steffen: server/kolab-horde-framework/kolab-horde-framework/Image/Image Decorator.php, NONE, 1.1 gd.php, NONE, 1.1 im.php, NONE, 1.1 png.php, NONE, 1.1 rgb.php, NONE, 1.1 svg.php, NONE, 1.1 swf.php, NONE, 1.1

cvs at cvs at
Fri Oct 14 16:33:07 CEST 2005

Author: steffen

Update of /kolabrepository/server/kolab-horde-framework/kolab-horde-framework/Image/Image
In directory doto:/tmp/cvs-serv28903/kolab-horde-framework/kolab-horde-framework/Image/Image

Added Files:
	Decorator.php gd.php im.php png.php rgb.php svg.php swf.php 
Log Message:
Separated Horde Framework from kolab-resource-handlers

--- NEW FILE: Decorator.php ---
 * The Horde_Image_Decorator parent class defines a general API for
 * ways to "decorate" Horde_Image objects.
 * $Horde: framework/Image/Image/Decorator.php,v 1.3 2004/05/04 21:35:10 chuck Exp $
 * @author  Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * @package Horde_Image
class Horde_Image_Decorator {

     * Decorator parameters.
     * @var array $_params
    var $_params = array();

     * Decorator constructor.
     * @param array $params  (optional) Any parameters for the decoration.
     *                       Parameters are documented in each subclass.
    function Horde_Image_Decorator($params = array())
        foreach ($params as $key => $val) {
            $this->_params[$key] = $val;


--- NEW FILE: gd.php ---

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Image.php';

 * This class implements the Horde_Image:: API for the PHP GD
 * extension. It mainly provides some utility functions, such as the
 * ability to make pixels, for now.
 * $Horde: framework/Image/Image/gd.php,v 1.45 2004/05/26 12:45:41 jan Exp $
 * Copyright 2002-2004 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author  Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
 * @since   Horde 3.0
 * @package Horde_Image
class Horde_Image_gd extends Horde_Image {

     * Capabilites of this driver.
     * @var array $_capabilities
    var $_capabilities = array('resize',

     * What kind of images should GD generate? Defaults to 'png'.
     * @var string $_type
    var $_type = 'png';

     * GD Image resource for the current image data.
     * @var resource $_im
    var $_im;

     * String identifier of the current image. New image data will not
     * be loaded if the same id is already loaded.
     * @var string $_id
    var $_id = '';

    function Horde_Image_gd($params)
        if (!empty($params['type'])) {
            $this->_type = $params['type'];

        if (!empty($params['width'])) {
            $this->_im = @imageCreateTrueColor($this->_width, $this->_height);
            if (!is_resource($this->_im)) {
                $this->_im = imageCreate($this->_width, $this->_height);

            imageFill($this->_im, 0, 0, $this->allocateColor($this->_background));

    function getContentType()
        return 'image/' . $this->_type;

     * Display the current image.
    function display()
        $function = 'image' . $this->_type;

     * Return the raw data for this image.
     * @return string  The raw image data.
    function raw()
        return Util::bufferOutput('image' . $this->_type, $this->_im);

     * Reset the image data.
    function reset()

     * Get the height and width of the current image.
     * @return array  An hash with 'width' containing the width,
     *                'height' containing the height of the image.
    function getDimensions()
        if ($this->_im) {
            return array('width' => imageSX($this->_im),
                         'height' => imageSY($this->_im));
        } else {
            return array('width' => 0, 'height' => 0);

     * Creates a color that can be accessed in this object. When a
     * color is set, the integer resource of it is returned.
     * @param string $name  The name of the color.
     * @return integer  The resource of the color that can be passed to GD.
    function allocateColor($name)
        static $colors = array();

        if (empty($colors[$name])) {
            list($r, $g, $b) = $this->getRGB($name);
            $colors[$name] = imageColorAllocate($this->_im, $r, $g, $b);

        return $colors[$name];

    function getFont($font)
        switch ($font) {
        case 'tiny':
            return 1;

        case 'medium':
            return 3;

        case 'large':
            return 4;

        case 'giant':
            return 5;

        case 'small':
            return 2;

     * Load the image data from a string.
     * @access public
     * @params string $id          An arbitrary id for the image.
     * @params string $image_data  The data to use for the image.
    function loadString($id, $image_data)
        if ($id != $this->_id) {
            if ($this->_im) {
            $this->_im = @imageCreateFromString($image_data);
            $this->_id = $id;

     * Load the image data from a file.
     * @access public
     * @params string $filename  The full path and filename to the file to load
     *                           the image data from. The filename will also be
     *                           used for the image id.
     * @return mixed  PEAR Error if file does not exist or could not be loaded
     *                otherwise NULL if successful or already loaded.
    function loadFile($filename)

        $info = getimagesize($filename);
        if (is_array($info)) {
            switch ($info[2]) {
            case 1:
                if (function_exists('imagecreatefromgif')) {
                    $this->_im = @imagecreatefromgif($filename);
            case 2:
                $this->_im = @imagecreatefromjpeg($filename);
            case 3:
                $this->_im = @imagecreatefrompng($filename);
            case 15:
                if (function_exists('imagecreatefromgwbmp')) {
                    $this->_im = @imagecreatefromgwbmp($filename);
            case 16:
                $this->_im = @imagecreatefromxbm($filename);

        if (is_resource($this->_im)) {

        $result = parent::loadFile($filename);
        if (is_a($result, 'PEAR_Error')) {
            return $result;
        $this->_im = @imageCreateFromString($this->_data);

     * Resize the current image.
     * @param integer $width      The new width.
     * @param integer $height     The new height.
     * @param boolean $ratio      Maintain original aspect ratio.
    function resize($width, $height, $ratio = true)
        /* Abort if we're asked to divide by zero, or truncate the
         * image completely in either direction. */
        if (!$width || !$height) {

        if ($ratio) {
            if ($width / $height > imageSX($this->_im) / imageSY($this->_im)) {
                $width = $height * imageSX($this->_im) / imageSY($this->_im);
            } else {
                $height = $width * imageSY($this->_im) / imageSX($this->_im);

        $im = $this->_im;
        $this->_im = @imageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
        if (!is_resource($this->_im)) {
            $this->_im = imageCreate($width, $height);
        imageFill($this->_im, 0, 0, imageColorAllocate($this->_im, 255, 255, 255));
        if (!@imageCopyResampled($this->_im, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, imageSX($im), imageSY($im))) {
            imageCopyResized($this->_im, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, imageSX($im), imageSY($im));

     * Crop the current image.
     * @param integer $x1  The top left corner of the cropped image.
     * @param integer $y1  The top right corner of the cropped image.
     * @param integer $x2  The bottom left corner of the cropped image.
     * @param integer $y2  The bottom right corner of the cropped image.
    function crop($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
        $im = $this->_im;
        $this->_im = @imageCreateTrueColor($x2 - $x1, $y2 - $y1);
        if (!is_resource($this->_im)) {
            $this->_im = imageCreate($x2 - $x1, $y2 - $y1);
        imageCopy($this->_im, $im, 0, 0, $x1, $y1, $x2 - $x1, $y2 - $y1);

     * Rotate the current image.
     * @param integer $angle       The angle to rotate the image by,
     *                             in the clockwise direction
     * @param integer $background  The background color to fill any triangles
    function rotate($angle, $background = 'white')
        if (!function_exists('imagerotate')) {

        $background = $this->allocateColor($background);

        switch ($angle) {
        case '90':
            $x = imageSX($this->_im);
            $y = imageSY($this->_im);
            $xymax = max($x, $y);

            $im = @imageCreateTrueColor($xymax, $xymax);
            if (!is_resource($im)) {
                $im = imageCreate($xymax, $xymax);
            imageCopy($im, $this->_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $x, $y);
            $im = imageRotate($im, 270, $background);
            $this->_im = $im;
            $im = @imageCreateTrueColor($y, $x);
            if (!is_resource($im)) {
                $im = imageCreate($y, $x);
            if ($x < $y) {
                imageCopy($im, $this->_im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $xymax, $xymax);
            } elseif ($x > $y) {
                imageCopy($im, $this->_im, 0, 0, $xymax - $y, $xymax - $x, $xymax, $xymax);
            $this->_im = $im;

            $this->_im = imageRotate($this->_im, 360 - $angle, $background);

     * Flip the current image.
    function flip()
        $x = imageSX($this->_im);
        $y = imageSY($this->_im);

        $im = @imageCreateTrueColor($x, $y);
        if (!is_resource($im)) {
            $im = imageCreate($x, $y);
        for ($curY = 0; $curY < $y; $curY++) {
            imageCopy($im, $this->_im, 0, $y - ($curY + 1), 0, $curY, $x, 1);

        $this->_im = $im;

     * Mirror the current image.
    function mirror()
        $x = imageSX($this->_im);
        $y = imageSY($this->_im);

        $im = @imageCreateTrueColor($x, $y);
        if (!is_resource($im)) {
            $im = imageCreate($x, $y);
        for ($curX = 0; $curX < $x; $curX++) {
            imageCopy($im, $this->_im, $x - ($curX + 1), 0, $curX, 0, 1, $y);

        $this->_im = $im;

     * Convert the current image to grayscale.
    function grayscale()
        $rateR = .229;
        $rateG = .587;
        $rateB = .114;
        $whiteness = 3;

        if (function_exists('imageistruecolor') && imageIsTrueColor($this->_im)) {
            @imageTrueColorToPalette($this->_im, true, 256);

        $colors = min(256, imageColorsTotal($this->_im));
        for ($x = 0; $x < $colors; $x++) {
            $src = imageColorsForIndex($this->_im, $x);
            $new = min(255, abs($src['red'] * $rateR + $src['green'] * $rateG + $src['blue'] * $rateB) + $whiteness);
            imageColorSet($this->_im, $x, $new, $new, $new);

     * Sepia filter.
     * Basically turns the image to grayscale and then adds some
     * defined tint on it (R += 30, G += 43, B += -23) so it will
     * appear to be a very old picture.
    function sepia()
        $tintR = 80;
        $tintG = 43;
        $tintB = -23;
        $rateR = .229;
        $rateG = .587;
        $rateB = .114;
        $whiteness = 3;

        if (imageIsTrueColor($this->_im)) {
            imageTrueColorToPalette($this->_im, true, 256);

        $colors = max(256, imageColorsTotal($this->_im));
        for ($x = 0; $x < $colors; $x++) {
            $src = imageColorsForIndex($this->_im, $x);
            $new = min(255, abs($src['red'] * $rateR + $src['green'] * $rateG + $src['blue'] * $rateB) + $whiteness);
            $r = min(255, $new + $tintR);
            $g = min(255, $new + $tintG);
            $b = min(255, $new + $tintB);
            imageColorSet($this->_im, $x, $r, $g, $b);

