
Jeroen van Meeuwen vanmeeuwen at
Thu Dec 27 20:15:03 CET 2012

 lib/locale/de.php    |  186 ++++++++++++++++----------------
 lib/locale/de_DE.php |   24 ++--
 lib/locale/es.php    |   28 ++--
 lib/locale/et_EE.php |   12 +-
 lib/locale/fr.php    |  288 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 lib/locale/ja.php    |    4 
 lib/locale/nl.php    |  158 +++++++++++++--------------
 lib/locale/pl_PL.php |   14 +-
 lib/locale/ru_RU.php |  288 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 9 files changed, 789 insertions(+), 213 deletions(-)

New commits:
commit 630e3b6ce7ba2b99f9b2329752b6500a364269a8
Author: Jeroen van Meeuwen (Kolab Systems) <vanmeeuwen at>
Date:   Thu Dec 27 20:13:34 2012 +0100

    Update translations from transifex

diff --git a/lib/locale/de.php b/lib/locale/de.php
index 02a2baf..b04deb4 100644
--- a/lib/locale/de.php
+++ b/lib/locale/de.php
@@ -3,69 +3,69 @@
 $LANG[''] = 'Dies ist die Community-Edition des <b>Kolab Servers</b>.';
 $LANG['about.kolab'] = 'Kolab';
 $LANG['about.kolabsys'] = 'Kolab Systems';
-$LANG[''] = 'Professionelle Unterstützung gibt es u.A. von <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Professionelle Unterstützung ist erhältlich bei <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Technologie';
 $LANG['about.warranty'] = 'Sie kommt mit <b>keinen Garantien</b> und wird normalerweise ohne professionelle Unterstützung eingesetzt. Hilfe und weitere Informationen finden Sie auf der <a href="">Web-Seite</a> und im <a href="">Wiki</a>.';
-$LANG['add'] = 'Add';
+$LANG['add'] = 'Hinzufügen';
-$LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Add attribute';
-$LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Static value';
-$LANG[''] = 'Attribute';
+$LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Attribut hinzufügen';
+$LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Statischer Wert';
+$LANG[''] = 'Attribut';
 $LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optional';
-$LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. count';
-$LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Read-only';
-$LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Field type';
-$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Value';
-$LANG[''] = 'Generated';
-$LANG[''] = 'Generated (read-only)';
+$LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. Anzahl';
+$LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Schreibgeschützt';
+$LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Feldtyp';
+$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Wert';
+$LANG[''] = 'Erzeugt';
+$LANG[''] = 'Erzeugt (schreibgeschützt)';
 $LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normal';
-$LANG['attribute.value.static'] = 'Static';
-$LANG['attribute.options'] = 'Options';
-$LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!';
+$LANG['attribute.value.static'] = 'Statisch';
+$LANG['attribute.options'] = 'Optionen';
+$LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Der Typ-Key enthält unzulässige Zeichen!';
 $LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!';
-$LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Delete';
-$LANG[''] = 'Save';
-$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit';
+$LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Abbrechen';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Löschen';
+$LANG[''] = 'Speichern';
+$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Absenden';
 $LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Erstellt von';
 $LANG['days'] = 'Tage';
-$LANG['debug'] = 'Debug Informationen';
-$LANG['delete'] = 'Delete';
-$LANG['deleting'] = 'Lösche Daten...';
+$LANG['debug'] = 'Informationen zur Fehlerbehebung';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Löschen';
+$LANG['deleting'] = 'Daten löschen…';
-$LANG['domain.add'] = 'Domain hinzufügen';
-$LANG['domain.add.success'] = 'Domain erfolgreich hinzugefügt';
-$LANG['domain.associateddomain'] = 'Domain-Name(n)';
-$LANG['domain.delete.success'] = 'Domain deleted successfully.';
-$LANG['domain.edit'] = 'Domain bearbeiten';
-$LANG['domain.edit.success'] = 'Domain aktualisiert';
-$LANG['domain.inetdomainbasedn'] = 'Benutzerdefinierte Root DN(s)';
-$LANG['domain.list'] = 'Domain Liste';
-$LANG['domain.norecords'] = 'No domain records found!';
+$LANG['domain.add'] = 'Domäne hinzufügen';
+$LANG['domain.add.success'] = 'Domäne erfolgreich hinzugefügt.';
+$LANG['domain.associateddomain'] = 'Domänenname(n)';
+$LANG['domain.delete.success'] = 'Domäne erfolgreich gelöscht.';
+$LANG['domain.edit'] = 'Domäne bearbeiten';
+$LANG['domain.edit.success'] = 'Domäne erfolgreich aktualisiert.';
+$LANG['domain.inetdomainbasedn'] = 'Benutzerdefinierte(s) Root DN(s)';
+$LANG['domain.list'] = 'Domänenliste';
+$LANG['domain.norecords'] = 'Keine Domain-Einträge gefunden!';
 $LANG['domain.o'] = 'Organisation';
 $LANG['domain.other'] = 'Andere';
 $LANG['domain.system'] = 'System';
-$LANG['domain.type_id'] = 'Standard Domain';
+$LANG['domain.type_id'] = 'Standarddomäne';
-$LANG['edit'] = 'Edit';
+$LANG['edit'] = 'Bearbeiten';
 $LANG['error'] = 'Fehler';
-$LANG['form.required.empty'] = 'Einige der benötigten Felder sind leer!';
+$LANG['form.required.empty'] = 'Einige der erforderlichen Felder sind leer!';
 $LANG['form.maxcount.exceeded'] = 'Maximale Zahl der Felder erreicht!';
 $LANG['group.add'] = 'Gruppe hinzufügen';
 $LANG['group.add.success'] = 'Gruppe erfolgreich erstellt.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Common Name';
 $LANG['group.delete.success'] = 'Gruppe erfolgreich gelöscht.';
-$LANG['group.edit.success'] = 'Gruppe erfolgreich editiert.';
+$LANG['group.edit.success'] = 'Gruppe erfolgreich aktualisiert.';
 $LANG['group.gidnumber'] = 'Primäre Gruppennummer';
 $LANG['group.list'] = 'Gruppenliste';
 $LANG['group.mail'] = 'Primäre Email-Adresse';
 $LANG['group.member'] = 'Mitglied(er)';
-$LANG['group.memberurl'] = 'Members URL';
+$LANG['group.memberurl'] = 'Mitglieder URL';
 $LANG['group.norecords'] = 'Keine Gruppeneinträge gefunden!';
 $LANG['group.other'] = 'Andere';
 $LANG['group.system'] = 'System';
@@ -79,28 +79,28 @@ $LANG[''] = 'one: all entries one level under the base DN';
 $LANG['ldap.sub'] = 'sub: whole subtree starting with the base DN';
 $LANG['ldap.base'] = 'base: base DN only';
 $LANG['ldap.basedn'] = 'Base DN';
-$LANG[''] = 'LDAP Server';
-$LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions';
+$LANG[''] = 'LDAP-Server';
+$LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Bedingungen';
 $LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Scope';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is non-empty';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contains';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'starts with';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'ends with';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is equal to';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'ist nicht leer';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'enthält';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'beginnt mit';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'endet mit';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'ist gleich';
-$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3';
+$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 zu $2 von $3';
-$LANG['loading'] = 'Lade...';
-$LANG['logout'] = 'Logout';
+$LANG['loading'] = 'Laden…';
+$LANG['logout'] = 'Abmelden';
 $LANG['login.username'] = 'Benutzername:';
 $LANG['login.password'] = 'Passwort:';
-$LANG['login.domain'] = 'Domain:';
+$LANG['login.domain'] = 'Domäne:';
 $LANG['login.login'] = 'Anmelden';
 $LANG['loginerror'] = 'Ungültiger Benutzername oder Passwort!';
 $LANG['MB'] = 'MB';
 $LANG['menu.about'] = 'Ãœber';
-$LANG[''] = 'Domains';
+$LANG[''] = 'Domänen';
 $LANG['menu.groups'] = 'Gruppen';
 $LANG['menu.resources'] = 'Ressourcen';
 $LANG['menu.roles'] = 'Rollen';
@@ -108,16 +108,16 @@ $LANG['menu.settings'] = 'Einstellungen';
 $LANG['menu.users'] = 'Benutzer';
 $LANG['modifiersname'] = 'Geändert von';
-$LANG['password.generate'] = 'Erzeuge Passwort';
-$LANG['reqtime'] = 'Anfragezeit: $1 sec';
+$LANG['password.generate'] = 'Passwort erzeugen';
+$LANG['reqtime'] = 'Anfragezeit: $1 Sekunde(n)';
 $LANG['resource.add'] = 'Ressource hinzufügen';
-$LANG['resource.add.success'] = 'Ressource hinzugefügt';
+$LANG['resource.add.success'] = 'Ressource erfolgreich hinzugefügt.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Name';
 $LANG['resource.delete'] = 'Ressource löschen';
-$LANG['resource.delete.success'] = 'Ressource erfolgreich gelöscht';
+$LANG['resource.delete.success'] = 'Ressource erfolgreich gelöscht.';
 $LANG['resource.edit'] = 'Ressource bearbeiten';
-$LANG['resource.edit.success'] = 'Ressource erfolgreich bearbeitet';
+$LANG['resource.edit.success'] = 'Ressource erfolgreich bearbeitet.';
 $LANG['resource.kolabtargetfolder'] = 'Zielordner';
 $LANG['resource.list'] = 'Ressourcen-(Sammlung)-Liste';
 $LANG['resource.mail'] = 'Email-Adresse';
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ $LANG['resource.type_id'] = 'Ressourcentyp';
 $LANG['resource.uniquemember'] = 'Mitglieder der Sammlung';
 $LANG['role.add'] = 'Rolle hinzufügen';
-$LANG['role.add.success'] = 'Role created successfully.';
