[Kolab-devel] Website beautification

Stuart Bingë omicron-list at mighty.co.za
Fri Jun 4 17:19:11 CEST 2004

Would anyone be heartbroken if I slapped on a stylesheet to the website? :-)

Seeing as though no-one else is taking the incentive to improve the website I 
thought I might as well do it as a side project. That is, unless there are 
any objections?

One question though: are *all* the files in doc/www/html/ copied over to the 
web server's document root, or do you explicitly need to tell whatever copies 
the data what files need to be copied? I'm asking as, ideally, I'd like to 
just drop new files into the html/ directory and have them show up on the 
website, e.g. adding a CSS stylesheet file, and also something like 
separating the webclient install guide into a new file.


Stuart Bingë
Code Fusion cc.

Office: +27 11 673 0411
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Email: s.binge at codefusion.co.za

Tailored email solutions; Kolab specialists.

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