     * Yellowize filter.
     * Adds a layer of yellow that can be transparent or solid. If
     * $intensityA is 255 the image will be 0% transparent (solid).
     * @param integer $intensityY  How strong should the yellow (red and green) be? (0-255)
     * @param integer $intensityB  How weak should the blue be? (>= 2, in the positive limit it will be make BLUE 0)
    function yellowize($intensityY = 50, $intensityB = 3)
        if (imageIsTrueColor($this->_im)) {
            imageTrueColorToPalette($this->_im, true, 256);

        $colors = max(256, imageColorsTotal($this->_im));
        for ($x = 0; $x < $colors; $x++) {
            $src = imageColorsForIndex($this->_im, $x);
            $r = min($src['red'] + $intensityY, 255);
            $g = min($src['green'] + $intensityY, 255);
            $b = max(($r + $g) / max($intensityB, 2), 0);
            imageColorSet($this->_im, $x, $r, $g, $b);

    function watermark($text, $halign = 'right', $valign = 'bottom', $font = 'small')
        $color = imageColorClosest($this->_im, 255, 255, 255);
        $shadow = imageColorClosest($this->_im, 0, 0, 0);

        // Shadow offset in pixels.
        $drop = 1;

        // Maximum text width.
        $maxwidth = 200;

        // Amount of space to leave between the text and the image
        // border.
        $padding = 10;

        $f = $this->getFont($font);
        $fontwidth = imageFontWidth($f);
        $fontheight = imageFontHeight($f);

        // So that shadow is not off the image with right align and
        // bottom valign.
        $margin = floor($padding + $drop) / 2;

        if ($maxwidth) {
            $maxcharsperline = floor(($maxwidth - ($margin * 2)) / $fontwidth);
            $text = wordwrap($text, $maxcharsperline, "\n", 1);

        // Split $text into individual lines.
        $lines = explode("\n", $text);

        switch ($valign){
        case 'center':
            $y = (imageSY($this->_im) - ($fontheight * count($lines))) / 2;

        case 'bottom':
            $y = imageSY($this->_im) - (($fontheight * count($lines)) + $margin);

            $y = $margin;

        switch ($halign) {
        case 'right':
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                imageString($this->_im, $f, (imageSX($this->_im) - $fontwidth * strlen($line)) - $margin + $drop, ($y + $drop), $line, $shadow);
                imageString($this->_im, $f, (imageSX($this->_im) - $fontwidth * strlen($line)) - $margin, $y, $line, $color);
                $y += $fontheight;

        case 'center':
            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                imageString($this->_im, $f, floor((imageSX($this->_im) - $fontwidth * strlen($line)) / 2) + $drop, ($y + $drop), $line, $shadow);
                imageString($this->_im, $f, floor((imageSX($this->_im) - $fontwidth * strlen($line)) / 2), $y, $line, $color);
                $y += $fontheight;

            foreach ($lines as $line) {
                imageString($this->_im, $f, $margin + $drop, ($y + $drop), $line, $shadow);
                imageString($this->_im, $f, $margin, $y, $line, $color);
                $y += $fontheight;

     * Draws a text string on the image in a specified location, with
     * the specified style information.
     * @param string  $text       The text to draw.
     * @param integer $x          The left x coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param integer $y          The top y coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param string  $font       The font identifier you want to use for the text.
     * @param string  $color      The color that you want the text displayed in.
     * @param integer $direction  An integer that specifies the orientation of the text.
    function text($string, $x, $y, $font = 'monospace', $color = 'black', $direction = 0)
        $c = $this->allocateColor($color);
        $f = $this->getFont($font);
        switch ($direction) {
        case -90:
        case 270:
            imageStringUp($this->_im, $f, $x, $y, $string, $c);

        case 0:
            imageString($this->_im, $f, $x, $y, $string, $c);

     * Draw a circle.
     * @param integer $x      The x co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the circle.
     * @param string  $color  The line color of the circle.
     * @param string  $fill   (optional) The color to fill the circle.
    function circle($x, $y, $r, $color, $fill = null)
        $c = $this->allocateColor($color);
        if (is_null($fill)) {
            imageEllipse($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $c);
        } else {
            if ($fill !== $color) {
                $fillColor = $this->allocateColor($fill);
                imageFilledEllipse($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $fillColor);
                imageEllipse($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $c);
            } else {
                imageFilledEllipse($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $c);

     * Draw a polygon based on a set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the polygon with.
     * @param string  $fill      (optional) The color to fill the polygon.
    function polygon($verts, $color, $fill = 'none')
        $vertices = array();
        foreach ($verts as $vert) {
            $vertices[] = $vert['x'];
            $vertices[] = $vert['y'];

        if ($fill != 'none') {
            $f = $this->allocateColor($fill);
            imageFilledPolygon($this->_im, $vertices, count($verts), $f);

        if ($fill == 'none' || $fill != $color) {
            $c = $this->allocateColor($color);
            imagePolygon($this->_im, $vertices, count($verts), $c);

     * Draw a rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $color   (optional) The line color of the rectangle. Defaults to black.
     * @param string  $fill    (optional) The color to fill the rectangle with. Defaults to none.
    function rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color = 'black', $fill = 'none')
        if ($fill != 'none') {
            $f = $this->allocateColor($fill);
            imageFilledRectangle($this->_im, $x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, $f);

        if ($fill == 'none' || $fill != $color) {
            $c = $this->allocateColor($color);
            imageRectangle($this->_im, $x, $y, $x + $width, $y + $height, $c);

     * Draw a rounded rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $round   The width of the corner rounding.
     * @param string  $color   (optional) The line color of the rectangle. Defaults to black.
     * @param string  $fill    (optional) The color to fill the rounded rectangle with. Defaults to none.
    function roundedRectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $round, $color = 'black', $fill = 'none')
        if ($round <= 0) {
            // Optimize out any calls with no corner rounding.
            return $this->rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color, $fill);

        $c = $this->allocateColor($color);

        // Set corner points to avoid lots of redundant math.
        $x1 = $x + $round;
        $y1 = $y + $round;

        $x2 = $x + $width - $round;
        $y2 = $y + $round;

        $x3 = $x + $width - $round;
        $y3 = $y + $height - $round;

        $x4 = $x + $round;
        $y4 = $y + $height - $round;

        $r = $round * 2;

        // Calculate the upper left arc.
        $p1 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 180, 225);
        $p2 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 225, 270);

        // Calculate the upper right arc.
        $p3 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 270, 315);
        $p4 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 315, 360);

        // Calculate the lower right arc.
        $p5 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 0, 45);
        $p6 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 45, 90);

        // Calculate the lower left arc.
        $p7 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 90, 135);
        $p8 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 135, 180);

        // Draw the corners - upper left, upper right, lower right,
        // lower left.
        imageArc($this->_im, $x1, $y1, $r, $r, 180, 270, $c);
        imageArc($this->_im, $x2, $y2, $r, $r, 270, 360, $c);
        imageArc($this->_im, $x3, $y3, $r, $r, 0, 90, $c);
        imageArc($this->_im, $x4, $y4, $r, $r, 90, 180, $c);

        // Draw the connecting sides - top, right, bottom, left.
        imageLine($this->_im, $x1 + $p2['x2'], $y1 + $p2['y2'], $x2 + $p3['x1'], $y2 + $p3['y1'], $c);
        imageLine($this->_im, $x2 + $p4['x2'], $y2 + $p4['y2'], $x3 + $p5['x1'], $y3 + $p5['y1'], $c);
        imageLine($this->_im, $x3 + $p6['x2'], $y3 + $p6['y2'], $x4 + $p7['x1'], $y4 + $p7['y1'], $c);
        imageLine($this->_im, $x4 + $p8['x2'], $y4 + $p8['y2'], $x1 + $p1['x1'], $y1 + $p1['y1'], $c);

        if ($fill != 'none') {
            $f = $this->allocateColor($fill);
            imageFillToBorder($this->_im, $x + ($width / 2), $y + ($height / 2), $c, $f);

     * Draw a line.
     * @param integer $x0     The x co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $y0     The y co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $x1     The x co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param integer $y1     The y co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param string  $color  (optional) The line color.
     * @param string  $width  (optional) The width of the line.
    function line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color = 'black', $width = 1)
        $c = $this->allocateColor($color);

        // Don't need to do anything special for single-width lines.
        if ($width == 1) {
            imageLine($this->_im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $c);
        } elseif ($x1 == $x2) {
            // For vertical lines, we can just draw a vertical
            // rectangle.
            $left = $x1 - floor(($width - 1) / 2);
            $right = $x1 + floor($width / 2);
            imageFilledRectangle($this->_im, $left, $y1, $right, $y2, $c);
        } elseif ($y1 == $y2) {
            // For horizontal lines, we can just draw a horizontal
            // filled rectangle.
            $top = $y1 - floor($width / 2);
            $bottom = $y1 + floor(($width - 1) / 2);
            imageFilledRectangle($this->_im, $x1, $top, $x2, $bottom, $c);
        } else {
            // Angled lines.