+$LANG['role.add.success'] = 'Rolle erfolgreich erzeugt.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Rollenname';
-$LANG['role.delete.success'] = 'Role deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['role.delete.success'] = 'Rolle erfolgreich gelöscht.';
 $LANG['role.description'] = 'Rollenbeschreibung';
 $LANG['role.edit.success'] = 'Rolle erfolgreich bearbeitet';
 $LANG['role.list'] = 'Rollenliste';
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ $LANG['role.norecords'] = 'Keine Rolleneinträge gefunden!';
 $LANG['role.system'] = 'Details';
 $LANG['role.type_id'] = 'Rollentyp';
-$LANG['saving'] = 'Speichere...';
+$LANG['saving'] = 'Speichern…';
 $LANG['search'] = 'Suchen';
 $LANG['search.reset'] = 'Zurücksetzen';
@@ -148,70 +148,70 @@ $LANG['search.field'] = 'Feld:';
 $LANG['search.method'] = 'Methode:';
 $LANG['search.contains'] = 'enthält';
 $LANG[''] = 'ist';
-$LANG['search.key'] = 'key';
+$LANG['search.key'] = 'Schlüssel';
 $LANG['search.prefix'] = 'beginnt mit';
 $LANG[''] = 'Name';
 $LANG[''] = 'Email';
-$LANG['search.description'] = 'description';
+$LANG['search.description'] = 'Beschreibung';
 $LANG['search.uid'] = 'UID';
-$LANG['search.loading'] = 'Suche...';
+$LANG['search.loading'] = 'Suchen…';
 $LANG['search.acchars'] = 'Mindestens $min Zeichen werden für die Autovervollständigung benötigt';
 $LANG['servererror'] = 'Server Fehler!';
-$LANG['session.expired'] = 'Die Sitzung ist ausgelaufen. Bitte wieder Anmelden';
+$LANG['session.expired'] = 'Die Sitzung ist abgelaufen. Bitte erneut anmelden';
 $LANG['signup.headline'] = 'Anmeldung für ein Kolab Konto';
-$LANG['signup.intro1'] = 'Ein Kolab E-Mail Adresse ist viel besser als eine normale E-Mail. Denn mit ihr kommen Möglichkeiten zur Synchronisation und der gemeinsamen Nutzung von Adressbüchern, Kalendern, Aufgaben, Notizen und vielem mehr.';
+$LANG['signup.intro1'] = 'Ein Kolab E-Mail Adresse ist viel besser als eine normale E-Mail, denn sie stellt Ihnen volle Groupware-Funktionalität zur Verfügung, inklusive Synchronisation gemeinsamer Adressbücher, Kalender, Aufgaben, Notizen und vielem mehr.';
 $LANG['signup.intro2'] = 'Sie können sich hier eine E-Mail Adresse registrieren.';
 $LANG['signup.formtitle'] = 'Anmelden';
 $LANG['signup.username'] = 'Benutzername';
-$LANG['signup.domain'] = 'Domain';
+$LANG['signup.domain'] = 'Domäne';
 $LANG['signup.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Aktuelle E-Mail Adresse';
 $LANG['signup.futuremail'] = 'Zukünftige E-Mail Adresse';
 $LANG[''] = 'Firma';
 $LANG['signup.captcha'] = 'CAPTCHA';
 $LANG['signup.userexists'] = 'Benutzer existiert bereits!';
-$LANG['signup.usercreated'] = '<h3>Ihre E-Mail Adresse wurde erfolgreich angelegt!</h3>Sie haben jetzt ein eigenes Kolab-Konto.';
+$LANG['signup.usercreated'] = '<h3>Ihre E-Mail Adresse wurde erfolgreich angelegt!</h3>Glückwunsch, Sie haben jetzt ein eigenes Kolab-Konto.';
 $LANG['signup.wronguid'] = 'Ungültiger Benutzername!';
 $LANG['signup.wrongmailalternateaddress'] = 'Bitte geben Sie eine gültige E-Mail Adresse an!';
 $LANG['signup.footer'] = 'Dieser Dienst wird von <a href="">Kolab Systems</a> angeboten.';
-$LANG['type.add'] = 'Add Object Type';
-$LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type created successfully.';
-$LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributes';
-$LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
-$LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.';
-$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain';
-$LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
-$LANG[''] = 'Group';
-$LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
-$LANG['type.key'] = 'Key';
+$LANG['type.add'] = 'Objekt-Typ hinzufügen';
+$LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Objekt-Typ erfolgreich generiert.';
+$LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attribute';
+$LANG['type.description'] = 'Beschreibung';
+$LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Objekt-Typ erfolgreich entfernt.';
+$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domäne';
+$LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Objekt-Typ erfolgreich geändert.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Gruppe';
+$LANG['type.list'] = 'Liste von Objekt-Typen';
+$LANG['type.key'] = 'Schlüssel';
 $LANG[''] = 'Name';
-$LANG['type.norecords'] = 'No object type records found!';
-$LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Object class';
-$LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Object type';
-$LANG[''] = 'Properties';
-$LANG['type.resource'] = 'Resource';
-$LANG['type.role'] = 'Role';
+$LANG['type.norecords'] = 'Keine Enträge von Objekt-Typen gefunden!';
+$LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Objektklasse';
+$LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Objekttyp';
+$LANG[''] = 'Eigenschaften';
+$LANG['type.resource'] = 'Ressource';
+$LANG['type.role'] = 'Rolle';
 $LANG['type.used_for'] = 'Hosted';
-$LANG['type.user'] = 'User';
+$LANG['type.user'] = 'Benutzer';
 $LANG['user.add'] = 'Benutzer hinzufügen';
-$LANG['user.add.success'] = 'Benutzer erfolgreich hinzugefügt';
+$LANG['user.add.success'] = 'Benutzer erfolgreich hinzugefügt.';
 $LANG['user.alias'] = 'Sekundäre Email-Adresse';
 $LANG['user.astaccountallowedcodec'] = 'Erlaubte(r) Codec(s)';
-$LANG['user.astaccountcallerid'] = 'Anrufer ID';
+$LANG['user.astaccountcallerid'] = 'Anrufer-ID';
 $LANG['user.astaccountcontext'] = 'Konto-Kontext';
 $LANG['user.astaccountdefaultuser'] = 'Asterisk Account Default User';
 $LANG['user.astaccountdeny'] = 'Account verweigern';
 $LANG['user.astaccounthost'] = 'Asterisk Server';
-$LANG['user.astaccountmailbox'] = 'Mailbox';
+$LANG['user.astaccountmailbox'] = 'Anrufbeantworter';
 $LANG['user.astaccountnat'] = 'Account benutzt NAT';
 $LANG['user.astaccountname'] = 'Asterisk Kontoname';
 $LANG['user.astaccountqualify'] = 'Account Qualify';
 $LANG['user.astaccountrealmedpassword'] = 'Realmed Account Password';
-$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationexten'] = 'Extension';
+$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationexten'] = 'Erweiterung';
 $LANG['user.astaccountregistrationcontext'] = 'Registration Context';
 $LANG['user.astaccountsecret'] = 'Klartext-Passwort';
 $LANG['user.astaccounttype'] = 'Kontotyp';
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ $LANG['user.asterisk'] = 'Asterisk SIP';
 $LANG['user.astextension'] = 'Asterisk Erweiterung';
 $LANG['user.astvoicemailpassword'] = 'Voicemail PIN Code';
 $LANG['user.c'] = 'Land';
-$LANG[''] = 'Stadt';
+$LANG[''] = 'Start';
 $LANG[''] = 'Gewöhnlicher Name';
 $LANG['user.config'] = 'Konfiguration';
 $LANG[''] = 'Kontakt';
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Land';
 $LANG[''] = '2 Buchstaben Ländercode aus ISO 3166-1';
 $LANG['user.delete.success'] = 'Benutzer erfolgreich gelöscht.';
 $LANG['user.displayname'] = 'Anzeigename';
-$LANG['user.edit.success'] = 'Benutzer erfolgreich bearbeitet';
+$LANG['user.edit.success'] = 'Benutzer erfolgreich bearbeitet.';
 $LANG['user.fax'] = 'Faxnummer';
 $LANG['user.fbinterval'] = 'Frei-Beschäftigt Intervall';
 $LANG['user.fbinterval.desc'] = 'Leer lassen für Standardwert (60 Tage)';
@@ -239,17 +239,17 @@ $LANG['user.homedirectory'] = 'Heimverzeichnis';
 $LANG['user.homephone'] = 'Festnetznummer';
 $LANG['user.initials'] = 'Initialen';
 $LANG['user.invitation-policy'] = 'Einladungsrichtlinie';
-$LANG['user.kolaballowsmtprecipient'] = 'Recipient(s) Access List';
+$LANG['user.kolaballowsmtprecipient'] = 'Liste von Adressaten';
 $LANG['user.kolaballowsmtpsender'] = 'Sender Access List';
 $LANG['user.kolabdelegate'] = 'Delegierte';
 $LANG['user.kolabhomeserver'] = 'Email-Server';
-$LANG['user.kolabinvitationpolicy'] = 'Richtlinie um Einladungen zu behandeln';
+$LANG['user.kolabinvitationpolicy'] = 'Richtlinie zur Handhabung von Einladungen';
 $LANG['user.l'] = 'Stadt, Region';
 $LANG['user.list'] = 'Benutzerliste';
 $LANG['user.loginshell'] = 'Shell';
 $LANG['user.mail'] = 'Primäre Email-Adresse';
 $LANG['user.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Sekundäre Email-Adresse(n)';
-$LANG['user.mailforwardingaddress'] = 'Forward Mail To';
+$LANG['user.mailforwardingaddress'] = 'Mail weiterleiten an';
 $LANG['user.mailhost'] = 'Email-Server';
 $LANG['user.mailquota'] = 'Kontingent';
 $LANG['user.mailquota.desc'] = 'Leer lassen für unbegrenzt';
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Handynummer';
 $LANG[''] = 'Name';
 $LANG['user.norecords'] = 'Keine Benutzereinträge gefunden!';
 $LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Rolle(n)';
-$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role(s)';
+$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Rolle(n)';
 $LANG['user.other'] = 'Andere';
 $LANG['user.o'] = 'Organisation';
 $LANG[''] = 'Organisation';
@@ -268,21 +268,21 @@ $LANG['user.password.mismatch'] = 'Passwörter stimmen nicht überein!';
 $LANG['user.personal'] = 'Persönlich';
 $LANG[''] = 'Telefonnummer';
 $LANG['user.postalcode'] = 'Postleitzahl';
-$LANG['user.postbox'] = 'Briefkasten';
+$LANG['user.postbox'] = 'Postfach';
 $LANG['user.postcode'] = 'Postleitzahl';
 $LANG['user.preferredlanguage'] = 'Muttersprache';
-$LANG[''] = 'Zimmernummer';
+$LANG[''] = 'Raumnummer';
 $LANG[''] = 'Nachname';
 $LANG['user.street'] = 'Straße';
