gunnar: server/perl-kolab/lib,NONE,1.1

cvs at cvs at
Wed Aug 1 16:57:44 CEST 2007

Author: gunnar

Update of /kolabrepository/server/perl-kolab/lib
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv20643/lib

Added Files: 
Log Message:
Converted the perl-kolab package into a standard perl library.

--- NEW FILE: ---
package Kolab;

##  ---------
##  See AUTHORS file
##  -------
##  This  program is free  software; you can redistribute  it and/or
##  modify it  under the terms of the GNU  General Public License as
##  published by the  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
##  (at your option) any later version.
##  This program is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
##  but WITHOUT  ANY WARRANTY; without even the  implied warranty of
##  General Public License for more details.
##  You can view the  GNU General Public License, online, at the GNU
##  Project's homepage; see <>.
##  $Revision: 1.1 $

use 5.008;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Sys::Syslog;
use URI;
use Net::LDAP;
use Kolab::Util;
#use Kolab::LDAP;
use vars qw(%config $reloadOk);

require Exporter;

our @ISA = qw(Exporter);

our %EXPORT_TAGS = (
    'all' => [ qw(
    ) ]

our @EXPORT_OK = ( @{ $EXPORT_TAGS{'all'} } );

our @EXPORT = qw(

our $VERSION = '2.1.99';

sub KOLAB_SILENT()      { 0 }
sub KOLAB_ERROR()       { 1 }
sub KOLAB_WARN()        { 2 }
sub KOLAB_INFO()        { 3 }
sub KOLAB_DEBUG()       { 4 }

sub reloadConfig
    my $kolab_globals = shift;

    my $tempval;
    my $ldap;

    my $error = 0;

    # `log_level' specifies what severity of messages we want to see in the logs.
    #   Possible values are:
    #     0 - Silent
    #     1 - Errors
    #     2 - Warnings & Errors
    #     3 - Info, Warnings & Errors       (DEFAULT)
    #     4 - Debug (i.e. everything)

    # First read `kolab.globals'
    %config = readConfig(%config, $kolab_globals);

    # Determine the root of the kolab installation, and read `kolab.globals'
    # Notice that the location of the files is handled by dist_conf,
    # so we don't use $tempval for anything other than storing it in
    # $config{'prefix'}. Once prefix is not in use anywhere, we can remove
    # this code. /steffen
    $tempval = (getpwnam($config{'kolab_musr'}))[7];
    if (! defined $tempval) {
        $config{'log_level'} = KOLAB_WARN;
        &log('C', 'Unable to determine the kolab user main directory', KOLAB_ERROR);	
	$error = 1;
    } else {
       $config{'prefix'} = $tempval;

    # Now read `kolab.conf', overwriting values read from `kolab.globals'
    %config = readConfig(\%config, $config{'kolab_locals'});

    $config{'debug'} = 0 if (!exists $config{'debug'});
    $config{'log_level'} = KOLAB_WARN if (!exists $config{'log_level'});

    &log('C', 'Reloading configuration');

    # Get the UID/GID of the 'kolab' users
    $config{'kolab_uid'} = (getpwnam($config{'kolab_musr'}))[2];
    if (!defined $config{'kolab_uid'}) {
        &log('C', "Unable to determine the uid of user '$config{'kolab_musr'}'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;

    $config{'kolab_gid'} = (getgrnam($config{'kolab_mgrp'}))[2];
    if (!defined $config{'kolab_gid'}) {
        &log('C', "Unable to determine the gid of user '$config{'kolab_mgrp'}'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;

    $config{'kolab_n_uid'} = (getpwnam($config{'kolab_usr'}))[2];
    if (!defined $config{'kolab_n_uid'}) {
        &log('C', "Unable to determine the uid of user '$config{'kolab_usr'}", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;

    $config{'kolab_n_gid'} = (getgrnam($config{'kolab_grp'}))[2];
    if (!defined $config{'kolab_n_gid'}) {
        &log('C', "Unable to determine the gid of user $config{'kolab_grp'}", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;

    $config{'kolab_r_uid'} = (getpwnam($config{'kolab_rusr'}))[2];
    if (!defined $config{'kolab_r_uid'}) {
        &log('C', "Unable to determine the uid of user '$config{'kolab_rusr'}'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;

    $config{'kolab_r_gid'} = (getgrnam($config{'kolab_rgrp'}))[2];
    if (!defined $config{'kolab_r_gid'}) {
        &log('C', "Unable to determine the gid of user '$config{'kolab_rgrp'}'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;