            // Make sure that the end points of the line are
            // perpendicular to the line itself.
            $a = atan2($y1 - $y2, $x2 - $x1);
            $dx = (sin($a) * $width / 2);
            $dy = (cos($a) * $width / 2);

            $verts = array($x2 + $dx, $y2 + $dy, $x2 - $dx, $y2 - $dy, $x1 - $dx, $y1 - $dy, $x1 + $dx, $y1 + $dy);
            imageFilledPolygon($this->_im, $verts, count($verts) / 2, $c);

     * Draw a dashed line.
     * @param integer $x0           The x co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $y0           The y co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $x1           The x co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param integer $y1           The y co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param string  $color        (optional) The line color.
     * @param string  $width        (optional) The width of the line.
     * @param integer $dash_length  The length of a dash on the dashed line
     * @param integer $dash_space   The length of a space in the dashed line
    function dashedLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color = 'black', $width = 1, $dash_length = 2, $dash_space = 2)
        $c = $this->allocateColor($color);
        $w = $this->allocateColor('white');

        // Set up the style array according to the $dash_* parameters.
        $style = array();
        for ($i = 0; $i < $dash_length; $i++) {
            $style[] = $c;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $dash_space; $i++) {
            $style[] = $w;

        imageSetStyle($this->_im, $style);
        imageSetThickness($this->_im, $width);
        imageLine($this->_im, $x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, IMG_COLOR_STYLED);

     * Draw a polyline (a non-closed, non-filled polygon) based on a
     * set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the line with.
     * @param string  $width     (optional) The width of the line.
    function polyline($verts, $color, $width = 1)
        $first = true;
        foreach ($verts as $vert) {
            if (!$first) {
                $this->line($lastX, $lastY, $vert['x'], $vert['y'], $color, $width);
            } else {
                $first = false;
            $lastX = $vert['x'];
            $lastY = $vert['y'];

     * Draw an arc.
     * @param integer $x      The x co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the arc.
     * @param integer $start  The start angle of the arc.
     * @param integer $end    The end angle of the arc.
     * @param string  $color  The line color of the arc.
     * @param string  $fill   The fill color of the arc (defaults to none).
    function arc($x, $y, $r, $start, $end, $color = 'black', $fill = null)
        $c = $this->allocateColor($color);
        if (is_null($fill)) {
            imageArc($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $start, $end, $c);
        } else {
            if ($fill !== $color) {
                $f = $this->allocateColor($fill);
                imageFilledArc($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $start, $end, $f, IMG_ARC_PIE);
                imageFilledArc($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $start, $end, $c, IMG_ARC_EDGED | IMG_ARC_NOFILL);
            } else {
                imageFilledArc($this->_im, $x, $y, $r * 2, $r * 2, $start, $end, $c, IMG_ARC_PIE);


--- NEW FILE: im.php ---

require_once 'Horde/Image.php';

 * This class implements the Horde_Image:: API for ImageMagick.
 * $Horde: framework/Image/Image/im.php,v 1.33 2004/05/07 19:16:20 chuck Exp $
 * Copyright 2002-2004 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * Copyright 2003-2004 Mike Cochrane <mike at>
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author  Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * @author  Mike Cochrane <mike at>
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
 * @since   Horde 3.0
 * @package Horde_Image
class Horde_Image_im extends Horde_Image {

     * Capabilites of this driver.
     * @var array $_capabilities
    var $_capabilities = array('resize',

     * What kind of images should ImageMagick generate? Defaults to
     * 'png'.
     * @var string $_type
    var $_type = 'png';

     * Operations to be performed.
     * @var array $_operations
    var $_operations = array();

     * Current stroke color; cached so we don't issue more -stroke
     * commands than necessary.
     * @var string $_strokeColor
    var $_strokeColor = null;

     * Current stroke width; cached so we don't issue more -strokewidth
     * commands than necessary.
     * @var string $_strokeWidth
    var $_strokeWidth = null;

     * Current fill color; cached so we don't issue more -fill
     * commands than necessary.
     * @var string $_fillColor
    var $_fillColor = null;

     * Constructor.
    function Horde_Image_im($params)

        if (!empty($params['type'])) {
            $this->_type = $params['type'];

        // Make sure we start with a white background to be consistent
        // with other drivers.
        if (!empty($params['background'])) {
            $bg = $params['background'];
        } else {
            $bg = 'white';
        $this->rectangle(0, 0, $this->_width, $this->_height, $bg, $bg);

     * Return the content type for this image.
     * @return string  The content type for this image.
    function getContentType()
        return 'image/' . $this->_type;

     * Return the raw data for this image.
     * @return string  The raw image data.
    function raw()
        global $conf;

        if (!empty($this->_data)) {
            // If there are no operations, and we already have data,
            // don't bother writing out files, just return the current
            // data.
            if (!count($this->_operations)) {
                return $this->_data;

            $tmpin = $this->toFile($this->_data);
        } else {
            // Create an empty PPM file to load.
            $tmpin = Util::getTempFile('img', false, $this->_tmpdir);
            $fp = fopen($tmpin, 'wb');
            fwrite($fp, sprintf("P3\n%d %d\n255\n ", $this->_width, $this->_height));

        $tmpout = Util::getTempFile('img', false, $this->_tmpdir);

        $command  = $conf['image']['convert'];
        $command .= ' ' . implode(' ', $this->_operations);
        $command .= ' "' . $tmpin . '" +profile "*" ' . $this->_type . ':"' . $tmpout . '" 2>&1';

        exec($command, $output, $retval);

        $fp = fopen($tmpout, 'rb');
        $this->_data = fread($fp, filesize($tmpout));


        return $this->_data;

     * Reset the image data.
    function reset()
        $this->_operations = array();

     * Resize the current image.
     * @param integer $width   The new width.
     * @param integer $height  The new height.
     * @param boolean $ratio   Maintain original aspect ratio.
    function resize($width, $height, $ratio = true)
        if ($ratio) {
            $this->_operations[] = "-resize {$width}x{$height}";
        } else {
            $this->_operations[] = "-resize {$width}x{$height}!";

     * Crop the current image.
     * @param integer $x1  The top left corner of the cropped image.
     * @param integer $y1  The top right corner of the cropped image.
     * @param integer $x2  The bottom left corner of the cropped image.
     * @param integer $y2  The bottom right corner of the cropped image.
    function crop($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2)
        $line = ($x2 - $x1) . 'x' . ($y2 - $y1) . '+' . $x1 . '+' . $y2;
        $this->_operations[] = '-crop ' . $line;

     * Rotate the current image.
     * @param integer $angle       The angle to rotate the image by,
     *                             in the clockwise direction.
     * @param integer $background  The background color to fill any triangles.
    function rotate($angle, $background = 'white')
        $this->_operations[] = "-rotate {$angle} -background $background";

     * Flip the current image.
    function flip()
        $this->_operations[] = '-flip';

     * Mirror the current image.
    function mirror()
        $this->_operations[] = '-flop';

     * Convert the current image to grayscale.
    function grayscale()
        $this->_operations[] = '-colorspace GRAY -colors 256';

     * Sepia filter.
    function sepia()
        $this->_operations[] = '-modulate 110 -colorspace GRAY -colors 256 -gamma 1.25/1/0.66';

     * Draws a text string on the image in a specified location, with
     * the specified style information.
     * @param string  $text       The text to draw.
     * @param integer $x          The left x coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param integer $y          The top y coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param string  $font       The font identifier you want to use for the text.
     * @param string  $color      The color that you want the text displayed in.
     * @param integer $direction  An integer that specifies the orientation of the text.
    function text($string, $x, $y, $font = '_sans', $color = 'black', $direction = 0)

        $string = addslashes('"' . $string . '"');
        $y = $y + 12;
        $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"text $x,$y $string\"";

     * Draw a circle.
     * @param integer $x      The x coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the circle.
     * @param string  $color  The line color of the circle.
     * @param string  $fill   (optional) The color to fill the circle.
    function circle($x, $y, $r, $color, $fill = 'none')

        $xMax = $x + $r;
        $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"circle $x,$y $xMax,$y\"";

     * Draw a polygon based on a set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the polygon with.
     * @param string  $fill      (optional) The color to fill the polygon.
    function polygon($verts, $color, $fill = 'none')

        $command = '';
        foreach ($verts as $vert) {
            $command .= sprintf(' %d,%d', $vert['x'], $vert['y']);
        $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"polygon $command\"";

     * Draw a rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $color   The line color of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $fill    (optional) The color to fill the rectangle.
    function rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color, $fill = 'none')

        $xMax = $x + $width;
        $yMax = $y + $height;
        $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"rectangle $x,$y $xMax,$yMax\"";

     * Draw a rounded rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $round   The width of the corner rounding.
     * @param string  $color   The line color of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $fill    The color to fill the rounded rectangle with.
    function roundedRectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $round, $color, $fill)

        $x1 = $x + $width;
        $y1 = $y + $height;
        $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"roundRectangle $x,$y $x1,$y1, $round,$round\"";

     * Draw a line.
     * @param integer $x0     The x coordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $y0     The y coordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $x1     The x coordinate of the end.
     * @param integer $y1     The y coordinate of the end.
     * @param string  $color  (optional) The line color.
     * @param string  $width  (optional) The width of the line.
    function line($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $color = 'black', $width = 1)
        $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"line $x0,$y0 $x1,$y1\"";

     * Draw a polyline (a non-closed, non-filled polygon) based on a
     * set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the line with.
     * @param string  $width     (optional) The width of the line.
    function polyline($verts, $color, $width = 1)

        $command = '';
        foreach ($verts as $vert) {
            $command .= sprintf(' %d,%d', $vert['x'], $vert['y']);
        $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"polyline $command\"";

     * Draw an arc.
     * @param integer $x      The x coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the arc.
     * @param integer $start  The start angle of the arc.
     * @param integer $end    The end angle of the arc.
     * @param string  $color  The line color of the arc.
     * @param string  $fill   The fill color of the arc (defaults to none).
    function arc($x, $y, $r, $start, $end, $color = 'black', $fill = 'none')

        // Split up arcs greater than 180 degrees into two pieces.
        $mid = round(($start + $end) / 2);
        if ($mid > 90) {
            $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"ellipse $x,$y $r,$r $start,$mid\"";
            $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"ellipse $x,$y $r,$r $mid,$end\"";
        } else {
            $this->_operations[] = "-draw \"ellipse $x,$y $r,$r $start,$end\"";

        // If filled, draw the outline.
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            list($x1, $y1) = $this->_circlePoint($start, $r * 2);
            list($x2, $y2) = $this->_circlePoint($mid, $r * 2);
            list($x3, $y3) = $this->_circlePoint($end, $r * 2);

            // This seems to result in slightly better placement of
            // pie slices.