 $LANG['user.system'] = 'System';
 $LANG['user.telephonenumber'] = 'Telefonnummer';
 $LANG['user.title'] = 'Jobbezeichnung';
 $LANG['user.type_id'] = 'Kontotyp';
-$LANG['user.uid'] = 'Eindeutige Identifizierung (UID)';
+$LANG['user.uid'] = 'Eindeutige Identität (UID)';
 $LANG['user.userpassword'] = 'Passwort';
 $LANG['user.userpassword2'] = 'Passwort bestätigen';
 $LANG['user.uidnumber'] = 'Benutzer ID Nummer';
 $LANG['welcome'] = 'Willkommen bei der Kolab Groupware Server-Wartung';
-$LANG['yes'] = 'yes';
+$LANG['yes'] = 'ja';
diff --git a/lib/locale/de_DE.php b/lib/locale/de_DE.php
index 50d5d32..917c965 100644
--- a/lib/locale/de_DE.php
+++ b/lib/locale/de_DE.php
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Professioneller Support ist erhältlich bei <a href="h
 $LANG[''] = 'Technologie';
 $LANG['about.warranty'] = 'Sie beinhaltet <b>keinerlei Garantie</b> und wird normalerweise ausschließlich mit eigener Unterstützung betrieben. Weitere Hilfe und Informationen finden Sie auf Webseite <a href="">web site</a> und im <a href="">Wiki</a> der Community.';
-$LANG['add'] = 'Add';
+$LANG['add'] = 'Hinzufügen';
 $LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Add attribute';
 $LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Static value';
-$LANG[''] = 'Attribute';
+$LANG[''] = 'Attribut';
 $LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optional';
 $LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. count';
 $LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Read-only';
 $LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Field type';
-$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Value';
+$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Wert';
 $LANG[''] = 'Generated';
 $LANG[''] = 'Generated (read-only)';
 $LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normal';
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ $LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!';
 $LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!';
 $LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Delete';
-$LANG[''] = 'Save';
-$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Löschen';
+$LANG[''] = 'Speichern';
+$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Absenden';
 $LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Erzeugt von';
 $LANG['days'] = 'Tagen erneut senden';
 $LANG['debug'] = 'Debug info';
-$LANG['delete'] = 'Delete';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Löschen';
 $LANG['deleting'] = 'Daten werden gelöscht...';
 $LANG['domain.add'] = 'Domäne hinzufügen';
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ $LANG[''] = 'LDAP Server';
 $LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions';
 $LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Scope';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is non-empty';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contains';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'enthält';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'starts with';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'ends with';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'endet mit';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is equal to';
-$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3';
+$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 bis $2 von $3';
 $LANG['loading'] = 'Laden...';
 $LANG['logout'] = 'Logout';
@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ $LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type created successfully.';
 $LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributes';
 $LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
 $LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.';
-$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain';
+$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domäne';
 $LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Group';
 $LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Mobile Phone Number';
 $LANG[''] = 'Name';
 $LANG['user.norecords'] = 'Keine Benutzereinträge gefunden!';
 $LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Rolle(n)';
-$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role(s)';
+$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Rolle(n)';
 $LANG['user.other'] = 'Sonstiges';
 $LANG['user.o'] = 'Organisation';
 $LANG[''] = 'Organisation';
diff --git a/lib/locale/es.php b/lib/locale/es.php
index c57ffc3..8b02b27 100644
--- a/lib/locale/es.php
+++ b/lib/locale/es.php
@@ -7,16 +7,16 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Professional support is available from <a href="http:/
 $LANG[''] = 'Tecnología';
 $LANG['about.warranty'] = 'Viene absolutamente <b>sin ninguna garantia</b> y normalmente se ejecuta sin ningun tipo de soporte. Puedes obetner ayuda y más información en el <a href="">sitio web</a> de la comunidad y en el <a href="">wiki</a>.';
-$LANG['add'] = 'Add';
+$LANG['add'] = 'Añadir';
 $LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Add attribute';
 $LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Static value';
-$LANG[''] = 'Attribute';
+$LANG[''] = 'Atributo';
 $LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optional';
 $LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. count';
 $LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Read-only';
 $LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Field type';
-$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Value';
+$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Valor';
 $LANG[''] = 'Generated';
 $LANG[''] = 'Generated (read-only)';
 $LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normal';
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ $LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!';
 $LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!';
 $LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Delete';
-$LANG[''] = 'Save';
-$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Borrar';
+$LANG[''] = 'Guardar';
+$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Enviar';
 $LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Creado por';
 $LANG['days'] = 'días';
 $LANG['debug'] = 'Información de depuración';
-$LANG['delete'] = 'Delete';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Borrar';
 $LANG['deleting'] = 'Borrando datos...';
 $LANG['domain.add'] = 'Añadir dominio';
@@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ $LANG[''] = 'LDAP Server';
 $LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions';
 $LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Scope';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is non-empty';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contains';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contiene';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'starts with';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'ends with';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'acaba por';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is equal to';
 $LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3';
@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ $LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type created successfully.';
 $LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributes';
 $LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
 $LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.';
-$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain';
+$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Dominio';
 $LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
-$LANG[''] = 'Group';
+$LANG[''] = 'Grupo';
 $LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
 $LANG['type.key'] = 'Key';
-$LANG[''] = 'Name';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nombre';
 $LANG['type.norecords'] = 'No object type records found!';
 $LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Object class';
 $LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Object type';
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Properties';
 $LANG['type.resource'] = 'Resource';
 $LANG['type.role'] = 'Role';
 $LANG['type.used_for'] = 'Hosted';
-$LANG['type.user'] = 'User';
+$LANG['type.user'] = 'Usuario';
 $LANG['user.add'] = 'Añadir usuario';
 $LANG['user.add.success'] = 'Usuario creado con exito.';
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Número de teléfono movil';
 $LANG[''] = 'Nombre';
 $LANG['user.norecords'] = '¡No se han encontrado registros de usuario!';
 $LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Rol(es)';
-$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role(s)';
+$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Rol(es)';
 $LANG['user.other'] = 'Otros';
 $LANG['user.o'] = 'Organización';
 $LANG[''] = 'Organización';
diff --git a/lib/locale/et_EE.php b/lib/locale/et_EE.php
index dde72b3..fa82f18 100644
--- a/lib/locale/et_EE.php
+++ b/lib/locale/et_EE.php
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Professional support is available from <a href="http:/
 $LANG[''] = 'Tehnoloogia';
 $LANG['about.warranty'] = 'It comes with absolutely <b>no warranties</b> and is typically run entirely self supported. You can find help & information on the community <a href="">web site</a> & <a href="">wiki</a>.';
-$LANG['add'] = 'Add';
