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> Hello Gunnar,<br><pre>> Thanks for your reply, please find my comments bellow<br>><br>><br>> > Hello,<br>> ><br>> > I have a strange error on my kolab server (2.2.2).<br>> > I deleted a directory shell for one user then I deleted a user<br>> and<br>> > create it again, it is ok. but I need a new time to delete it,<br>> it's<br>> > working too.<br>> > But now when I try to create again that's don't work...<br>> What does \"don't work\" mean exactly? Is there any error message<br>> you see in the kolab webadmin? Does the user exist in the ldap tree<br>> (use slapcat)?<br>><br>> I just checked, and I can see my old user with slapcat. How I can<br>> clean it ?<br>> ><br>> > I can access the account by horde but without any write rights<br>> > level..<br>> > When I try to send an email to this user I obtain this<br>> messages :<br>> Sounds like the account still exists in IMAP<br>> (/kolab/var/imap/spool).<br>><br>> No, no account in /kolab/var/imap/spool.<br>><br>> ><br>> > I need to tell you that I'm using kolab in multidomain..<br>> ><br>> I have the impression that the user got removed in LDAP but his <br>> mailbox still exists. Is that right?<br>><br>> The box is deleted but yes I can see the account with slapcat. The<br>> strange things that is I get non error with the webadmin interface.<br> <br>Ah, so it is exactly the other way around. IMAP got deleted but LDAP <br>still exists. Yes, actually makes sense.<br> <br>When you do the slapcat are there any servers in the kolab<a title="Envoyer (Ctrl+Entrée)" id="ecxSendMessage"><br> <span class="Label">Envoyer</span></a>Deleteflag <br>attribute of the problematic user that do not exist? When deleting a <br>user on a Kolab master/slave setup the user has to be deleted on all <br>servers. If there is any invalid information concerning the available <br>users the deletion will fail.<br> <br>Cheers,<br> <br>Gunnar<br><br><br>Hello Gunnar,<br><br>I have only one single server. <br>Can you give the way to delete this bad entry ?<br><br><br><br>dn: cn=d.dupont@domaine.com,dc=domaine,dc=com<br>objectClass: kolabGroupOfNames<br>cn: d.dupont@domaine.com<br>mail: d.dupont@domaine.com<br>member: cn=D DUPONT,dc=domaine,dc=com<br>structuralObjectClass: kolabGroupOfNames<br>entryUUID: fbedab5a-6d79-102e-93ec-c1ed5487a078<br>creatorsName: cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=domaine,dc=com<br>createTimestamp: 20091124191908Z<br>entryCSN: 20091124191908Z#000000#00#000000<br>modifiersName: cn=manager,cn=internal,dc=domaine,dc=com<br>modifyTimestamp: 20091124191908Z<br><br><br>I need it to create my initial box :)<br><br><br>Best regards,<br></pre><a href="http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Michael+Jackson&FORM=MVDE6"></a> <br /><hr />Vous êtes étudiants ? Bénéficiez de Windows 7 à 35? ! <a href='http://www.windows-7-pour-les-etudiants.com' target='_new'>Découvrez notre offre ! </a></body>