            $verts = array(array('x' => $x + $x3, 'y' => $y + $y3),
                           array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y),
                           array('x' => $x + $x1, 'y' => $y + $y1));

            if ($mid > 90) {
                $verts1 = array(array('x' => $x + $x2, 'y' => $y + $y2),
                                array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y),
                                array('x' => $x + $x1, 'y' => $y + $y1));
                $verts2 = array(array('x' => $x + $x3, 'y' => $y + $y3),
                                array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y),
                                array('x' => $x + $x2, 'y' => $y + $y2));

                $this->polygon($verts1, $fill, $fill);
                $this->polygon($verts2, $fill, $fill);
            } else {
                $this->polygon($verts, $fill, $fill);

            $this->polyline($verts, $color);

     * Change the current stroke color. Will only affect the command
     * string if $stroke is different from the previous stroke color
     * (stored in $this->_strokeColor).
     * @access private
     * @see $_strokeColor
     * @param string $color  The new stroke color.
    function setStrokeColor($color)
        if ($color != $this->_strokeColor) {
            $this->_operations[] = "-stroke $color";
            $this->_strokeColor = $color;

     * Change the current stroke width. Will only affect the command
     * string if $width is different from the previous stroke width
     * (stored in $this->_strokeWidth).
     * @access private
     * @see $_stroke
     * @param string $width  The new stroke width.
    function setStrokeWidth($width)
        if ($width != $this->_strokeWidth) {
            $this->_operations[] = "-strokewidth $width";
            $this->_strokeWidth = $width;

     * Change the current fill color. Will only affect the command
     * string if $color is different from the previous fill color
     * (stored in $this->_fillColor).
     * @access private
     * @see $_fill
     * @param string $color  The new fill color.
    function setFillColor($color)
        if ($color != $this->_fillColor) {
            $this->_operations[] = "-fill $color";
            $this->_fillColor = $color;


--- NEW FILE: png.php ---

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Image.php';

 * This class implements the Horde_Image:: API for PNG images. It
 * mainly provides some utility functions, such as the ability to make
 * pixels or solid images for now.
 * $Horde: framework/Image/Image/png.php,v 1.19 2004/05/07 20:51:36 chuck Exp $
 * Copyright 2003-2004 Mike Cochrane <mike at>
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author  Mike Cochrane <mike at>
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
 * @since   Horde 3.0
 * @package Horde_Image
class Horde_Image_png extends Horde_Image {

     * The array of pixel data.
     * @var array $_img
    var $_img = array();

     * Color depth (only 8 and 16 implemented).
     * @var integer $_colorDepth
    var $_colorDepth = 8;

     * Color type (only 2 (true color) implemented).
     * @var integer $_colorType
    var $_colorType = 2;

     * Compression method (0 is the only current valid value).
     * @var integer $_compressionMethod
    var $_compressionMethod = 0;

     * Filter method (0 is the only current valid value).
     * @var integer $_filterMethod
    var $_filterMethod = 0;

     * Interlace method (only 0 (no interlace) implemented).
     * @var integer $_interlaceMethod
    var $_interlaceMethod = 0;

     * PNG image constructor.
    function Horde_Image_png($params)

        if (!empty($params['width'])) {
            $this->rectangle(0, 0, $params['width'], $params['height'], $this->_background, $this->_background);

    function getContentType()
        return 'image/png';

     * Return the raw data for this image.
     * @return string  The raw image data.
    function raw()
            $this->_header() .
            $this->_IHDR() .

            /* Say what created the image file. */
            $this->_tEXt('Software', 'Horde Framework Image_png Class') .

            /* Set the last modified date/time. */
            $this->_tIME() .

            $this->_IDAT() .

     * Reset the image data.
    function reset()
        $this->_img = array();

     * Draw a rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $color   (optional) The line color of the rectangle. Defaults to black.
     * @param string  $fill    (optional) The color to fill the rectangle with. Defaults to none.
    function rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color = 'black', $fill = 'none')
        list($r, $g, $b) = $this->getRGB($color);
        if ($fill != 'none') {
            list($fR, $fG, $fB) = $this->getRGB($fill);

        $x2 = $x + $width;
        $y2 = $y + $height;

        for ($h = $y; $h <= $y2; $h++) {
            for ($w = $x; $w <= $x2; $w++) {
                // See if we're on an edge.
                if ($w == $x || $h == $y || $w == $x2 || $h == $y2) {
                    $this->_img[$h][$w] = array('r' => $r, 'g' => $g, 'b' => $b);
                } elseif ($fill != 'none') {
                    $this->_img[$h][$w] = array('r' => $fR, 'g' => $fG, 'b' => $fB);

     * Create the PNG file header.
    function _header()
        return pack('CCCCCCCC', 137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10);

     * Create Image Header block.
    function _IHDR()
        $data = pack('a4NNCCCCC', 'IHDR', $this->_width, $this->_height, $this->_colorDepth, $this->_colorType, $this->_compressionMethod, $this->_filterMethod, $this->_interlaceMethod);
        return pack('Na' . strlen($data) . 'N', strlen($data) - 4, $data, crc32($data));

     * Create IEND block.
    function _IEND()
        $data = 'IEND';
        return pack('Na' . strlen($data) . 'N', strlen($data) - 4, $data, crc32($data));

     * Create Image Data block.
    function _IDAT()
        $data = '';
        $prevscanline = null;
        $filter = 0;
        for ($i = 0; $i < $this->_height; $i++) {
            $scanline = array();
            $data .= chr($filter);
            for ($j = 0; $j < $this->_width; $j++) {
                if ($this->_colorDepth == 8) {
                    $scanline[$j] = pack('CCC', $this->_img[$i][$j]['r'], $this->_img[$i][$j]['g'], $this->_img[$i][$j]['b']);
                } elseif ($this->_colorDepth == 16) {
                    $scanline[$j] = pack('nnn', $this->_img[$i][$j]['r'] << 8, $this->_img[$i][$j]['g'] << 8 , $this->_img[$i][$j]['b'] << 8 );

                if ($filter == 0) {
                    /* No Filter. */
                    $data .= $scanline[$j];
                } elseif ($filter == 2) {
                    /* Up Filter. */
                    $pixel = $scanline[$j] - $prevscanline[$j];
                    if ($this->_colorDepth == 8) {
                        $data .= pack('CCC', $pixel >> 16, ($pixel >> 8) & 0xFF, $pixel & 0xFF);
                    } elseif ($this->_colorDepth == 16) {
                        $data .= pack('nnn', ($pixel >> 32), ($pixel >> 16) & 0xFFFF , $pixel & 0xFFFF);
            $prevscanline = $scanline;
        $compressed = gzdeflate($data, 9);

        $data = 'IDAT' . pack('CCa' . strlen($compressed) . 'a4', 0x78, 0x01, $compressed, $this->_Adler32($data));
        return pack('Na' . strlen($data) . 'N', strlen($data) - 4, $data, crc32($data));

     * Create tEXt block.
    function _tEXt($keyword, $text)
        $data = 'tEXt' . $keyword . "\0" . $text;
        return pack('Na' . strlen($data) . 'N', strlen($data) - 4, $data, crc32($data));

     * Create last modified time block.
    function _tIME($date = null)
        if (is_null($date)) {
            $date = time();

        $data = 'tIME' . pack('nCCCCC', intval(date('Y', $date)), intval(date('m', $date)), intval(date('j', $date)), intval(date('G', $date)), intval(date('i', $date)), intval(date('s', $date)));
        return pack('Na' . strlen($data) . 'N', strlen($data) - 4, $data, crc32($data));

     * Calculate an Adler32 checksum for a string.
    function _Adler32($input)
        $s1 = 1;
        $s2 = 0;
        $iMax = strlen($input);
        for ($i = 0; $i < $iMax; $i++) {
            $s1 = ($s1 + ord($input[$i])) % 0xFFF1;
            $s2 = ($s2 + $s1) % 0xFFF1;
        return pack('N', (($s2 << 16) | $s1));