+$LANG['add'] = 'Lisa';
 $LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Add attribute';
 $LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Static value';
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ $LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!';
 $LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!';
 $LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Delete';
-$LANG[''] = 'Save';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Kustuta';
+$LANG[''] = 'Salvesta';
 $LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit';
 $LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Created by';
 $LANG['days'] = 'days';
 $LANG['debug'] = 'Debug info';
-$LANG['delete'] = 'Delete';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Kustuta';
 $LANG['deleting'] = 'Deleting data...';
 $LANG['domain.add'] = 'Add Domain';
@@ -182,12 +182,12 @@ $LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type created successfully.';
 $LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributes';
 $LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
 $LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.';
-$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain';
+$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domeen';
 $LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Group';
 $LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
 $LANG['type.key'] = 'Key';
-$LANG[''] = 'Name';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nimi';
 $LANG['type.norecords'] = 'No object type records found!';
 $LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Object class';
 $LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Object type';
diff --git a/lib/locale/fr.php b/lib/locale/fr.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..608c446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/locale/fr.php
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+$LANG[''] = 'Ceci est l\'Edition Communautaire de <b>Kolab Server</b>.';
+$LANG['about.kolab'] = 'Kolab';
+$LANG['about.kolabsys'] = 'Kolab Systems';
+$LANG[''] = 'Un support professionnel est disponible au près de <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Technologie';
+$LANG['about.warranty'] = 'Il est livré <b>sans aucune garantie</b> et généralement exécuté sous votre responsabilité. Vous pouvez trouver de l\'aide et des informations sur <a href="">le site web communautaire</a> et sur <a href="">le wiki</a>.';
+$LANG['add'] = 'Ajouter';
+$LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Ajouter un attribut';
+$LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Valeure statique';
+$LANG[''] = 'Attribut';
+$LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optionel';
+$LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Nombre maximum';
+$LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Lecture Seule';
+$LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Type de champ';
+$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Valeur';
+$LANG[''] = 'Automatique';
+$LANG[''] = 'Automatique (lecture seule)';
+$LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normal';
+$LANG['attribute.value.static'] = 'Statique';
+$LANG['attribute.options'] = 'Options';
+$LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'La clé contient des caractères invalides!';
+$LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Certains attributs obligatoires manquent dans la liste ($1)!';
+$LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Annuler';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Supprimer';
+$LANG[''] = 'Enregistrer';
+$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Envoyer';
+$LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Créé par';
+$LANG['days'] = 'jours';
+$LANG['debug'] = 'Debug info';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Supprimer';
+$LANG['deleting'] = 'Suppression des données...';
+$LANG['domain.add'] = 'Ajouter un domaine';
+$LANG['domain.add.success'] = 'Domaine créé.<br/> N\'oubliez pas d\'ajouter le nouveau domaine dans /etc/kolab/kolab.conf<br/>Voir chapitre 11 dans le Guide de l\'Administrateur.';
+$LANG['domain.associateddomain'] = 'Nom du(des) domaine(s)';
+$LANG['domain.delete.success'] = 'Domaine supprimé.';
+$LANG['domain.edit'] = 'Modifier le Domaine';
+$LANG['domain.edit.success'] = 'Domaine modifié.';
+$LANG['domain.inetdomainbasedn'] = 'Racine personnalisée (DN)';
+$LANG['domain.list'] = 'Liste des Domaines';
+$LANG['domain.norecords'] = 'Pas de domaine trouvé!';
+$LANG['domain.o'] = 'Organisation';
+$LANG['domain.other'] = 'Autre';
+$LANG['domain.system'] = 'Système';
+$LANG['domain.type_id'] = 'Domaine Standard';
+$LANG['edit'] = 'Modifier';
+$LANG['error'] = 'Erreur';
+$LANG['form.required.empty'] = 'Certains champs obligatoires sont vides!';
+$LANG['form.maxcount.exceeded'] = 'Le nombre maximum d\'objet est dépassé!';
+$LANG['group.add'] = 'Ajouter  Groupe';
+$LANG['group.add.success'] = 'Groupe créé.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nom';
+$LANG['group.delete.success'] = 'Groupe supprimé.';
+$LANG['group.edit.success'] = 'Group modifié.';
+$LANG['group.gidnumber'] = 'Numéro de groupe principal';
+$LANG['group.list'] = 'Liste des Groups';
+$LANG['group.mail'] = 'Adresse courriel principale';
+$LANG['group.member'] = 'Membre(s)';
+$LANG['group.memberurl'] = 'Membees URL';
+$LANG['group.norecords'] = 'Pas de groupes trouvés!';
+$LANG['group.other'] = 'Autre';
+$LANG['group.system'] = 'Système';
+$LANG['group.type_id'] = 'Type de groupe';
+$LANG['group.uniquemember'] = 'Membre';
+$LANG['info'] = 'Information';
+$LANG['internalerror'] = 'Erreur système interne!';
+$LANG[''] = 'one: Toutes les entrées de niveau 1 à la base du DN';
+$LANG['ldap.sub'] = 'sub: Tous les sous-ensembles commençant à la base du DN';
+$LANG['ldap.base'] = 'base: base DN seulement';
+$LANG['ldap.basedn'] = 'Base DN';
+$LANG[''] = 'LDAP Serveur';
+$LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions';
+$LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Champ';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'n\'est pas vide';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contient';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'commence par';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'finit par';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'est égal à';
+$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3';
+$LANG['loading'] = 'Chargement...';
+$LANG['logout'] = 'Déconnexion';
+$LANG['login.username'] = 'Nom d\'Utilisateur:';
+$LANG['login.password'] = 'Mot de passe:';
+$LANG['login.domain'] = 'Domaine:';
+$LANG['login.login'] = 'Se connecter';
+$LANG['loginerror'] = 'Nom d\'utilisateur ou mot de passe incorrect!';
+$LANG['MB'] = 'MB';
+$LANG['menu.about'] = 'A propos';
+$LANG[''] = 'Domaines';
+$LANG['menu.groups'] = 'Groupes';
+$LANG['menu.resources'] = 'Ressources';
+$LANG['menu.roles'] = 'Rôles';
+$LANG['menu.settings'] = 'Paramètres';
+$LANG['menu.users'] = 'Utilisateurs';
+$LANG['modifiersname'] = 'Modifié par';
+$LANG['password.generate'] = 'Generer un mot de passe';
+$LANG['reqtime'] = 'Délais: $1 sec.';
+$LANG['resource.add'] = 'Ajouter une Ressource';
+$LANG['resource.add.success'] = 'Ressource crée.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nom';
+$LANG['resource.delete'] = 'Supprimer une Ressource';
+$LANG['resource.delete.success'] = 'Ressource supprimée.';
+$LANG['resource.edit'] = 'Modifier une Ressource';
+$LANG['resource.edit.success'] = 'Ressource modifiée.';
+$LANG['resource.kolabtargetfolder'] = 'Dossier cible';
+$LANG['resource.list'] = 'Liste des Ressources';
+$LANG['resource.mail'] = 'Courriel ';
+$LANG['resource.member'] = 'Ensemble des Membres';
+$LANG['resource.norecords'] = 'Pas de Ressource trouvée!';
+$LANG['resource.other'] = 'Autre';
+$LANG['resource.system'] = 'Système';
+$LANG['resource.type_id'] = 'Type de Ressource';
+$LANG['resource.uniquemember'] = 'Membre';
+$LANG['role.add'] = 'Ajouter un Rôle';
+$LANG['role.add.success'] = 'Rôle créé.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nom du rôle';
+$LANG['role.delete.success'] = 'Rôle supprimé.';
+$LANG['role.description'] = 'Description du Rôle';
+$LANG['role.edit.success'] = 'Rôle modifié';
+$LANG['role.list'] = 'Liste des Rôles';
+$LANG['role.norecords'] = 'Pas de Rôle trouvé!';
+$LANG['role.system'] = 'Détails';
+$LANG['role.type_id'] = 'Type de Rôle';
+$LANG['saving'] = 'Enregistrer...';
+$LANG['search'] = 'Chercher';
+$LANG['search.reset'] = 'Réinitialiser';
+$LANG['search.criteria'] = 'Critères de recherche';
+$LANG['search.field'] = 'Champ:';
+$LANG['search.method'] = 'Méthode:';
+$LANG['search.contains'] = 'Contient';
+$LANG[''] = 'est';
+$LANG['search.key'] = 'clé';
+$LANG['search.prefix'] = 'commence par';
+$LANG[''] = 'nom';
+$LANG[''] = 'courriel';
+$LANG['search.description'] = 'description';
+$LANG['search.uid'] = 'UID';
+$LANG['search.loading'] = 'Cherche...';
+$LANG['search.acchars'] = 'Au moins $min charactères nécessaires pour l\'autocomplétion';
+$LANG['servererror'] = 'Erreur du Serveur!';
+$LANG['session.expired'] = 'Votre session a expiré. Reconnecter vous, svp.';
+$LANG['signup.headline'] = 'Connectez vous pour un Kolab hébergé';
