[Kolab-devel] Kolab Build System - input required

Bo Thorsen bo at sonofthor.dk
Tue Sep 2 21:46:30 CEST 2003

Hash: SHA1

On Tuesday 02 September 2003 17:28, Stephan Buys wrote:
> Hello all,
> We are about to start work on a standard build system for the Kolab
> server, but before we do we would like some input from you guys - so
> that the utility is usefull to a broad audience.
> We were thinking of using the GNU autoconfig system.
> To build Kolab the steps would then be:
> #./configure --prefix=/kolab --emaildomain=mydomain.com
> --hostname=myhostname #make
> #make install
> With optional make targets like:
> #make fetch
> What do you think?
> The reasoning behind this was that a) it is nice and standards based,
> b) we want to learn autoconf :-)
> I have seen in the history of the Kolab project that there have been
> several scripted solutions, but they never seem to last. This would
> give us a system that everyone will know how to use, and hopefully keep
> on using....

First of all: having the domain/hostname in the configure line makes it 
impossible to reconfigure the server without recompilation. That's a bad 
idea. A related problem is in the way the network setup is done - I spent 
an hour or two yesterday trying to figure out how to make the setup 
figure out that my server got a new IP number (I ended up having to 
completely wipe out openldap, and reinstall it).

Second: What is it you are building here - is it just the kolab part, or 
is it also the remaining parts?

How is the upstream sending of patches to the different projects going? 
- From what Martin said back in July during Linux Tag, there are still 
quite a lot of patches that have not yet been accepted in postfix/cyrus 
and the others. Any news on this part? I'm really looking forward to the 
day when the kolab server is just about installing the parts and adding 
the kolab webinterface.

Now, whatever you do, please keep working on it. I think it's fantastic 
that a community is forming around Kolab :-)

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