--- NEW FILE: rgb.php ---
 * RGB color names/values.
 * $Horde: framework/Image/Image/rgb.php,v 1.2 2003/11/06 21:03:22 chuck Exp $
 * @package Horde_Image
$GLOBALS['horde_image_rgb_colors'] = array(
    'aqua' => array(0, 255, 255), 		
    'lime' => array(0, 255, 0), 		
    'teal' => array(0, 128, 128), 
    'whitesmoke' => array(245, 245, 245), 
    'gainsboro' => array(220, 220, 220), 
    'oldlace' => array(253, 245, 230), 
    'linen' => array(250, 240, 230), 
    'antiquewhite' => array(250, 235, 215), 
    'papayawhip' => array(255, 239, 213), 
    'blanchedalmond' => array(255, 235, 205), 
    'bisque' => array(255, 228, 196), 
    'peachpuff' => array(255, 218, 185), 
    'navajowhite' => array(255, 222, 173), 
    'moccasin' => array(255, 228, 181), 
    'cornsilk' => array(255, 248, 220), 
    'ivory' => array(255, 255, 240), 
    'lemonchiffon' => array(255, 250, 205), 
    'seashell' => array(255, 245, 238), 
    'mintcream' => array(245, 255, 250), 
    'azure' => array(240, 255, 255), 
    'aliceblue' => array(240, 248, 255), 
    'lavender' => array(230, 230, 250), 
    'lavenderblush' => array(255, 240, 245), 
    'mistyrose' => array(255, 228, 225), 
    'white' => array(255, 255, 255), 
    'black' => array(0, 0, 0), 
    'darkslategray' => array(47, 79, 79), 
    'dimgray' => array(105, 105, 105), 
    'slategray' => array(112, 128, 144), 
    'lightslategray' => array(119, 136, 153), 
    'gray' => array(190, 190, 190), 
    'lightgray' => array(211, 211, 211), 
    'midnightblue' => array(25, 25, 112), 
    'navy' => array(0, 0, 128), 
    'cornflowerblue' => array(100, 149, 237), 
    'darkslateblue' => array(72, 61, 139), 
    'slateblue' => array(106, 90, 205), 
    'mediumslateblue' => array(123, 104, 238), 
    'lightslateblue' => array(132, 112, 255), 
    'mediumblue' => array(0, 0, 205), 
    'royalblue' => array(65, 105, 225), 
    'blue' => array(0, 0, 255), 
    'dodgerblue' => array(30, 144, 255), 
    'deepskyblue' => array(0, 191, 255), 
    'skyblue' => array(135, 206, 235), 
    'lightskyblue' => array(135, 206, 250), 
    'steelblue' => array(70, 130, 180), 
    'lightred' => array(211, 167, 168), 
    'lightsteelblue' => array(176, 196, 222), 
    'lightblue' => array(173, 216, 230), 
    'powderblue' => array(176, 224, 230), 
    'paleturquoise' => array(175, 238, 238), 
    'darkturquoise' => array(0, 206, 209), 
    'mediumturquoise' => array(72, 209, 204), 
    'turquoise' => array(64, 224, 208), 
    'cyan' => array(0, 255, 255), 
    'lightcyan' => array(224, 255, 255), 
    'cadetblue' => array(95, 158, 160), 
    'mediumaquamarine' => array(102, 205, 170), 
    'aquamarine' => array(127, 255, 212), 
    'darkgreen' => array(0, 100, 0), 
    'darkolivegreen' => array(85, 107, 47), 
    'darkseagreen' => array(143, 188, 143), 
    'seagreen' => array(46, 139, 87), 
    'mediumseagreen' => array(60, 179, 113), 
    'lightseagreen' => array(32, 178, 170), 
    'palegreen' => array(152, 251, 152), 
    'springgreen' => array(0, 255, 127), 
    'lawngreen' => array(124, 252, 0), 
    'green' => array(0, 255, 0), 
    'chartreuse' => array(127, 255, 0), 
    'mediumspringgreen' => array(0, 250, 154), 
    'greenyellow' => array(173, 255, 47), 
    'limegreen' => array(50, 205, 50), 
    'yellowgreen' => array(154, 205, 50), 
    'forestgreen' => array(34, 139, 34), 
    'olivedrab' => array(107, 142, 35), 
    'darkkhaki' => array(189, 183, 107), 
    'khaki' => array(240, 230, 140), 
    'palegoldenrod' => array(238, 232, 170), 
    'lightgoldenrodyellow' => array(250, 250, 210), 
    'lightyellow' => array(255, 255, 200), 
    'yellow' => array(255, 255, 0), 
    'gold' => array(255, 215, 0), 
    'lightgoldenrod' => array(238, 221, 130), 
    'goldenrod' => array(218, 165, 32), 
    'darkgoldenrod' => array(184, 134, 11), 
    'rosybrown' => array(188, 143, 143), 
    'indianred' => array(205, 92, 92), 
    'saddlebrown' => array(139, 69, 19), 
    'sienna' => array(160, 82, 45), 
    'peru' => array(205, 133, 63), 
    'burlywood' => array(222, 184, 135), 
    'beige' => array(245, 245, 220), 
    'wheat' => array(245, 222, 179), 
    'sandybrown' => array(244, 164, 96), 
    'tan' => array(210, 180, 140), 
    'chocolate' => array(210, 105, 30), 
    'firebrick' => array(178, 34, 34), 
    'brown' => array(165, 42, 42), 
    'darksalmon' => array(233, 150, 122), 
    'salmon' => array(250, 128, 114), 
    'lightsalmon' => array(255, 160, 122), 
    'orange' => array(255, 165, 0), 
    'darkorange' => array(255, 140, 0), 
    'coral' => array(255, 127, 80), 
    'lightcoral' => array(240, 128, 128), 
    'tomato' => array(255, 99, 71), 
    'orangered' => array(255, 69, 0), 
    'red' => array(255, 0, 0), 
    'hotpink' => array(255, 105, 180), 
    'deeppink' => array(255, 20, 147), 
    'pink' => array(255, 192, 203), 
    'lightpink' => array(255, 182, 193), 
    'palevioletred' => array(219, 112, 147), 
    'maroon' => array(176, 48, 96), 
    'mediumvioletred' => array(199, 21, 133), 
    'violetred' => array(208, 32, 144), 
    'magenta' => array(255, 0, 255), 
    'violet' => array(238, 130, 238), 
    'plum' => array(221, 160, 221), 
    'orchid' => array(218, 112, 214), 
    'mediumorchid' => array(186, 85, 211), 
    'darkorchid' => array(153, 50, 204), 
    'darkviolet' => array(148, 0, 211), 
    'blueviolet' => array(138, 43, 226), 
    'purple' => array(160, 32, 240), 
    'mediumpurple' => array(147, 112, 219), 
    'thistle' => array(216, 191, 216), 
    'snow1' => array(255, 250, 250), 
    'snow2' => array(238, 233, 233), 
    'snow3' => array(205, 201, 201), 
    'snow4' => array(139, 137, 137), 
    'seashell1' => array(255, 245, 238), 
    'seashell2' => array(238, 229, 222), 
    'seashell3' => array(205, 197, 191), 
    'seashell4' => array(139, 134, 130), 
    'AntiqueWhite1' => array(255, 239, 219), 
    'AntiqueWhite2' => array(238, 223, 204), 
    'AntiqueWhite3' => array(205, 192, 176), 
    'AntiqueWhite4' => array(139, 131, 120), 
    'bisque1' => array(255, 228, 196), 
    'bisque2' => array(238, 213, 183), 
    'bisque3' => array(205, 183, 158), 
    'bisque4' => array(139, 125, 107), 
    'peachPuff1' => array(255, 218, 185), 
    'peachpuff2' => array(238, 203, 173), 
    'peachpuff3' => array(205, 175, 149), 
    'peachpuff4' => array(139, 119, 101), 
    'navajowhite1' => array(255, 222, 173), 
    'navajowhite2' => array(238, 207, 161), 
    'navajowhite3' => array(205, 179, 139), 
    'navajowhite4' => array(139, 121, 94), 
    'lemonchiffon1' => array(255, 250, 205), 
    'lemonchiffon2' => array(238, 233, 191), 
    'lemonchiffon3' => array(205, 201, 165), 
    'lemonchiffon4' => array(139, 137, 112), 
    'ivory1' => array(255, 255, 240), 
    'ivory2' => array(238, 238, 224), 
    'ivory3' => array(205, 205, 193), 
    'ivory4' => array(139, 139, 131), 
    'honeydew' => array(193, 205, 193), 
    'lavenderblush1' => array(255, 240, 245), 
    'lavenderblush2' => array(238, 224, 229), 
    'lavenderblush3' => array(205, 193, 197), 
    'lavenderblush4' => array(139, 131, 134), 
    'mistyrose1' => array(255, 228, 225), 
    'mistyrose2' => array(238, 213, 210), 
    'mistyrose3' => array(205, 183, 181), 
    'mistyrose4' => array(139, 125, 123), 
    'azure1' => array(240, 255, 255), 
    'azure2' => array(224, 238, 238), 
    'azure3' => array(193, 205, 205), 
    'azure4' => array(131, 139, 139), 
    'slateblue1' => array(131, 111, 255), 
    'slateblue2' => array(122, 103, 238), 
    'slateblue3' => array(105, 89, 205), 
    'slateblue4' => array(71, 60, 139), 
    'royalblue1' => array(72, 118, 255), 
    'royalblue2' => array(67, 110, 238), 
    'royalblue3' => array(58, 95, 205), 
    'royalblue4' => array(39, 64, 139), 
    'dodgerblue1' => array(30, 144, 255), 
    'dodgerblue2' => array(28, 134, 238), 
    'dodgerblue3' => array(24, 116, 205), 
    'dodgerblue4' => array(16, 78, 139), 
    'steelblue1' => array(99, 184, 255), 
    'steelblue2' => array(92, 172, 238), 
    'steelblue3' => array(79, 148, 205), 
    'steelblue4' => array(54, 100, 139), 
    'deepskyblue1' => array(0, 191, 255), 
    'deepskyblue2' => array(0, 178, 238), 
    'deepskyblue3' => array(0, 154, 205), 
    'deepskyblue4' => array(0, 104, 139), 
    'skyblue1' => array(135, 206, 255), 
    'skyblue2' => array(126, 192, 238), 
    'skyblue3' => array(108, 166, 205), 
    'skyblue4' => array(74, 112, 139), 
    'lightskyblue1' => array(176, 226, 255), 
    'lightskyblue2' => array(164, 211, 238), 
    'lightskyblue3' => array(141, 182, 205), 
    'lightskyblue4' => array(96, 123, 139), 
    'slategray1' => array(198, 226, 255), 
    'slategray2' => array(185, 211, 238), 
    'slategray3' => array(159, 182, 205), 
    'slategray4' => array(108, 123, 139), 
    'lightsteelblue1' => array(202, 225, 255), 
    'lightsteelblue2' => array(188, 210, 238), 
    'lightsteelblue3' => array(162, 181, 205), 
    'lightsteelblue4' => array(110, 123, 139), 
    'lightblue1' => array(191, 239, 255), 
    'lightblue2' => array(178, 223, 238), 
    'lightblue3' => array(154, 192, 205), 
    'lightblue4' => array(104, 131, 139), 
    'lightcyan1' => array(224, 255, 255), 
    'lightcyan2' => array(209, 238, 238), 
    'lightcyan3' => array(180, 205, 205), 
    'lightcyan4' => array(122, 139, 139), 
    'paleturquoise1' => array(187, 255, 255), 
    'paleturquoise2' => array(174, 238, 238), 
    'paleturquoise3' => array(150, 205, 205), 
    'paleturquoise4' => array(102, 139, 139), 
    'cadetblue1' => array(152, 245, 255), 
    'cadetblue2' => array(142, 229, 238), 
    'cadetblue3' => array(122, 197, 205), 
    'cadetblue4' => array(83, 134, 139), 
    'turquoise1' => array(0, 245, 255), 
    'turquoise2' => array(0, 229, 238), 
    'turquoise3' => array(0, 197, 205), 
    'turquoise4' => array(0, 134, 139), 
    'cyan1' => array(0, 255, 255), 
    'cyan2' => array(0, 238, 238), 
    'cyan3' => array(0, 205, 205), 
    'cyan4' => array(0, 139, 139), 
    'darkslategray1' => array(151, 255, 255), 
    'darkslategray2' => array(141, 238, 238), 
    'darkslategray3' => array(121, 205, 205), 
    'darkslategray4' => array(82, 139, 139), 
    'aquamarine1' => array(127, 255, 212), 
    'aquamarine2' => array(118, 238, 198), 
    'aquamarine3' => array(102, 205, 170), 
    'aquamarine4' => array(69, 139, 116), 
    'darkseagreen1' => array(193, 255, 193), 
    'darkseagreen2' => array(180, 238, 180), 
    'darkseagreen3' => array(155, 205, 155), 
    'darkseagreen4' => array(105, 139, 105), 
    'seagreen1' => array(84, 255, 159), 
    'seagreen2' => array(78, 238, 148), 
    'seagreen3' => array(67, 205, 128), 
    'seagreen4' => array(46, 139, 87), 
    'palegreen1' => array(154, 255, 154), 
    'palegreen2' => array(144, 238, 144), 
    'palegreen3' => array(124, 205, 124), 
    'palegreen4' => array(84, 139, 84), 
    'springgreen1' => array(0, 255, 127), 
    'springgreen2' => array(0, 238, 118), 
    'springgreen3' => array(0, 205, 102), 
    'springgreen4' => array(0, 139, 69), 
    'chartreuse1' => array(127, 255, 0), 
    'chartreuse2' => array(118, 238, 0), 
    'chartreuse3' => array(102, 205, 0), 
    'chartreuse4' => array(69, 139, 0), 
    'olivedrab1' => array(192, 255, 62), 
    'olivedrab2' => array(179, 238, 58), 
    'olivedrab3' => array(154, 205, 50), 
    'olivedrab4' => array(105, 139, 34), 
    'darkolivegreen1' => array(202, 255, 112), 
    'darkolivegreen2' => array(188, 238, 104), 
    'darkolivegreen3' => array(162, 205, 90), 
    'darkolivegreen4' => array(110, 139, 61), 
    'khaki1' => array(255, 246, 143), 
    'khaki2' => array(238, 230, 133), 
    'khaki3' => array(205, 198, 115), 
    'khaki4' => array(139, 134, 78), 
    'lightgoldenrod1' => array(255, 236, 139), 
    'lightgoldenrod2' => array(238, 220, 130), 
    'lightgoldenrod3' => array(205, 190, 112), 
    'lightgoldenrod4' => array(139, 129, 76), 
    'yellow1' => array(255, 255, 0), 
    'yellow2' => array(238, 238, 0), 
    'yellow3' => array(205, 205, 0), 
    'yellow4' => array(139, 139, 0), 
    'gold1' => array(255, 215, 0), 
    'gold2' => array(238, 201, 0), 
    'gold3' => array(205, 173, 0), 
    'gold4' => array(139, 117, 0), 
    'goldenrod1' => array(255, 193, 37), 
    'goldenrod2' => array(238, 180, 34), 
    'goldenrod3' => array(205, 155, 29), 
    'goldenrod4' => array(139, 105, 20), 
    'darkgoldenrod1' => array(255, 185, 15), 
    'darkgoldenrod2' => array(238, 173, 14), 
    'darkgoldenrod3' => array(205, 149, 12), 
    'darkgoldenrod4' => array(139, 101, 8), 
    'rosybrown1' => array(255, 193, 193), 
    'rosybrown2' => array(238, 180, 180), 
    'rosybrown3' => array(205, 155, 155), 
    'rosybrown4' => array(139, 105, 105), 
    'indianred1' => array(255, 106, 106), 
    'indianred2' => array(238, 99, 99), 
    'indianred3' => array(205, 85, 85), 
    'indianred4' => array(139, 58, 58), 
    'sienna1' => array(255, 130, 71), 
    'sienna2' => array(238, 121, 66), 
    'sienna3' => array(205, 104, 57), 
    'sienna4' => array(139, 71, 38), 
    'burlywood1' => array(255, 211, 155), 
    'burlywood2' => array(238, 197, 145), 
    'burlywood3' => array(205, 170, 125), 
    'burlywood4' => array(139, 115, 85), 
    'wheat1' => array(255, 231, 186), 
    'wheat2' => array(238, 216, 174), 
    'wheat3' => array(205, 186, 150), 
    'wheat4' => array(139, 126, 102), 
    'tan1' => array(255, 165, 79), 
    'tan2' => array(238, 154, 73), 
    'tan3' => array(205, 133, 63), 
    'tan4' => array(139, 90, 43), 
    'chocolate1' => array(255, 127, 36), 
    'chocolate2' => array(238, 118, 33), 
    'chocolate3' => array(205, 102, 29), 
    'chocolate4' => array(139, 69, 19), 
    'firebrick1' => array(255, 48, 48), 
    'firebrick2' => array(238, 44, 44), 
    'firebrick3' => array(205, 38, 38), 
    'firebrick4' => array(139, 26, 26), 
    'brown1' => array(255, 64, 64), 
    'brown2' => array(238, 59, 59), 
    'brown3' => array(205, 51, 51), 
    'brown4' => array(139, 35, 35), 
    'salmon1' => array(255, 140, 105), 
    'salmon2' => array(238, 130, 98), 
    'salmon3' => array(205, 112, 84), 
    'salmon4' => array(139, 76, 57), 
    'lightsalmon1' => array(255, 160, 122), 
    'lightsalmon2' => array(238, 149, 114), 
    'lightsalmon3' => array(205, 129, 98), 
    'lightsalmon4' => array(139, 87, 66), 
    'orange1' => array(255, 165, 0), 
    'orange2' => array(238, 154, 0), 
    'orange3' => array(205, 133, 0), 
    'orange4' => array(139, 90, 0), 
    'darkorange1' => array(255, 127, 0), 
    'darkorange2' => array(238, 118, 0), 
    'darkorange3' => array(205, 102, 0), 
    'darkorange4' => array(139, 69, 0), 
    'coral1' => array(255, 114, 86), 
    'coral2' => array(238, 106, 80), 
    'coral3' => array(205, 91, 69), 
    'coral4' => array(139, 62, 47), 
    'tomato1' => array(255, 99, 71), 
    'tomato2' => array(238, 92, 66), 
    'tomato3' => array(205, 79, 57), 
    'tomato4' => array(139, 54, 38), 
    'orangered1' => array(255, 69, 0), 
    'orangered2' => array(238, 64, 0), 
    'orangered3' => array(205, 55, 0), 
    'orangered4' => array(139, 37, 0), 
    'deeppink1' => array(255, 20, 147), 
    'deeppink2' => array(238, 18, 137), 
    'deeppink3' => array(205, 16, 118), 
    'deeppink4' => array(139, 10, 80), 
    'hotpink1' => array(255, 110, 180), 
    'hotpink2' => array(238, 106, 167), 
    'hotpink3' => array(205, 96, 144), 
    'hotpink4' => array(139, 58, 98), 
    'pink1' => array(255, 181, 197), 
    'pink2' => array(238, 169, 184), 
    'pink3' => array(205, 145, 158), 
    'pink4' => array(139, 99, 108), 
    'lightpink1' => array(255, 174, 185), 
    'lightpink2' => array(238, 162, 173), 
    'lightpink3' => array(205, 140, 149), 
    'lightpink4' => array(139, 95, 101), 
    'palevioletred1' => array(255, 130, 171), 
    'palevioletred2' => array(238, 121, 159), 
    'palevioletred3' => array(205, 104, 137), 
    'palevioletred4' => array(139, 71, 93), 
    'maroon1' => array(255, 52, 179), 
    'maroon2' => array(238, 48, 167), 
    'maroon3' => array(205, 41, 144), 
    'maroon4' => array(139, 28, 98), 
    'violetred1' => array(255, 62, 150), 
    'violetred2' => array(238, 58, 140), 
    'violetred3' => array(205, 50, 120), 
    'violetred4' => array(139, 34, 82), 
    'magenta1' => array(255, 0, 255), 
    'magenta2' => array(238, 0, 238), 
    'magenta3' => array(205, 0, 205), 
    'magenta4' => array(139, 0, 139), 
    'mediumred' => array(140, 34, 34),          
    'orchid1' => array(255, 131, 250), 
    'orchid2' => array(238, 122, 233), 
    'orchid3' => array(205, 105, 201), 
    'orchid4' => array(139, 71, 137), 
    'plum1' => array(255, 187, 255), 
    'plum2' => array(238, 174, 238), 
    'plum3' => array(205, 150, 205), 
    'plum4' => array(139, 102, 139), 
    'mediumorchid1' => array(224, 102, 255), 
    'mediumorchid2' => array(209, 95, 238), 
    'mediumorchid3' => array(180, 82, 205), 
    'mediumorchid4' => array(122, 55, 139), 
    'darkorchid1' => array(191, 62, 255), 
    'darkorchid2' => array(178, 58, 238), 
    'darkorchid3' => array(154, 50, 205), 
    'darkorchid4' => array(104, 34, 139), 
    'purple1' => array(155, 48, 255), 
    'purple2' => array(145, 44, 238), 
    'purple3' => array(125, 38, 205), 
    'purple4' => array(85, 26, 139), 
    'mediumpurple1' => array(171, 130, 255), 
    'mediumpurple2' => array(159, 121, 238), 
    'mediumpurple3' => array(137, 104, 205), 
    'mediumpurple4' => array(93, 71, 139), 
    'thistle1' => array(255, 225, 255), 
    'thistle2' => array(238, 210, 238), 
    'thistle3' => array(205, 181, 205), 
    'thistle4' => array(139, 123, 139), 
    'gray1' => array(10, 10, 10), 
    'gray2' => array(40, 40, 30), 
    'gray3' => array(70, 70, 70), 
    'gray4' => array(100, 100, 100), 
    'gray5' => array(130, 130, 130), 
    'gray6' => array(160, 160, 160), 
    'gray7' => array(190, 190, 190), 
    'gray8' => array(210, 210, 210), 
    'gray9' => array(240, 240, 240), 
    'darkgray' => array(100, 100, 100), 
    'darkblue' => array(0, 0, 139), 
    'darkcyan' => array(0, 139, 139), 
    'darkmagenta' => array(139, 0, 139), 
    'darkred' => array(139, 0, 0), 
    'silver' => array(192,  192,  192), 
    'eggplant' => array(144, 176, 168), 
    'lightgreen' => array(144, 238, 144)

