[Kolab-devel] Webpage improvements.

Bernhard Reiter bernhard at intevation.de
Tue Mar 9 17:33:10 CET 2004

We definately have to improve the webpages.

They have to display the different versions of Kolab that can be aquired.
FAQ and installation should be covered better.

I am in the process to getting the kolab.org from Chuck Moss.
He was so kind to reserve it for the project.

Currently the group of people working on Kolab (Server and client)
consists of people from Intevation, Klarälvdalens, Erfrakon and Codefusion.
They also have access to the Kolab CVS.

In principle the access is open to any interested developer.
If we don't know the person yet, we might want to see a couple
of patches first and the ability to coordinate on this list. :)

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