+$LANG['signup.intro1'] = 'Avoir un compte sur un serveur Kolab, c\'est bien plus qu\'avoir une simple messagerie. Kolab vous fourni également toutes les fonctionnalités d\'n logiciel collaboratif incluant la synchronisation des annuaires partagés, agendas, tâches, journaux et bien plus.';
+$LANG['signup.intro2'] = 'Vous pouvez vous enregistrer ici pour vous créer un compte.';
+$LANG['signup.formtitle'] = 'Enregistrement';
+$LANG['signup.username'] = 'Nom d\'utilisateur';
+$LANG['signup.domain'] = 'Domaine';
+$LANG['signup.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Courriel existant';
+$LANG['signup.futuremail'] = 'Nouveau Courriel';
+$LANG[''] = 'Société';
+$LANG['signup.captcha'] = 'CAPTCHA';
+$LANG['signup.userexists'] = 'Utilisateur déjà existant!';
+$LANG['signup.usercreated'] = '<h3>Votre compte a été créé!</h3>Félicitation, vous avez désormais votre propre compte Kolab.';
+$LANG['signup.wronguid'] = 'Nom d\'utilisateur invalide!';
+$LANG['signup.wrongmailalternateaddress'] = 'Merci de fournir une adresse valide!';
+$LANG['signup.footer'] = 'Ce service vous est offer par <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
+$LANG['type.add'] = 'Ajouter un type d\'objet';
+$LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Type d\'objet ajouté.';
+$LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributs';
+$LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
+$LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Type d\'objet supprimé.';
+$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domaine';
+$LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Type d\'object modifié.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Groupe';
+$LANG['type.list'] = 'Liste des Types d\'objet';
+$LANG['type.key'] = 'Clé';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nom';
+$LANG['type.norecords'] = 'Pas de type d\'objet trouvé!';
+$LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Classe d\'Object';
+$LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Type d\'Object ';
+$LANG[''] = 'Propriétés';
+$LANG['type.resource'] = 'Ressource';
+$LANG['type.role'] = 'Rôle';
+$LANG['type.used_for'] = 'Hébergé';
+$LANG['type.user'] = 'Utilisateur';
+$LANG['user.add'] = 'Ajouter un utilisateur';
+$LANG['user.add.success'] = 'Utilisateur créé.';
+$LANG['user.alias'] = 'Courriel(s) secondaire(s)';
+$LANG['user.astaccountallowedcodec'] = 'Codec(s) autorisé(s)';
+$LANG['user.astaccountcallerid'] = 'Caller ID';
+$LANG['user.astaccountcontext'] = 'Account Context';
+$LANG['user.astaccountdefaultuser'] = 'Compte Utilisateur par défaut Asterisk';
+$LANG['user.astaccountdeny'] = 'Compte non autorisé';
+$LANG['user.astaccounthost'] = 'Serveur Asterisk';
+$LANG['user.astaccountmailbox'] = 'Boite Mail';
+$LANG['user.astaccountnat'] = 'Account uses NAT';
+$LANG['user.astaccountname'] = 'Nom du compte Asterisk';
+$LANG['user.astaccountqualify'] = 'Qualification du compte';
+$LANG['user.astaccountrealmedpassword'] = 'Mot de Passe du Domaine';
+$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationexten'] = 'Extension';
+$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationcontext'] = 'Contexte d\'enregistrement';
+$LANG['user.astaccountsecret'] = 'Mot de passe';
+$LANG['user.astaccounttype'] = 'Type de compte';
+$LANG['user.astcontext'] = 'Contexte Asterisk';
+$LANG['user.asterisk'] = 'Asterisk SIP';
+$LANG['user.astextension'] = 'Numéro Asterisk';
+$LANG['user.astvoicemailpassword'] = 'Identifiant boite vocale(PIN)';
+$LANG['user.c'] = 'Pays';
+$LANG[''] = 'Ville';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nom';
+$LANG['user.config'] = 'Configuration';
+$LANG[''] = 'Contact';
+$LANG['user.contact_info'] = 'Information du Contact';
+$LANG[''] = 'Pays';
+$LANG[''] = '2 lettres selon la norme ISO 3166-1';
+$LANG['user.delete.success'] = 'Utilisateur supprimé.';
+$LANG['user.displayname'] = 'Nom affiché';
+$LANG['user.edit.success'] = 'Utilisateur modifié.';
+$LANG['user.fax'] = 'Numéro de Fax';
+$LANG['user.fbinterval'] = 'Interval Libre/Occupé';
+$LANG['user.fbinterval.desc'] = 'Laisser vide pour la valeur par défaut (60 jours)';
+$LANG['user.gidnumber'] = 'Numéro de groupe principal';
+$LANG['user.givenname'] = 'Prénom';
+$LANG['user.homedirectory'] = 'Répertoire Personnel';
+$LANG['user.homephone'] = 'Téléphone personnel';
+$LANG['user.initials'] = 'Initiales';
+$LANG['user.invitation-policy'] = 'Règles d\'invitation';
+$LANG['user.kolaballowsmtprecipient'] = 'Liste d\'accès destinataire(s)';
+$LANG['user.kolaballowsmtpsender'] = 'Liste d\'accès expéditeur';
+$LANG['user.kolabdelegate'] = 'Délégation';
+$LANG['user.kolabhomeserver'] = 'Serveur de Courriel';
+$LANG['user.kolabinvitationpolicy'] = 'Règle de traitement des invitations';
+$LANG['user.l'] = 'Ville, Région';
+$LANG['user.list'] = 'Liste Utilisateurs';
+$LANG['user.loginshell'] = 'Shell';
+$LANG['user.mail'] = 'Courriel principal';
+$LANG['user.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Courriel(s) externe';
+$LANG['user.mailforwardingaddress'] = 'Transférer à';
+$LANG['user.mailhost'] = 'Serveur de courriel';
+$LANG['user.mailquota'] = 'Quota';
+$LANG['user.mailquota.desc'] = 'Laisser vide pour illimité';
+$LANG[''] = 'Numéro de téléphone mobile';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nom';
+$LANG['user.norecords'] = 'Pas d\'utilisateur trouvé!';
+$LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Rôle(s)';
+$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Rôle(s)';
+$LANG['user.other'] = 'Autre';
+$LANG['user.o'] = 'Organisation';
+$LANG[''] = 'Organisation';
+$LANG['user.orgunit'] = 'Unité Organisationelle';
+$LANG['user.ou'] = 'Unité Organisationelle';
+$LANG['user.pager'] = 'Numéro de beep(pager)';
+$LANG['user.password.mismatch'] = 'Les mots de passe ne sont pas identique!';
+$LANG['user.personal'] = 'Personnel';
+$LANG[''] = 'Numéro de téléphone';
+$LANG['user.postalcode'] = 'Code postal';
+$LANG['user.postbox'] = 'Cedex';
+$LANG['user.postcode'] = 'Code postal';
+$LANG['user.preferredlanguage'] = 'Langue préférée';
+$LANG[''] = 'Numéro de salle';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nom de famille';
+$LANG['user.street'] = 'Rue';
+$LANG['user.system'] = 'Système';
+$LANG['user.telephonenumber'] = 'Numéro de téléphone';
+$LANG['user.title'] = 'Emploi';
+$LANG['user.type_id'] = 'Type de compte';
+$LANG['user.uid'] = 'Identifiant Unique (UID)';
+$LANG['user.userpassword'] = 'Mot de passe';
+$LANG['user.userpassword2'] = 'Confirmer le mot de passe';
+$LANG['user.uidnumber'] = 'Numéro d\'utilisateur (ID)';
+$LANG['welcome'] = 'Bienvenu sur le serveur d\'administration du serveur Kolab';
+$LANG['yes'] = 'yes';
diff --git a/lib/locale/ja.php b/lib/locale/ja.php
index 963bb25..cd6d74e 100644
--- a/lib/locale/ja.php
+++ b/lib/locale/ja.php
@@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ $LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
 $LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.';
 $LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain';
 $LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
-$LANG[''] = 'Group';
+$LANG[''] = 'グループ';
 $LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
 $LANG['type.key'] = 'Key';
 $LANG[''] = 'Name';
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Properties';
 $LANG['type.resource'] = 'Resource';
 $LANG['type.role'] = 'Role';
 $LANG['type.used_for'] = 'Hosted';
-$LANG['type.user'] = 'User';
+$LANG['type.user'] = 'ユーザ';
 $LANG['user.add'] = 'Add User';
 $LANG['user.add.success'] = 'User created successfully.';
diff --git a/lib/locale/nl.php b/lib/locale/nl.php
index 678d0ba..94f0663 100644
--- a/lib/locale/nl.php
+++ b/lib/locale/nl.php
@@ -7,50 +7,50 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Professionele ondersteuning is beschikbaar bij <a href
 $LANG[''] = 'Technologie';
 $LANG['about.warranty'] = 'Het komt <b>zonder enige garanties</b> en wordt typisch geheel zelf ondersteund. U kunt help & informatie vinden in de community <a href="">web site</a> & <a href="">wiki</a>.';
-$LANG['add'] = 'Add';
+$LANG['add'] = 'Toevoegen';
-$LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Add attribute';
-$LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Static value';
-$LANG[''] = 'Attribute';
-$LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optional';
-$LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. count';
-$LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Read-only';
-$LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Field type';
-$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Value';
-$LANG[''] = 'Generated';
-$LANG[''] = 'Generated (read-only)';
-$LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normal';
-$LANG['attribute.value.static'] = 'Static';
-$LANG['attribute.options'] = 'Options';
-$LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!';
-$LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!';
+$LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Voeg attribuut toe';
+$LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Statische waarde';
+$LANG[''] = 'Attribuut';
+$LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optioneel';
+$LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. aantal';
+$LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Alleen-lezen';
+$LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Veld type';
+$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Waarde';
