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Hello All,<br /><br />I'm working through various problems with getting Kolab 3.4 set-up and am getting errors like this with every theme -- Chameleon, Classic, and Larry. <br /><br />========<br />FILE NOT FOUND<br />The requested resource was not found!<br />Please contact your server-administrator.<br /><br />Failed request:<br />//example.net/roundcubemail/xxxxxxxxxxxxx/?_task=calendar<br />============<br /><br />With different themes its different themes its different tasks<br />Chameleon and Larry its calendar<br />Classic its files, notes, and tasks<br /><br />Any thoughts on where or how to fix it?<br /><br />Here's my setup:<br />Fedora 22 <br />Kolab installed from these repositories:<br /> Kolab_3.4 Kolab:Development (Fedora_21)<br /> Kolab_3.4_Updates Updates for Kolab 3.4 (Fedora_21)<br /> tpokorra-kolab Copr repo for kolab owned by tpokorra<br /><br />There are also other problems with how some of the screens and pop-ups are rendered, but that's the step after this.<br /><br />Thanks for any help<br />-- digger<br /> </body>