I'm testing Kolab 3 and would like to migrate from my current SOGo installation over to using Kolab 3.<br /><br />I've installed Kolab (with help of the online documentation) on CentOS 6.3 for testing. But I would like to install Kolab without Postfix, imap, ldap, roundcube, etc and have all of those installed on different servers (my existing servers). Is there a guide to installing Kolab in this fashion? Right now I have OpenLDAP, Postfix, and Dovecot running and configured.<br /><br />Why did Kolab switch to 389-ds and are there any specific reasons why I should use it over OpenLDAP? My main reason for using OpenLDAP is 1) It's already installed, 2) I use FreeBSD as much as I can and 389-ds on FreeBSD isn't going to be nearly as simple. Are there instructions for configuring OpenLDAP for Kolab 3?<br /><br />Does anyone know if the Kolab server will compile and run under FreeBSD (9.1)? I've looked online and I've seen so
me vague
references but nothing very specific. I'm happy to give it a try but if it's known to not work I'd rather save myself the headache :).<br /><br /><br />Thanks in advance for any help anyone can provide me :)<br /><br /><br />--<br />In case anyone is curious the main reasons drawing me away from SOGo and to Kolab 3 is.. Kolab 3 (as I understand) has a better activesync interface. Kolab's use of Roundcube is a big plus for me because roundcube has such a large support base and plugin selection and creating or modifying a plugin for roundcube will be much easier then making modifications to the SOGo web interface. With roundcube managesieve I can edit the sieve scripts that exist on the server and edit multiple groups. Editing the scripts from another source works and Roundcube will show them as well. With SOGo (as far as I know) I cannot edit multiple groups, and SOGo stores the scripts in it's own database and edits fr
om anoth
er source are not displayed. The ownCloud plugin is another big plus for me. There may be other much more important changes that I don't know about yet. Beyond that, I'm mostly German myself. Might as well use German stuff :) One feature I'm going to miss from SOGo is the CardDAV/CalDAV but it looks like that's on the roadmap for Kolab 3.1.<br /> <br />