[Kolab-devel] HORDE IMP config

Stuart K. Bingë omicron-list at mighty.co.za
Wed Jun 30 17:12:03 CEST 2004

On Wednesday, 30 June 2004 16:46, Jeffrey Walls wrote:
> I followed the kolab web page HORDE installation carefully (I think).
> Authentication is IMAP, Connection Protocol is imap/notls

OK, that sounds correct.

First of all - can you actually log into Horde, or do you keep on getting 
"Permission denied" errors and continuously seeing the Login screen?

If you are able to login, what exactly happens when you try and view IMP? Do 
you get some sort of error page, or does it just hang?

Is there anything in your /kolab/var/apache/log/apache-error.log? If you've 
also set up a Horde log (e.g. /kolab/var/horde/horde.log) does that complain 
about anything when you try and view IMP?

If you haven't setup a horde log up, I'd advise you to do so - it usually 
tells you about authentication errors and the like.


Stuart Bingë
Code Fusion cc.

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