+$LANG[''] = 'Gegenereerd';
+$LANG[''] = 'Gegenereerd (alleen-lezen)';
+$LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normaal';
+$LANG['attribute.value.static'] = 'Statisch';
+$LANG['attribute.options'] = 'Opties';
+$LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'De sleutelwaarde voor het type bevat ongeldige karakters!';
+$LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Er missen vereiste attributen van de attributen-lijst ($1)!';
-$LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Delete';
-$LANG[''] = 'Save';
-$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit';
+$LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Annuleren';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Verwijder';
+$LANG[''] = 'Opslaan';
+$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Opslaan';
 $LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Gemaakt door';
 $LANG['days'] = 'dagen';
 $LANG['debug'] = 'Debug informatie';
-$LANG['delete'] = 'Delete';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Verwijder';
 $LANG['deleting'] = 'Bezig data te verwijderen...';
 $LANG['domain.add'] = 'Domein Toevoegen';
 $LANG['domain.add.success'] = 'Domein Toegevoegd';
 $LANG['domain.associateddomain'] = 'Domein naam/namen';
-$LANG['domain.delete.success'] = 'Domain deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['domain.delete.success'] = 'Domein succesvol verwijderd';
 $LANG['domain.edit'] = 'Domein wijzigen';
 $LANG['domain.edit.success'] = 'Domein bijgewerkt';
 $LANG['domain.inetdomainbasedn'] = 'Custom Root DN(s)';
 $LANG['domain.list'] = 'Lijst van Domeinen';
-$LANG['domain.norecords'] = 'No domain records found!';
+$LANG['domain.norecords'] = 'Geen domeinen gevonden!';
 $LANG['domain.o'] = 'Organisatie';
 $LANG['domain.other'] = 'Overig';
 $LANG['domain.system'] = 'Systeem';
 $LANG['domain.type_id'] = 'Standaard domein';
-$LANG['edit'] = 'Edit';
+$LANG['edit'] = 'Wijzigen';
 $LANG['error'] = 'Fout';
 $LANG['form.required.empty'] = 'Sommige van de vereiste velden zijn leeg!';
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ $LANG['group.gidnumber'] = 'Primair groep nummer';
 $LANG['group.list'] = 'Lijst van Groepen';
 $LANG['group.mail'] = 'Primair Email Adres';
 $LANG['group.member'] = 'Leden';
-$LANG['group.memberurl'] = 'Members URL';
+$LANG['group.memberurl'] = 'URL voor leden';
 $LANG['group.norecords'] = 'Geen groepen gevonden!';
 $LANG['group.other'] = 'Overig';
 $LANG['group.system'] = 'Systeem';
@@ -75,23 +75,23 @@ $LANG['group.uniquemember'] = 'Leden';
 $LANG['info'] = 'Informatie';
 $LANG['internalerror'] = 'Interne systeem-fout!';
-$LANG[''] = 'one: all entries one level under the base DN';
-$LANG['ldap.sub'] = 'sub: whole subtree starting with the base DN';
-$LANG['ldap.base'] = 'base: base DN only';
-$LANG['ldap.basedn'] = 'Base DN';
+$LANG[''] = 'one: alle entiteiten een enkel niveau onder de basis DN';
+$LANG['ldap.sub'] = 'sub: alle entiteiten onder de basis DN';
+$LANG['ldap.base'] = 'base: alleen de basis DN';
+$LANG['ldap.basedn'] = 'Basis DN';
 $LANG[''] = 'LDAP Server';
-$LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions';
-$LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Scope';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is non-empty';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contains';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'starts with';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'ends with';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is equal to';
+$LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Condities';
+$LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Omvang';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is niet leeg';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'bevat';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'begint met';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'eindigt met';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is gelijk aan';
-$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3';
+$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 tot $2 van $3';
 $LANG['loading'] = 'Bezig met laden...';
-$LANG['logout'] = 'Logout';
+$LANG['logout'] = 'Uitloggen';
 $LANG['login.username'] = 'Gebruikersnaam:';
 $LANG['login.password'] = 'Wachtwoord:';
 $LANG['login.domain'] = 'Domein:';
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Domeinen';
 $LANG['menu.groups'] = 'Groepen';
 $LANG['menu.resources'] = 'Middelen';
 $LANG['menu.roles'] = 'Rollen';
-$LANG['menu.settings'] = 'Settings';
+$LANG['menu.settings'] = 'Instellingen';
 $LANG['menu.users'] = 'Gebruikers';
 $LANG['modifiersname'] = 'Laatst gewijzigd door';
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ $LANG['resource.type_id'] = 'Type Middel';
 $LANG['resource.uniquemember'] = 'Middellen in Collectie';
 $LANG['role.add'] = 'Rol Toevoegen';
-$LANG['role.add.success'] = 'Role created successfully.';
+$LANG['role.add.success'] = 'Rol succesvol aangemaakt.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Rol naam';
-$LANG['role.delete.success'] = 'Role deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['role.delete.success'] = 'Role succesvol verwijderd';
 $LANG['role.description'] = 'Rol uitleg';
 $LANG['role.edit.success'] = 'Rol succesvol gewijzigd';
 $LANG['role.list'] = 'Rollen Lijst';
@@ -148,11 +148,11 @@ $LANG['search.field'] = 'Veld:';
 $LANG['search.method'] = 'Methode:';
 $LANG['search.contains'] = 'bevat';
 $LANG[''] = 'is';
-$LANG['search.key'] = 'key';
+$LANG['search.key'] = 'sleutelnaam';
 $LANG['search.prefix'] = 'start met';
 $LANG[''] = 'naam';
 $LANG[''] = 'email';
-$LANG['search.description'] = 'description';
+$LANG['search.description'] = 'beschrijving';
 $LANG['search.uid'] = 'uid';
 $LANG['search.loading'] = 'Bezig met zoeken...';
 $LANG['search.acchars'] = 'Tenminste $min karakters nodig voor autocompletion';
@@ -161,41 +161,41 @@ $LANG['servererror'] = 'Server Fout!';
 $LANG['session.expired'] = 'Sessie verlopen. Log opnieuw in alstublieft.';
-$LANG['signup.headline'] = 'Sign Up for Hosted Kolab';
-$LANG['signup.intro1'] = 'Having an account on a Kolab server is way better than just simple Email. It also provides you with full groupware functionality including synchronization for shared addressbooks, calendars, tasks, journal and more.';
-$LANG['signup.intro2'] = 'You can sign up here now for an account.';
-$LANG['signup.formtitle'] = 'Sign Up';
-$LANG['signup.username'] = 'Username';
-$LANG['signup.domain'] = 'Domain';
-$LANG['signup.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Current Email Address';
-$LANG['signup.futuremail'] = 'Future Email Address';
-$LANG[''] = 'Company';
+$LANG['signup.headline'] = 'Meldt u aan voor Hosted Kolab';
+$LANG['signup.intro1'] = 'Een account op een Kolab server is geschikt voor veel meer dan alleen Email. Het voorziet in complete groupware functionaliteit met mobiele synchronizatie van gedeelde adresboeken, agendas, taken, dagboeken en meer.';
+$LANG['signup.intro2'] = 'U kunt zich hier nu aanmelden voor een account.';
+$LANG['signup.formtitle'] = 'Aanmelden';
+$LANG['signup.username'] = 'Gebruikersnaam';
+$LANG['signup.domain'] = 'Domein';
+$LANG['signup.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Huidig email adres';
+$LANG['signup.futuremail'] = 'Toekomstig email adres';
+$LANG[''] = 'Bedrijfsnaam';
 $LANG['signup.captcha'] = 'CAPTCHA';
-$LANG['signup.userexists'] = 'User already exists!';
-$LANG['signup.usercreated'] = '<h3>Your account has been successfully added!</h3>Congratulations, you now have your own Kolab account.';
-$LANG['signup.wronguid'] = 'Invalid Username!';
-$LANG['signup.wrongmailalternateaddress'] = 'Please provide a valid Email Address!';
-$LANG['signup.footer'] = 'This is a service offered by <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
+$LANG['signup.userexists'] = 'Deze gebruikersnaam is reeds in gebruik!';
+$LANG['signup.usercreated'] = '<h3>Uw account is succesvol aangemaakt!</h3>Gefeliciteerd, u heeft nu een eigen Kolab account.';
+$LANG['signup.wronguid'] = 'Ongeldige gebruikersnaam!';
+$LANG['signup.wrongmailalternateaddress'] = 'Vul een geldig email adres in, alstublieft';
+$LANG['signup.footer'] = 'Dit is een service wordt u aangeboden door <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
-$LANG['type.add'] = 'Add Object Type';
-$LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type created successfully.';
-$LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributes';
-$LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
-$LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.';
-$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain';
-$LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
-$LANG[''] = 'Group';
-$LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
-$LANG['type.key'] = 'Key';
-$LANG[''] = 'Name';
-$LANG['type.norecords'] = 'No object type records found!';
+$LANG['type.add'] = 'Object Type Toevoegen';
+$LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type succesvol aangemaakt';
+$LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributen';
+$LANG['type.description'] = 'Beschrijving';
+$LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type succesvol verwijderd';
+$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domein';
+$LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type succesvol gewijzigd';