    # Make sure the critical variables we need were defined in kolab.conf
    if (!exists $config{'bind_dn'} || !exists $config{'bind_pw'} || !exists $config{'ldap_uri'} || !exists $config{'base_dn'}) {
        &log('C', "One or more required configuration variables (`bind_dn', `bind_pw', `ldap_uri' and/or `base_dn') are missing in `kolab.conf'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;

    # Make a hash of the bind password available too
    if( !exists $config{'bind_pw_hash'} ) {
      my $hashcmd = $config{'hashmethod'} . " '".$config{'bind_pw'}."'";
      $config{'bind_pw_hash'} = `$hashcmd`;

    # Retrieve the LDAP values of the main kolab object to complete our config hash
    if (!($tempval = URI->new($config{'ldap_uri'}))) {
        &log('C', "Unable to parse ldap_uri `" . $config{'ldap_uri'} . "'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	$error = 1;
    } else {
        $config{'ldap_ip'} = $tempval->host;
        $config{'ldap_port'} = $tempval->port;

    # `kolab_dn' points to the main kolab object in LDAP
    #   Defaults to `k=kolab,$base_dn' if not specified (for backwards compatibility)
    $config{'kolab_dn'} = "k=kolab," . $config{'base_dn'} if (!exists $config{'kolab_dn'});
    if ($config{'kolab_dn'} eq '') {
        &log('C', "`kolab_dn' is empty; skipping LDAP read");
    } else {
        my $mesg;
        my $ldapobject;

        if (!($ldap = Net::LDAP->new($config{'ldap_uri'}, verify => 'none' ))) {
            &log('C', "Unable to connect to LDAP server `" . $config{'ldap_ip'} . ":" . $config{'ldap_port'} . "'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	    $error = 1;

        $mesg = $ldap->bind($config{'bind_dn'}, password => $config{'bind_pw'}) if $ldap;
        if ($ldap && $mesg->code) {
            &log('C', "Unable to bind to DN `" . $config{'bind_dn'} . "'", KOLAB_ERROR);
	    $error = 1;

        #$ldap = Kolab::LDAP::create(
        #    $config{'ldap_ip'},
        #    $config{'ldap_port'},
        #    $config{'bind_dn'},
        #    $config{'bind_pw'},
        #    1
        if ($ldap) {
            $mesg = $ldap->search(
                base    => $config{'kolab_dn'},
                scope   => 'base',
                filter  => '(objectclass=*)'
            if (!$mesg->code) {
                $ldapobject = $mesg->pop_entry;
                foreach $tempval ($ldapobject->attributes) {
		    my $vals = $ldapobject->get_value($tempval, asref => 1 );
		    if( !ref($vals) ) {
		      # Not a ref at all???
		      &log('C', "Attribute $tempval does not exist", KOLAB_WARN );
		    } elsif( @{$vals} == 1 ) {
		      $config{lc($tempval)} = $vals->[0];
		    } else {
		      $config{lc($tempval)} = $vals;
            } else {
                &log('C', "Unable to find kolab object `" . $config{'kolab_dn'} . "'", KOLAB_ERROR);
#                exit(1);
		$error = 1;
        } else {
            &log('C', "Unable to read configuration data from LDAP", KOLAB_WARN);

    # At this point we have read in all user-specified configuration variables.
    # We now need to go through the list of all possible configuration variables
    # and set the default values of those that were not overridden.

    # ProFTPd password
    if (exists $config{'proftpd-userPassword'}) {
        my $salt = substr($config{'proftpd-userPassword'}, 0, 2);
        $config{'proftpd-userPassword'} = crypt($config{'proftpd-userPassword'}, $salt);
    } else {
        $config{'proftpd-userPassword'} = '';

    $config{'fqdn'} = trim(`hostname`);

    # Cyrus admin account
    $tempval = $config{'cyrus-admins'} || 'manager';
    (my $cmanager, my $dummy) = split(/ /, $tempval, 2);
    $config{'cyrus_admin'} = $cmanager if (!exists $config{'cyrus_admin'});
    $config{'cyrus_admin_pw'} = $config{'bind_pw'} if (!exists $config{'cyrus_admin_pw'});

    # `directory_mode' specifies what backend to use (for the main kolab
    # object - for the other objects see their respective XXX_directory_mode).
    # Defaults to `slurpd'
    #   NOTE: A plugin scheme is used for this; the backend module loaded
    #   is `Kolab::LDAP::$config{'directory_mode'}, so anyone is able to slot
    #   in a new Kolab::LDAP:: module, change `directory_mode' and have the new
    #   module used as a backend (as long as it conforms to the correct
    #   interface, that is).
    #   Currently supported backends:
    #     `ad' - Active Directory
    $config{'directory_mode'} = 'slurpd' if (!exists $config{'directory_mode'});