--- NEW FILE: svg.php ---

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Image.php';
require_once 'XML/SVG.php';

 * This class implements the Horde_Image:: API for SVG.
 * $Horde: framework/Image/Image/svg.php,v 1.31 2004/05/07 20:51:36 chuck Exp $
 * Copyright 2002-2004 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author  Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
 * @since   Horde 3.0
 * @package Horde_Image
class Horde_Image_svg extends Horde_Image {

    var $_svg;

     * Capabilites of this driver.
     * @var array $_capabilities
    var $_capabilities = array('canvas');

    function Horde_Image_svg($params)
        $this->_svg = &new XML_SVG_Document(array('width' => $this->_width,
                                                  'height' => $this->_height));

    function getContentType()
        return 'image/svg+xml';

    function getLink($url, $title = '')

    function display()

     * Return the raw data for this image.
     * @return string  The raw image data.
    function raw()
        return $this->_svg->bufferObject();

    function getFont($font)
        return $font;

    function _createSymbol($s, $id)
        $s->setParam('id', $id);
        $defs = &new XML_SVG_Defs();

    function _createDropShadow($id = 'dropShadow')
        $defs = &new XML_SVG_Defs();
        $filter = &new XML_SVG_Filter(array('id' => $id));
        $filter->addPrimitive('GaussianBlur', array('in' => 'SourceAlpha',
                                                    'stdDeviation' => 2,
                                                    'result' => 'blur'));
        $filter->addPrimitive('Offset', array('in' => 'blur',
                                              'dx' => 4,
                                              'dy' => 4,
                                              'result' => 'offsetBlur'));
        $merge = &new XML_SVG_FilterPrimitive('Merge');


     * Draws a text string on the image in a specified location, with
     * the specified style information.
     * @param string  $text       The text to draw.
     * @param integer $x          The left x coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param integer $y          The top y coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param string  $font       The font identifier you want to use for the text.
     * @param string  $color      The color that you want the text displayed in.
     * @param integer $direction  An integer that specifies the orientation of the text.
    function text($string, $x, $y, $font = 'monospace', $color = 'black', $direction = 0)
        $height = 12;
        $style = 'font-family:' . $font . ';font-height:' . $height . 'px;fill:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . ';text-anchor:start;';
        $transform = 'rotate(' . $direction . ',' . $x . ',' . $y . ')';
        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Text(array('text' => $string,
                                                     'x' => (int)$x,
                                                     'y' => (int)$y + $height,
                                                     'transform' => $transform,
                                                     'style' => $style)));

