab server.

What about moving the configuration files that these packages rely on over to 
the new metadata template system (assuming they contain configuration options 
that rely on other Kolab configuration data)?

With the new system, you can then distribute the "templatised" version of your 
configuration files in your packages, and set them up to install to 
@l_prefix@/etc/kolab/templates - Kolab will then automatically pick up the 
new template and configure your packages when you run kolabconf.

All you need to do is add some metadata to the top of the template telling 
Kolab where you want the final config file to reside, and put in all the 
@@@blah@@@ variables you need to get kolab-configured.


Stuart Bingë
Code Fusion cc.

Office: +27 11 673 0411
Mobile: +27 83 298 9727
Email: s.binge at codefusion.co.za

Tailored email solutions; Kolab specialists.

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