+$LANG[''] = 'Groep';
+$LANG['type.list'] = 'Lijst van Object Typen';
+$LANG['type.key'] = 'Sleutelnaam';
+$LANG[''] = 'Naam';
+$LANG['type.norecords'] = 'Geen object typen gevonden!';
 $LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Object class';
 $LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Object type';
-$LANG[''] = 'Properties';
-$LANG['type.resource'] = 'Resource';
-$LANG['type.role'] = 'Role';
+$LANG[''] = 'Eigenschappen';
+$LANG['type.resource'] = 'Middel';
+$LANG['type.role'] = 'Rol';
 $LANG['type.used_for'] = 'Hosted';
-$LANG['type.user'] = 'User';
+$LANG['type.user'] = 'Gebruiker';
 $LANG['user.add'] = 'Gebruiker Toevoegen';
 $LANG['user.add.success'] = 'Gebruiker succesvol toegevoegd.';
@@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ $LANG['user.alias'] = 'Secundaire Email Adressen';
 $LANG['user.astaccountallowedcodec'] = 'Toegestane codec(s)';
 $LANG['user.astaccountcallerid'] = 'Caller ID';
 $LANG['user.astaccountcontext'] = 'Account Context';
-$LANG['user.astaccountdefaultuser'] = 'Asterisk Account Default User';
+$LANG['user.astaccountdefaultuser'] = 'Asterisk Account Standaard Gebruiker';
 $LANG['user.astaccountdeny'] = 'Account deny';
 $LANG['user.astaccounthost'] = 'Asterisk Host';
 $LANG['user.astaccountmailbox'] = 'Mailbox';
@@ -211,8 +211,8 @@ $LANG['user.astaccountnat'] = 'Account maakt gebruik van NAT';
 $LANG['user.astaccountname'] = 'Asterisk Account Naam';
 $LANG['user.astaccountqualify'] = 'Account Qualify';
 $LANG['user.astaccountrealmedpassword'] = 'Realmed Account Password';
-$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationexten'] = 'Extension';
-$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationcontext'] = 'Registration Context';
+$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationexten'] = 'Extensie';
+$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationcontext'] = 'Registratie Context';
 $LANG['user.astaccountsecret'] = 'Wachtwoord in gewone text';
 $LANG['user.astaccounttype'] = 'Type Account';
 $LANG['user.astcontext'] = 'Asterisk Context';
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ $LANG['user.list'] = 'Gebruikerslijst';
 $LANG['user.loginshell'] = 'Shell';
 $LANG['user.mail'] = 'Primair Email Adres';
 $LANG['user.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Secundaire Email Adressen';
-$LANG['user.mailforwardingaddress'] = 'Forward Mail To';
+$LANG['user.mailforwardingaddress'] = 'Stuur Mail Door Aan';
 $LANG['user.mailhost'] = 'Email Server';
 $LANG['user.mailquota'] = 'Quota';
 $LANG['user.mailquota.desc'] = 'Laat leeg voor ongelimiteerd';
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Telefoonnummer (Mobiel)';
 $LANG[''] = 'Naam';
 $LANG['user.norecords'] = 'Geen gebruikers gevonden!';
 $LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Rollen';
-$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role(s)';
+$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Rollen';
 $LANG['user.other'] = 'Overig';
 $LANG['user.o'] = 'Organizatie';
 $LANG[''] = 'Organizatie';
@@ -285,4 +285,4 @@ $LANG['user.uidnumber'] = 'User ID nummer';
 $LANG['welcome'] = 'Welkom bij Kolab Groupware Server';
-$LANG['yes'] = 'yes';
+$LANG['yes'] = 'ja';
diff --git a/lib/locale/pl_PL.php b/lib/locale/pl_PL.php
index 395a907..e836190 100644
--- a/lib/locale/pl_PL.php
+++ b/lib/locale/pl_PL.php
@@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ $LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!';
 $LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!';
 $LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Cancel';
-$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Delete';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Usuń';
 $LANG[''] = 'Save';
-$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit';
+$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Zatwierdź';
 $LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Stworzony przez';
 $LANG['days'] = 'dni';
 $LANG['debug'] = 'Debug info';
-$LANG['delete'] = 'Delete';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Usuń';
 $LANG['deleting'] = 'Usuwam dane...';
 $LANG['domain.add'] = 'Dodaj DomenÄ™';
@@ -83,12 +83,12 @@ $LANG[''] = 'LDAP Server';
 $LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions';
 $LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Scope';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is non-empty';
-$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contains';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'zawiera';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'starts with';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'ends with';
 $LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is equal to';
-$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3';
+$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 do $2 z $3';
 $LANG['loading'] = 'WczytujÄ™...';
 $LANG['logout'] = 'Logout';
@@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ $LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
 $LANG[''] = 'Group';
 $LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
 $LANG['type.key'] = 'Key';
-$LANG[''] = 'Name';
+$LANG[''] = 'Nazwa';
 $LANG['type.norecords'] = 'No object type records found!';
 $LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Object class';
 $LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Object type';
@@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ $LANG[''] = 'Numer telefonu komórkowego';
 $LANG[''] = 'Nazwa';
 $LANG['user.norecords'] = 'Nie znaleziono użytkowników';
 $LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Role';
-$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role(s)';
+$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role';
 $LANG['user.other'] = 'Inne';
 $LANG['user.o'] = 'Organizacja';
 $LANG[''] = 'Organizacja';
diff --git a/lib/locale/ru_RU.php b/lib/locale/ru_RU.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..025997f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/locale/ru_RU.php
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+$LANG[''] = 'This is the Community Edition of the <b>Kolab Server</b>.';
+$LANG['about.kolab'] = 'Kolab';
+$LANG['about.kolabsys'] = 'Kolab Systems';
+$LANG[''] = 'Professional support is available from <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Technology';
+$LANG['about.warranty'] = 'It comes with absolutely <b>no warranties</b> and is typically run entirely self supported. You can find help & information on the community <a href="">web site</a> & <a href="">wiki</a>.';
+$LANG['add'] = 'Add';
+$LANG['attribute.add'] = 'Add attribute';
+$LANG['attribute.static'] = 'Static value';
+$LANG[''] = 'Attribute';
+$LANG['attribute.optional'] = 'Optional';
+$LANG['attribute.maxcount'] = 'Max. count';
+$LANG['attribute.readonly'] = 'Read-only';
+$LANG['attribute.type'] = 'Field type';
+$LANG['attribute.value'] = 'Value';
+$LANG[''] = 'Generated';
+$LANG[''] = 'Generated (read-only)';
+$LANG['attribute.value.normal'] = 'Normal';
+$LANG['attribute.value.static'] = 'Static';
+$LANG['attribute.options'] = 'Options';
+$LANG['attribute.key.invalid'] = 'Type key contains forbidden characters!';
+$LANG['attribute.required.error'] = 'Required attributes missing in attributes list ($1)!';
+$LANG['button.cancel'] = 'Отмена';
+$LANG['button.delete'] = 'Удалить';
+$LANG[''] = 'Save';
+$LANG['button.submit'] = 'Submit';
+$LANG['creatorsname'] = 'Created by';
+$LANG['days'] = 'days';
+$LANG['debug'] = 'Debug info';
+$LANG['delete'] = 'Удалить';
+$LANG['deleting'] = 'Deleting data...';
+$LANG['domain.add'] = 'Add Domain';
+$LANG['domain.add.success'] = 'Domain created successfully.';
+$LANG['domain.associateddomain'] = 'Domain name(s)';
+$LANG['domain.delete.success'] = 'Domain deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['domain.edit'] = 'Edit domain';
+$LANG['domain.edit.success'] = 'Domain updated successfully.';
+$LANG['domain.inetdomainbasedn'] = 'Custom Root DN(s)';
+$LANG['domain.list'] = 'Domains List';
+$LANG['domain.norecords'] = 'No domain records found!';
+$LANG['domain.o'] = 'Organization';
+$LANG['domain.other'] = 'Other';
+$LANG['domain.system'] = 'System';
+$LANG['domain.type_id'] = 'Standard Domain';
+$LANG['edit'] = 'Edit';
+$LANG['error'] = 'Error';
+$LANG['form.required.empty'] = 'Some of the required fields are empty!';
+$LANG['form.maxcount.exceeded'] = 'Maximum count of items exceeded!';
+$LANG['group.add'] = 'Add Group';
+$LANG['group.add.success'] = 'Group created successfully.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Common name';
+$LANG['group.delete.success'] = 'Group deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['group.edit.success'] = 'Group updated successfully.';
+$LANG['group.gidnumber'] = 'Primary group number';
+$LANG['group.list'] = 'Groups List';
+$LANG['group.mail'] = 'Primary Email Address';
+$LANG['group.member'] = 'Member(s)';
+$LANG['group.memberurl'] = 'Members URL';
+$LANG['group.norecords'] = 'No group records found!';
+$LANG['group.other'] = 'Other';
+$LANG['group.system'] = 'System';
+$LANG['group.type_id'] = 'Group type';
+$LANG['group.uniquemember'] = 'Members';
+$LANG['info'] = 'Information';
+$LANG['internalerror'] = 'Internal system error!';
+$LANG[''] = 'one: all entries one level under the base DN';