     * Draw a circle.
     * @param integer $x      The x coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the circle.
     * @param string  $color  The line color of the circle.
     * @param string  $fill   (optional) The color to fill the circle.
    function circle($x, $y, $r, $color, $fill = null)
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            $style = 'fill:' . $this->getHexColor($fill) . '; ';
        } else {
            $style = 'fill:none;';
        $style .= 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:1';

        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Circle(array('cx' => $x,
                                                       'cy' => $y,
                                                       'r' => $r,
                                                       'style' => $style)));

     * Draw a polygon based on a set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the polygon with.
     * @param string  $fill      (optional) The color to fill the polygon.
    function polygon($verts, $color, $fill = null)
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            $style = 'fill:' . $this->getHexColor($fill) . '; ';
        } else {
            $style = 'fill:none;';
        $style .= 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:1';

        $points = '';
        foreach ($verts as $v) {
            $points .= $v['x'] . ',' . $v['y'] . ' ';
        $points = trim($points);

        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Polygon(array('points' => $points,
                                                        'style' => $style)));

     * Draw a rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $color   The line color of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $fill    (optional) The color to fill the rectangle.
    function rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color, $fill = null)
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            $style = 'fill:' . $this->getHexColor($fill) . '; ';
        } else {
            $style = 'fill:none;';
        $style .= 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:1';

        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Rect(array('x' => $x,
                                                     'y' => $y,
                                                     'width' => $width,
                                                     'height' => $height,
                                                     'style' => $style)));

     * Draw a rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $round   The width of the corner rounding.
     * @param string  $color   The line color of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $fill    The color to fill the rectangle.
    function roundedRectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $round, $color, $fill)
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            $style = 'fill:' . $this->getHexColor($fill) . '; ';
        } else {
            $style = 'fill:none;';
        $style .= 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:1';

        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Rect(array('x' => $x,
                                                     'y' => $y,
                                                     'rx' => $round,
                                                     'ry' => $round,
                                                     'width' => $width,
                                                     'height' => $height,
                                                     'style' => $style)));

     * Draw a line.
     * @param integer $x0     The x coordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $y0     The y coordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $x1     The x coordinate of the end.
     * @param integer $y1     The y coordinate of the end.
     * @param string  $color  (optional) The line color.
     * @param string  $width  (optional) The width of the line.
    function line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color = 'black', $width = 1)
        $style = 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:' . (int)$width;
        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Line(array('x1' => $x1,
                                                     'y1' => $y1,
                                                     'x2' => $x2,
                                                     'y2' => $y2,
                                                     'style' => $style)));

     * Draw a dashed line.
     * @param integer $x0           The x coordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $y0           The y coordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $x1           The x coordinate of the end.
     * @param integer $y1           The y coordinate of the end.
     * @param string  $color        (optional) The line color.
     * @param string  $width        (optional) The width of the line.
     * @param integer $dash_length  The length of a dash on the dashed line
     * @param integer $dash_space   The length of a space in the dashed line
    function dashedLine($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color = 'black', $width = 1, $dash_length = 2, $dash_space = 2)
        $style = 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:' . (int)$width . '; stroke-dasharray:' . $dash_length . ',' . $dash_space . ';';
        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Line(array('x1' => $x1,
                                                     'y1' => $y1,
                                                     'x2' => $x2,
                                                     'y2' => $y2,
                                                     'style' => $style)));

     * Draw a polyline (a non-closed, non-filled polygon) based on a
     * set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the line with.
     * @param string  $width     (optional) The width of the line.
    function polyline($verts, $color, $width = 1)
        $style = 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:' . $width . ';fill:none;';

        // Calculate the path entry.
        $path = '';

        $first = true;
        foreach ($verts as $vert) {
            if ($first) {
                $first = false;
                $path .= 'M ' . $vert['x'] . ',' . $vert['y'];
            } else {
                $path .= ' L ' . $vert['x'] . ',' . $vert['y'];

        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Path(array('d' => $path,
                                                     'style' => $style)));

     * Draw an arc.
     * @param integer $x      The x coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y coordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the arc.
     * @param integer $start  The start angle of the arc.
     * @param integer $end    The end angle of the arc.
     * @param string  $color  The line color of the arc.
     * @param string  $fill   The fill color of the arc (defaults to none).
    function arc($x, $y, $r, $start, $end, $color = 'black', $fill = null)
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            $style = 'fill:' . $this->getHexColor($fill) . '; ';
        } else {
            $style = 'fill:none;';
        $style .= 'stroke:' . $this->getHexColor($color) . '; stroke-width:1';

        $mid = round(($start + $end) / 2);

        // Calculate the path entry.
        $path = '';

        // If filled, draw the outline.
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            // Start at the center of the ellipse the arc is on.
            $path .= "M $x,$y ";

            // Draw out to ellipse edge.
            list($arcX, $arcY) = $this->_circlePoint($start, $r * 2);
            $path .= 'L ' . round($x + $arcX) . ',' .
                round($y + $arcY) . ' ';

        // Draw arcs.
        list($arcX, $arcY) = $this->_circlePoint($mid, $r * 2);
        $path .= "A $r,$r 0 0 1 " .
            round($x + $arcX) . ',' .
            round($y + $arcY) . ' ';

        list($arcX, $arcY) = $this->_circlePoint($end, $r * 2);
        $path .= "A $r,$r 0 0 1 " .
            round($x + $arcX) . ',' .
            round($y + $arcY) . ' ';

        // If filled, close the outline.
        if (!empty($fill)) {
            $path .= 'Z';

        $path = trim($path);

        $this->_svg->addChild(new XML_SVG_Path(array('d' => $path,
                                                     'style' => $style)));


--- NEW FILE: swf.php ---

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../Image.php';

 * This class implements the Horde_Image:: API for SWF, using the PHP
 * Ming extension.
 * $Horde: framework/Image/Image/swf.php,v 1.24 2004/05/05 19:12:44 chuck Exp $
 * Copyright 2002-2004 Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * See the enclosed file COPYING for license information (LGPL). If you
 * did not receive this file, see
 * @author  Chuck Hagenbuch <chuck at>
 * @version $Revision: 1.1 $
 * @since   Horde 3.0
 * @package Horde_Image
class Horde_Image_swf extends Horde_Image {

     * Capabilites of this driver.
     * @var array $_capabilities
    var $_capabilities = array('canvas');

     * SWF root movie.
     * @var resource $_movie
    var $_movie;

    function Horde_Image_swf($params)

        $this->_movie = &new SWFMovie();
        $this->_movie->setDimension($this->_width, $this->_height);

        // FIXME: honor the 'background' parameter here.
        $this->_movie->setBackground(0xff, 0xff, 0xff);

    function getContentType()
        return 'application/x-shockwave-flash';

     * Display the movie.
    function display()

     * Return the raw data for this image.
     * @return string  The raw image data.
    function raw()
        $data = ob_get_contents();

        return $data;

     * Creates a color that can be accessed in this object. When a
     * color is set, the rgba values are returned in an array.
     * @param string $name  The name of the color.
     * @return array  The red, green, blue, alpha values of the color.
    function allocateColor($name)
        list($r, $g, $b) = $this->getRGB($name);
        return array('red' => $r,
                     'green' => $g,
                     'blue' => $b,
                     'alpha' => 255);

    function getFont($font)
        switch ($font) {
        case 'sans-serif':
            return '_sans';

        case 'serif':
            return '_serif';

        case 'monospace':
            return '_typewriter';

            return $font;

     * Draws a text string on the image in a specified location, with
     * the specified style information.
     * @param string  $text       The text to draw.
     * @param integer $x          The left x coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param integer $y          The top y coordinate of the start of the text string.
     * @param string  $font       The font identifier you want to use for the text.
     * @param string  $color      The color that you want the text displayed in.
     * @param integer $direction  An integer that specifies the orientation of the text.
    function text($string, $x, $y, $font = 'monospace', $color = 'black', $direction = 0)
        $color = $this->allocateColor($color);

        if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == 'WIN') {
            $text = &new SWFTextField(SWFTEXTFIELD_NOEDIT);
        } else {
            $text = &new SWFText();
        $text->setColor($color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);
        $text->setFont(new SWFFont($this->getFont($font)));

        $t = $this->_movie->add($text);
        $t->moveTo($x, $y);

        return $t;

     * Draw a circle.
     * @param integer $x      The x co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the circle.
     * @param string  $color  The line color of the circle.
     * @param string  $fill   (optional) The color to fill the circle.
    function circle($x, $y, $r, $color, $fill = 'none')
        $s = &new SWFShape();
        $color = $this->allocateColor($color);
        $s->setLine(1, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);

        if ($fill != 'none') {
            $fillColor = $this->allocateColor($fill);
            $f = $s->addFill($fillColor['red'], $fillColor['green'], $fillColor['blue'], $fillColor['alpha']);

        $a = $r * 0.414213562; // = tan(22.5 deg)
        $b = $r * 0.707106781; // = sqrt(2)/2 = sin(45 deg)

        $s->movePenTo($x + $r, $y);

        $s->drawCurveTo($x + $r, $y - $a, $x + $b, $y - $b);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x + $a, $y - $r, $x, $y - $r);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x - $a, $y - $r, $x - $b, $y - $b);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x - $r, $y - $a, $x - $r, $y);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x - $r, $y + $a, $x - $b, $y + $b);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x - $a, $y + $r, $x, $y + $r);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x + $a, $y + $r, $x + $b, $y + $b);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x + $r, $y + $a, $x + $r, $y);

        return $this->_movie->add($s);

     * Draw a polygon based on a set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the polygon with.
     * @param string  $fill      (optional) The color to fill the polygon.
    function polygon($verts, $color, $fill = 'none')
        $color = $this->allocateColor($color);

        if (is_array($color) && is_array($verts) && (sizeof($verts) > 2)) {
            $shape = &new SWFShape();
            $shape->setLine(1, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);

            if ($fill != 'none') {
                $fillColor = $this->allocateColor($fill);
                $f = $shape->addFill($fillColor['red'], $fillColor['green'], $fillColor['blue'], $fillColor['alpha']);

            $first_done = false;
            foreach ($verts as $value) {
                if (!$first_done) {
                    $shape->movePenTo($value['x'], $value['y']);
                    $first_done = true;
                    $first_x = $value['x'];
                    $first_y = $value['y'];
                $shape->drawLineTo($value['x'], $value['y']);
            $shape->drawLineTo($first_x, $first_y);

            return $this->_movie->add($shape);
        } else {
            // If the color is an array and the vertices is a an array
            // of more than 2 points.
            return false;

