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I am new to the wonderful world of Kolab. I had just previously
been using Zarafa, and decided that I wanted to try out something
hopefully more efficient and also less Outlook-centric.<br>
I debated with whether to install 2.4.x or 3.0.x, and after reading
a post on your blog about how the centos version is pretty much
polished, just waiting on the debian packages, I decided to give
3.0.x a go.<br>
Installation went smoothly. Couple things seemed to pop up
1) Within the kolab-webadmin interface, I saw my primary domain, and
decided to add the other domains that I wanted on this system. I
added 1, then another, and "got wise", and decided to add the last 3
in one time. I ended up with 1 domain and I believe two aliases.
That was of course not my intention as all of my domains are to be
independent and separate of eachother. I tried to use the trash can
and delete two of them and save it. Internal Error. I tried then
just to delete the whole domain (including the alias domains).
Internal Error. How the devil do you remove them?<br>
2) Also within the kolab-webadmin. When I log out and back in, I
can see each domain listed (except for the aliases above) by
clicking on the domain by the logout screen. I thought, great, this
is how I can switch to that domains configuration. I created a test
user and saved it. But where did it go??? It was only visible by
selecting my main domain. Why?<br>
3) As an extention of 2 above, the primary email created for the
test user was utilizing the domain that I first installed when
setting up kolab. That is not the behaviour that I wanted, as each
domain is to be separate of eachother. Independent.<br>
4) I can't seem to specify my primary email address? It puts it as
firstname.lastname, which is not what I want their email to be. Am
I doing something wrong? Any other system that I've used, you just
specify their email address, and you're done.<br>
5) I was looking over the postfix configuration. Am I understanding
it is intended that email sent from an MUA is to use the submission
port (587)? I'd like to get a better handle on the mailflow
within Postfix as I would like to disable the spam filtering
capability since I use a hosted anti-spam option. When the dust
settles, I only want POP3 and IMAP available to the outside world on
SSL (non-SSL is fine for Roundcube and is firewalled to the world),
and SMTP on 25 (for communication with other servers), 587 (TLS) and
465 (SSL). <br>
6) Any one care to comment on how owncloud is setup? I have already
enabled the plugin and when I click onto the icon, it displays a
login page. Does anyone have the magic worked out for
single-signon? Anyone care to comment on if you use the LDAP plugin
in owncloud, and if so, what was your recipe?<br>
Thanks guys. I hope that I don't overwhelm you with questions. I
know how I want to do things, I am just swimming a bit in this new
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