    # `conn_refresh_period' specifies how many minutes to wait before forceably
    # tearing down the change listener connection, re-syncing, and re-connecting.
    # Used by the AD backend.
    # Defaults to one hour.
#    $config{'conn_refresh_period'} = 60 if (!exists $config{'conn_refresh_period'});

    # `slurpd_port' specifies what port the kolab slurpd replication daemon listens on
    # Defaults to 9999 for backwards compatibility
#    $config{'slurpd_port'} = 9999 if (!exists $config{'slurpd_port'});

    # `user_ldap_uri', `user_bind_dn', `user_bind_pw' and `user_dn_list' are
    # used to specify the DNs where user objects are located. They default to
    # `ldap_uri', `bind_dn', `bind_pw' and `base_dn', respectively.
    #   NOTE: `user_dn_list' is a semi-colon separated list of DNs, as opposed
    #   to a single DN (such as `kolab_dn').
    #   TODO: Expand this to allow all separate entities (kolab object, users,
    #   shared folders, etc) to exist in user-specified locations
    #   TODO: Check Postfix LDAP aliasing when user_dn_list contains more than
    #   one DN.
    $config{'user_ldap_uri'} = $config{'ldap_uri'} if (!exists $config{'user_ldap_uri'});

    if (!($tempval = URI->new($config{'user_ldap_uri'}))) {
        &log('C', "Unable to parse user_ldap_uri `" . $config{'user_ldap_uri'} . "'", KOLAB_ERROR);
#        exit(1);
	$error = 1;
    } else {
        $config{'user_ldap_ip'} = $tempval->host;
        $config{'user_ldap_port'} = $tempval->port;

    $config{'user_bind_dn'} = $config{'bind_dn'} if (!exists $config{'user_bind_dn'});
    $config{'user_bind_pw'} = $config{'bind_pw'} if (!exists $config{'user_bind_pw'});
    $config{'user_dn_list'} = $config{'base_dn'} if (!exists $config{'user_dn_list'});
    $config{'user_directory_mode'} = $config{'directory_mode'} if (!exists $config{'user_directory_mode'});

    # `user_object_class' denotes what object class to search for when locating users.
    # Defaults to `inetOrgPerson'
    $config{'user_object_class'} = 'inetOrgPerson' if (!exists $config{'user_object_class'});

    # This part sets various backend-specific LDAP fields (if they have not been
    # overridden) based on `directory_mode'.
    # `user_delete_flag' is used to test whether a user object has been deleted
    # `user_field_modified' is used to test whether a user object has been modified
    # `user_field_guid' indicates a field that can be considered globally unique to the object
    # `user_field_quota' indicates a field that stores the cyrus quota for the user
    if ($config{'user_directory_mode'} eq 'ad') {
        # AD
        $config{'user_field_deleted'} = 'isDeleted' if (!exists $config{'user_field_deleted'});
        $config{'user_field_modified'} = 'whenChanged' if (!exists $config{'user_field_modified'});
        $config{'user_field_guid'} = 'objectGUID' if (!exists $config{'user_field_guid'});
        $config{'user_field_quota'} = 'userquota' if (!exists $config{'user_field_quota'});
    } else {
        # slurd/default
        $config{'user_field_deleted'} = 'kolabdeleteflag' if (!exists $config{'user_field_deleted'});
        $config{'user_field_modified'} = 'modifytimestamp' if (!exists $config{'user_field_modified'});
        $config{'user_field_guid'} = 'entryUUID' if (!exists $config{'user_field_guid'});
        $config{'user_field_quota'} = 'cyrus-userquota' if (!exists $config{'user_field_quota'});


    # The `sf_XXX' variables are the shared folder equivalents of the `user_XXX' variables
    $config{'sf_ldap_uri'} = $config{'ldap_uri'} if (!exists $config{'sf_ldap_uri'});

    if (!($tempval = URI->new($config{'sf_ldap_uri'}))) {
        &log('C', "Unable to parse sf_ldap_uri `" . $config{'sf_ldap_uri'} . "'", KOLAB_ERROR);
#        exit(1);
	$error = 1;
    } else {
        $config{'sf_ldap_ip'} = $tempval->host;
        $config{'sf_ldap_port'} = $tempval->port;

    $config{'sf_bind_dn'} = $config{'bind_dn'} if (!exists $config{'sf_bind_dn'});
    $config{'sf_bind_pw'} = $config{'bind_pw'} if (!exists $config{'sf_bind_pw'});
    $config{'sf_dn_list'} = $config{'base_dn'} if (!exists $config{'sf_dn_list'});
    $config{'sf_directory_mode'} = $config{'directory_mode'} if (!exists $config{'sf_directory_mode'});