+$LANG['ldap.sub'] = 'sub: whole subtree starting with the base DN';
+$LANG['ldap.base'] = 'base: base DN only';
+$LANG['ldap.basedn'] = 'Base DN';
+$LANG[''] = 'LDAP Server';
+$LANG['ldap.conditions'] = 'Conditions';
+$LANG['ldap.scope'] = 'Scope';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_any'] = 'is non-empty';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_both'] = 'contains';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_prefix'] = 'starts with';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_suffix'] = 'ends with';
+$LANG['ldap.filter_exact'] = 'is equal to';
+$LANG['list.records'] = '$1 to $2 of $3';
+$LANG['loading'] = 'Loading...';
+$LANG['logout'] = 'Logout';
+$LANG['login.username'] = 'Username:';
+$LANG['login.password'] = 'Password:';
+$LANG['login.domain'] = 'Domain:';
+$LANG['login.login'] = 'Login';
+$LANG['loginerror'] = 'Incorrect username or password!';
+$LANG['MB'] = 'MB';
+$LANG['menu.about'] = 'About';
+$LANG[''] = 'Domains';
+$LANG['menu.groups'] = 'Groups';
+$LANG['menu.resources'] = 'Resources';
+$LANG['menu.roles'] = 'Roles';
+$LANG['menu.settings'] = 'Settings';
+$LANG['menu.users'] = 'Users';
+$LANG['modifiersname'] = 'Modified by';
+$LANG['password.generate'] = 'Generate password';
+$LANG['reqtime'] = 'Request time: $1 sec.';
+$LANG['resource.add'] = 'Add Resource';
+$LANG['resource.add.success'] = 'Resource created successfully.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Название';
+$LANG['resource.delete'] = 'Delete Resource';
+$LANG['resource.delete.success'] = 'Resource deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['resource.edit'] = 'Edit Resource';
+$LANG['resource.edit.success'] = 'Resource updated successfully.';
+$LANG['resource.kolabtargetfolder'] = 'Target Folder';
+$LANG['resource.list'] = 'Resource (Collection) List';
+$LANG['resource.mail'] = 'Mail Address';
+$LANG['resource.member'] = 'Collection Members';
+$LANG['resource.norecords'] = 'No resource records found!';
+$LANG['resource.other'] = 'Other';
+$LANG['resource.system'] = 'System';
+$LANG['resource.type_id'] = 'Resource Type';
+$LANG['resource.uniquemember'] = 'Collection Members';
+$LANG['role.add'] = 'Add Role';
+$LANG['role.add.success'] = 'Role created successfully.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Role Name';
+$LANG['role.delete.success'] = 'Role deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['role.description'] = 'Role Description';
+$LANG['role.edit.success'] = 'Role updated successfully';
+$LANG['role.list'] = 'Role List';
+$LANG['role.norecords'] = 'No role records found!';
+$LANG['role.system'] = 'Подробнее';
+$LANG['role.type_id'] = 'Role Type';
+$LANG['saving'] = 'Saving data...';
+$LANG['search'] = 'Search';
+$LANG['search.reset'] = 'Reset';
+$LANG['search.criteria'] = 'Search criteria';
+$LANG['search.field'] = 'Field:';
+$LANG['search.method'] = 'Method:';
+$LANG['search.contains'] = 'contains';
+$LANG[''] = 'is';
+$LANG['search.key'] = 'key';
+$LANG['search.prefix'] = 'begins with';
+$LANG[''] = 'Название';
+$LANG[''] = 'email';
+$LANG['search.description'] = 'description';
+$LANG['search.uid'] = 'UID';
+$LANG['search.loading'] = 'Searching...';
+$LANG['search.acchars'] = 'At least $min characters required for autocompletion';
+$LANG['servererror'] = 'Server Error!';
+$LANG['session.expired'] = 'Session has expired. Login again, please';
+$LANG['signup.headline'] = 'Sign Up for Hosted Kolab';
+$LANG['signup.intro1'] = 'Having an account on a Kolab server is way better than just simple Email. It also provides you with full groupware functionality including synchronization for shared addressbooks, calendars, tasks, journal and more.';
+$LANG['signup.intro2'] = 'You can sign up here now for an account.';
+$LANG['signup.formtitle'] = 'Sign Up';
+$LANG['signup.username'] = 'Username';
+$LANG['signup.domain'] = 'Domain';
+$LANG['signup.mailalternateaddress'] = 'Current Email Address';
+$LANG['signup.futuremail'] = 'Future Email Address';
+$LANG[''] = 'Company';
+$LANG['signup.captcha'] = 'CAPTCHA';
+$LANG['signup.userexists'] = 'User already exists!';
+$LANG['signup.usercreated'] = '<h3>Your account has been successfully added!</h3>Congratulations, you now have your own Kolab account.';
+$LANG['signup.wronguid'] = 'Invalid Username!';
+$LANG['signup.wrongmailalternateaddress'] = 'Please provide a valid Email Address!';
+$LANG['signup.footer'] = 'This is a service offered by <a href="">Kolab Systems</a>.';
+$LANG['type.add'] = 'Add Object Type';
+$LANG['type.add.success'] = 'Object type created successfully.';
+$LANG['type.attributes'] = 'Attributes';
+$LANG['type.description'] = 'Description';
+$LANG['type.delete.success'] = 'Object type deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['type.domain'] = 'Domain';
+$LANG['type.edit.success'] = 'Object type updated successfully.';
+$LANG[''] = 'Group';
+$LANG['type.list'] = 'Object Types List';
+$LANG['type.key'] = 'Key';
+$LANG[''] = 'Название';
+$LANG['type.norecords'] = 'No object type records found!';
+$LANG['type.objectclass'] = 'Object class';
+$LANG['type.object_type'] = 'Object type';
+$LANG[''] = 'Properties';
+$LANG['type.resource'] = 'Resource';
+$LANG['type.role'] = 'Role';
+$LANG['type.used_for'] = 'Hosted';
+$LANG['type.user'] = 'User';
+$LANG['user.add'] = 'Add User';
+$LANG['user.add.success'] = 'User created successfully.';
+$LANG['user.alias'] = 'Secondary Email Address(es)';
+$LANG['user.astaccountallowedcodec'] = 'Allowed codec(s)';
+$LANG['user.astaccountcallerid'] = 'Caller ID';
+$LANG['user.astaccountcontext'] = 'Account Context';
+$LANG['user.astaccountdefaultuser'] = 'Asterisk Account Default User';
+$LANG['user.astaccountdeny'] = 'Account deny';
+$LANG['user.astaccounthost'] = 'Asterisk Host';
+$LANG['user.astaccountmailbox'] = 'Mailbox';
+$LANG['user.astaccountnat'] = 'Account uses NAT';
+$LANG['user.astaccountname'] = 'Asterisk Account Name';
+$LANG['user.astaccountqualify'] = 'Account Qualify';
+$LANG['user.astaccountrealmedpassword'] = 'Realmed Account Password';
+$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationexten'] = 'Extension';
+$LANG['user.astaccountregistrationcontext'] = 'Registration Context';
+$LANG['user.astaccountsecret'] = 'Plaintext Password';
+$LANG['user.astaccounttype'] = 'Account Type';
+$LANG['user.astcontext'] = 'Asterisk Context';
+$LANG['user.asterisk'] = 'Asterisk SIP';
+$LANG['user.astextension'] = 'Asterisk Extension';
+$LANG['user.astvoicemailpassword'] = 'Voicemail PIN Code';
+$LANG['user.c'] = 'Country';
+$LANG[''] = 'City';
+$LANG[''] = 'Common name';
+$LANG['user.config'] = 'Настройки';
+$LANG[''] = 'Contact';
+$LANG['user.contact_info'] = 'Contact Information';
+$LANG[''] = 'Country';
+$LANG[''] = '2 letter code from ISO 3166-1';
+$LANG['user.delete.success'] = 'User deleted successfully.';
+$LANG['user.displayname'] = 'Display name';
+$LANG['user.edit.success'] = 'User updated successfully.';
+$LANG['user.fax'] = 'Fax number';
+$LANG['user.fbinterval'] = 'Free-Busy interval';
+$LANG['user.fbinterval.desc'] = 'Leave blank for default (60 days)';
+$LANG['user.gidnumber'] = 'Primary group number';
+$LANG['user.givenname'] = 'Given name';
+$LANG['user.homedirectory'] = 'Home directory';
+$LANG['user.homephone'] = 'Home Phone Number';
+$LANG['user.initials'] = 'Initials';
+$LANG['user.invitation-policy'] = 'Invitation policy';
+$LANG['user.kolaballowsmtprecipient'] = 'Recipient(s) Access List';
+$LANG['user.kolaballowsmtpsender'] = 'Sender Access List';
+$LANG['user.kolabdelegate'] = 'Delegates';
+$LANG['user.kolabhomeserver'] = 'Email Server';
+$LANG['user.kolabinvitationpolicy'] = 'Invitation Handling Policy';
+$LANG['user.l'] = 'City, Region';
+$LANG['user.list'] = 'Users List';
+$LANG['user.loginshell'] = 'Shell';
+$LANG['user.mail'] = 'Primary Email Address';
+$LANG['user.mailalternateaddress'] = 'External Email Address(es)';
+$LANG['user.mailforwardingaddress'] = 'Forward Mail To';
+$LANG['user.mailhost'] = 'Email Server';
+$LANG['user.mailquota'] = 'Quota';
+$LANG['user.mailquota.desc'] = 'Leave blank for unlimited';
+$LANG[''] = 'Mobile Phone Number';
+$LANG[''] = 'Название';
+$LANG['user.norecords'] = 'No user records found!';
+$LANG['user.nsrole'] = 'Role(s)';
+$LANG['user.nsroledn'] = 'Role(s)';
+$LANG['user.other'] = 'Other';
+$LANG['user.o'] = 'Organization';
+$LANG[''] = 'Organization';
+$LANG['user.orgunit'] = 'Organizational Unit';
+$LANG['user.ou'] = 'Organizational Unit';
+$LANG['user.pager'] = 'Pager Number';
+$LANG['user.password.mismatch'] = 'Passwords do not match!';
+$LANG['user.personal'] = 'Personal';
+$LANG[''] = 'Phone number';
+$LANG['user.postalcode'] = 'Postal Code';
+$LANG['user.postbox'] = 'Postal box';
+$LANG['user.postcode'] = 'Postal code';
+$LANG['user.preferredlanguage'] = 'Native tongue';
+$LANG[''] = 'Room number';
+$LANG[''] = 'Surname';
+$LANG['user.street'] = 'Street';
+$LANG['user.system'] = 'System';
+$LANG['user.telephonenumber'] = 'Phone Number';
+$LANG['user.title'] = 'Job Title';
+$LANG['user.type_id'] = 'Account type';
+$LANG['user.uid'] = 'Unique identity (UID)';
+$LANG['user.userpassword'] = 'Password';
+$LANG['user.userpassword2'] = 'Confirm password';
+$LANG['user.uidnumber'] = 'User ID number';
+$LANG['welcome'] = 'Welcome to the Kolab Groupware Server Maintenance';
+$LANG['yes'] = 'yes';

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