     * Draw a rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $color   The line color of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $fill    (optional) The color to fill the rectangle.
    function rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color, $fill = 'none')
        $verts[0] = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y);
        $verts[1] = array('x' => $x + $width, 'y' => $y);
        $verts[2] = array('x' => $x + $width, 'y' => $y + $height);
        $verts[3] = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y + $height);

        return $this->polygon($verts, $color, $fill);

     * Draw a rectangle.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $round   The width of the corner rounding.
     * @param string  $color   (optional) The line color of the rectangle. Defaults to black.
     * @param string  $fill    (optional) The color to fill the rectangle. Defaults to none.
    function roundedRectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $round, $color = 'black', $fill = 'none')
        if ($round <= 0) {
            // Optimize out any calls with no corner rounding.
            return $this->rectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color, $fill);

        $s = &new SWFShape();
        $color = $this->allocateColor($color);
        $s->setLine(1, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);

        if ($fill != 'none') {
            $fillColor = $this->allocateColor($fill);
            $f = $s->addFill($fillColor['red'], $fillColor['green'], $fillColor['blue'], $fillColor['alpha']);

        // Set corner points to avoid lots of redundant math.
        $x1 = $x + $round;
        $y1 = $y + $round;

        $x2 = $x + $width - $round;
        $y2 = $y + $round;

        $x3 = $x + $width - $round;
        $y3 = $y + $height - $round;

        $x4 = $x + $round;
        $y4 = $y + $height - $round;

        // Start in the upper left.
        $p1 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 180, 225);
        $p2 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 225, 270);

        // Start at the lower left corner of the top left curve.
        $s->movePenTo($x1 + $p1['x1'], $y1 + $p1['y1']);

        // Draw the upper left corner.
        $s->drawCurveTo($x1 + $p1['x3'], $y1 + $p1['y3'], $x1 + $p1['x2'], $y1 + $p1['y2']);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x1 + $p2['x3'], $y1 + $p2['y3'], $x1 + $p2['x2'], $y1 + $p2['y2']);

        // Calculate the upper right points.
        $p3 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 270, 315);
        $p4 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 315, 360);

        // Connect the top left and right curves.
        $s->drawLineTo($x2 + $p3['x1'], $y2 + $p3['y1']);

        // Draw the upper right corner.
        $s->drawCurveTo($x2 + $p3['x3'], $y2 + $p3['y3'], $x2 + $p3['x2'], $y2 + $p3['y2']);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x2 + $p4['x3'], $y2 + $p4['y3'], $x2 + $p4['x2'], $y2 + $p4['y2']);

        // Calculate the lower right points.
        $p5 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 0, 45);
        $p6 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 45, 90);

        // Connect the top right and lower right curves.
        $s->drawLineTo($x3 + $p5['x1'], $y3 + $p5['y1']);

        // Draw the lower right corner.
        $s->drawCurveTo($x3 + $p5['x3'], $y3 + $p5['y3'], $x3 + $p5['x2'], $y3 + $p5['y2']);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x3 + $p6['x3'], $y3 + $p6['y3'], $x3 + $p6['x2'], $y3 + $p6['y2']);

        // Calculate the lower left points.
        $p7 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 90, 135);
        $p8 = $this->_arcPoints($round, 135, 180);

        // Connect the bottom right and bottom left curves.
        $s->drawLineTo($x4 + $p7['x1'], $y4 + $p7['y1']);

        // Draw the lower left corner.
        $s->drawCurveTo($x4 + $p7['x3'], $y4 + $p7['y3'], $x4 + $p7['x2'], $y4 + $p7['y2']);
        $s->drawCurveTo($x4 + $p8['x3'], $y4 + $p8['y3'], $x4 + $p8['x2'], $y4 + $p8['y2']);

        // Close the shape.
        $s->drawLineTo($x1 + $p1['x1'], $y1 + $p1['y1']);

        return $this->_movie->add($s);

     * Draw a line.
     * @param integer $x0     The x co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $y0     The y co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $x1     The x co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param integer $y1     The y co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param string  $color  (optional) The line color.
     * @param string  $width  (optional) The width of the line.
    function line($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $color = 'black', $width = 1)
        $color = $this->allocateColor($color);

        if (is_array($color)) {
            $shape = &new SWFShape();
            $shape->setLine($width, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);
            $shape->movePenTo($x1, $y1);
            $shape->drawLineTo($x2, $y2);

            return $this->_movie->add($shape);
        } else {
            return false;

     * Draw a dashed line.
     * @param integer $x0           The x co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $y0           The y co-ordinate of the start.
     * @param integer $x1           The x co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param integer $y1           The y co-ordinate of the end.
     * @param string  $color        (optional) The line color.
     * @param string  $width        (optional) The width of the line.
     * @param integer $dash_length  The length of a dash on the dashed line
     * @param integer $dash_space   The length of a space in the dashed line
    function dashedLine($x0, $y0, $x1, $y1, $color = 'black', $width = 1, $dash_length = 2, $dash_space = 2)
        // Get the length of the line in pixels.
        $line_length = max(ceil(sqrt(pow(($x1 - $x0), 2) + pow(($y1 - $y0), 2))), 2);

        $cosTheta = ($x1 - $x0) / $line_length;
        $sinTheta = ($y1 - $y0) / $line_length;
        $lastx = $x0;
        $lasty = $y0;

        // Draw the dashed line.
        for ($i = 0; $i < $line_length; $i += ($dash_length + $dash_space)) {
            $x = ($dash_length * $cosTheta) + $lastx;
            $y = ($dash_length * $sinTheta) + $lasty;

            $this->line($lastx, $lasty, $x, $y, $color);

            $lastx = $x + ($dash_space * $cosTheta);
            $lasty = $y + ($dash_space * $sinTheta);

     * Draw a polyline (a non-closed, non-filled polygon) based on a
     * set of vertices.
     * @param array   $vertices  An array of x and y labeled arrays
     *                           (eg. $vertices[0]['x'], $vertices[0]['y'], ...).
     * @param string  $color     The color you want to draw the line with.
     * @param string  $width     (optional) The width of the line.
    function polyline($verts, $color, $width = 1)
        $color = $this->allocateColor($color);

        $shape = &new SWFShape();
        $shape->setLine($width, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);

        $first_done = false;
        foreach ($verts as $value) {
            if (!$first_done) {
                $shape->movePenTo($value['x'], $value['y']);
                $first_done = true;
            $shape->drawLineTo($value['x'], $value['y']);

        return $this->_movie->add($shape);

     * Draw an arc.
     * @param integer $x      The x co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $y      The y co-ordinate of the centre.
     * @param integer $r      The radius of the arc.
     * @param integer $start  The start angle of the arc.
     * @param integer $end    The end angle of the arc.
     * @param string  $color  (optional) The line color of the arc (defaults to black).
     * @param string  $fill   (optional) The fill color of the arc (defaults to none).
    function arc($x, $y, $r, $start, $end, $color = 'black', $fill = 'none')
        $s = &new SWFShape();
        $color = $this->allocateColor($color);
        $s->setLine(1, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);

        if ($fill != 'none') {
            $fillColor = $this->allocateColor($fill);
            $f = $s->addFill($fillColor['red'], $fillColor['green'], $fillColor['blue'], $fillColor['alpha']);

        if ($end - $start <= 45) {
            $pts = $this->_arcPoints($r, $start, $end);
            $s->movePenTo($x, $y);
            $s->drawLineTo($pts['x1'] + $x, $pts['y1'] + $y);
            $s->drawCurveTo($pts['x3'] + $x, $pts['y3'] + $y, $pts['x2'] + $x, $pts['y2'] + $y);
            $s->drawLineTo($x, $y);
        } else {
            $sections = ceil(($end - $start) / 45);
            for ($i = 0; $i < $sections; $i++) {
                $pts = $this->_arcPoints($r, $start + ($i * 45), ($start + (($i + 1) * 45) > $end)
                                         ? $end
                                         : ($start + (($i + 1) * 45)));

                // If we are on the first section, move the pen to the
                // centre and draw out to the edge.
                if ($i == 0 && $fill != 'none') {
                    $s->movePenTo($x, $y);
                    $s->drawLineTo($pts['x1'] + $x, $pts['y1'] + $y);
                } else {
                    $s->movePenTo($pts['x1'] + $x, $pts['y1'] + $y);

                // Draw the arc.
                $s->drawCurveTo($pts['x3'] + $x, $pts['y3'] + $y, $pts['x2'] + $x, $pts['y2'] + $y);

            if ($fill != 'none') {
                // Draw a line from the edge back to the centre to close
                // off the segment.
                $s->drawLineTo($x, $y);

        return $this->_movie->add($s);

     * Draw a rectangle filled with a gradient from $color1 to
     * $color2.
     * @param integer $x       The left x-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $y       The top y-coordinate of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $width   The width of the rectangle.
     * @param integer $height  The height of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $color   The outline color of the rectangle.
     * @param string  $fill1   The name of the start color for the gradient.
     * @param string  $fill2   The name of the end color for the gradient.
    function gradientRectangle($x, $y, $width, $height, $color = 'black', $fill1 = 'black', $fill2 = 'white')
        $s = &new SWFShape();

        if ($color != 'none') {
            $color = $this->allocateColor($color);
            $s->setLine(1, $color['red'], $color['green'], $color['blue'], $color['alpha']);

        $fill1 = $this->allocateColor($fill1);
        $fill2 = $this->allocateColor($fill2);
        $gradient = &new SWFGradient();
        $gradient->addEntry(0.0, $fill1['red'], $fill1['green'], $fill1['blue'], $fill1['alpha']);
        $gradient->addEntry(1.0, $fill2['red'], $fill2['green'], $fill2['blue'], $fill2['alpha']);

        $f = $s->addFill($gradient, SWFFILL_LINEAR_GRADIENT);
        $f->scaleTo($width / $this->_width);
        $f->moveTo($x, $y);

        $verts[0] = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y);
        $verts[1] = array('x' => $x + $width, 'y' => $y);
        $verts[2] = array('x' => $x + $width, 'y' => $y + $height);
        $verts[3] = array('x' => $x, 'y' => $y + $height);

        $first_done = false;
        foreach ($verts as $vert) {
            if (!$first_done) {
                $s->movePenTo($vert['x'], $vert['y']);
                $first_done = true;
                $first_x = $vert['x'];
                $first_y = $vert['y'];
            $s->drawLineTo($vert['x'], $vert['y']);
        $s->drawLineTo($first_x, $first_y);

        return $this->_movie->add($s);


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