    $config{'sf_object_class'} = 'kolabsharedfolder' if (!exists $config{'sf_object_class'});

    if ($config{'sf_directory_mode'} eq 'ad') {
        # AD
        $config{'sf_field_deleted'} = 'isDeleted' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_deleted'});
        $config{'sf_field_modified'} = 'whenChanged' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_modified'});
        $config{'sf_field_guid'} = 'entryUUID' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_guid'});
        $config{'sf_field_quota'} = 'userquota' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_quota'});
    } else {
        # slurd/default
        $config{'sf_field_deleted'} = 'kolabdeleteflag' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_deleted'});
        $config{'sf_field_modified'} = 'modifytimestamp' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_modified'});
        $config{'sf_field_guid'} = 'entryUUID' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_guid'});
        $config{'sf_field_quota'} = 'cyrus-userquota' if (!exists $config{'sf_field_quota'});

    # The `group_XXX' variables are the distribution list/groups 
    # equivalents of the `user_XXX' variables
    $config{'group_ldap_uri'} = $config{'ldap_uri'} if (!exists $config{'group_ldap_uri'});

    if (!($tempval = URI->new($config{'group_ldap_uri'}))) {
        &log('C', "Unable to parse group_ldap_uri `" . $config{'group_ldap_uri'} . "'", KOLAB_ERROR);
#        exit(1);
	$error = 1;
    } else {
        $config{'group_ldap_ip'} = $tempval->host;
        $config{'group_ldap_port'} = $tempval->port;

    $config{'group_bind_dn'} = $config{'bind_dn'} if (!exists $config{'group_bind_dn'});
    $config{'group_bind_pw'} = $config{'bind_pw'} if (!exists $config{'group_bind_pw'});
    $config{'group_dn_list'} = $config{'base_dn'} if (!exists $config{'group_dn_list'});
    $config{'group_directory_mode'} = $config{'directory_mode'} if (!exists $config{'group_directory_mode'});

    $config{'group_object_class'} = 'kolabgroupofnames' if (!exists $config{'group_object_class'});

    if ($config{'group_directory_mode'} eq 'ad') {
        # AD
        $config{'group_field_deleted'} = 'isDeleted' if (!exists $config{'group_field_deleted'});
        $config{'group_field_modified'} = 'whenChanged' if (!exists $config{'group_field_modified'});
        $config{'group_field_guid'} = 'entryUUID' if (!exists $config{'group_field_guid'});
    } else {
        # slurd/default
        $config{'group_field_deleted'} = 'kolabdeleteflag' if (!exists $config{'group_field_deleted'});
        $config{'group_field_modified'} = 'modifytimestamp' if (!exists $config{'group_field_modified'});
        $config{'group_field_guid'} = 'entryUUID' if (!exists $config{'group_field_guid'});

    # `gyard_deletion_period' specifies how many minutes to leave lost users in
    # the graveyard before deleting them.
    # Defaults to seven days.
#    $config{'gyard_deletion_period'} = 7 * 24 * 60 if (!exists $config{'gyard_deletion_period'});

    # That's it! We now have our config hash.
    if (defined($ldap) && $ldap->isa('Net::LDAP')) {

    &log('C', 'Finished reloading configuration');
    $reloadOk = !$error;

sub log
    my $prefix = shift;
    my $text = shift;
    my $priority = shift || KOLAB_INFO;

    my $level = $config{'log_level'};
    if ($level >= $priority) {
        if ($priority == KOLAB_ERROR) {
            $text = $prefix . ' Error: ' . $text;
        } elsif ($priority == KOLAB_WARN) {
            $text = $prefix . ' Warning: ' . $text;
        } elsif ($priority == KOLAB_DEBUG) {
            $text = $prefix . ' Debug: ' . $text;
        } else {
            $text = $prefix . ': ' . $text;
        syslog('info', "$text");
    print STDERR "$text\n" if ($config{'debug'});

=head1 NAME

Kolab - Perl extension for general Kolab settings.


  Kolab contains code used for loading the configuration values from
  kolab.conf and LDAP, as well as functions for logging.


Stuart Bingë and others (see AUTHORS file)

=head1 LICENSE

This  program is free  software; you can redistribute  it and/or
modify it  under the terms of the GNU  General Public License as
published by the  Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is  distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT  ANY WARRANTY; without even the  implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You can view the  GNU General Public License, online, at the GNU
Project's homepage; see <>.


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