[Kolab-devel] Updated Kolab WebClient

Stuart Bingë list at codefusion.co.za
Tue Aug 26 10:28:02 CEST 2003

On Tuesday, 26 August 2003 09:28, Adriaan Putter wrote:
> Stuart Bingë wrote:
> > Note to Kolab KDE Client developers: Mnemo requires a memo-id and a
> > category (which are currently stored in X-MemoID and X-Category headers,
> > respectively) for each message - when viewing/modifying the memos in the
> > KDE client these extension headers are stripped when re-saved, meaning
> > that the category information is lost when viewing them in the web
> > interface. Any suggestions as to possible solutions?
> how do you read the existing notes into the web front end?

When reading existing memos (i.e. those created by the Kolab KDE Client, etc) 
where the extension headers that we've added don't exist, we just use 
defaults for things like the memo category (eg. "Unfiled"). The Memo ID that 
mnemo uses seems to be a sequential integer, so all that we do when loading 
is read in the "valid" memos, then sequentially assign a new "memo id" to the 
invalid memos starting from the highest valid memo id that we read, plus one.

Stuart Bingë
Code Fusion cc.
Tel: +27 11 391 1412
Email: s.binge at codefusion.co.za

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