Hi list, <br><br>I know this should be on the dev-list, but <br>"I have a dream.. that all mankind can use one mailclient with kolab...."<br>and found columba on SF.net wich seems not to be developed anymore but did support IMAP4 connection to cyrus.<br>
It is written in Java and installable on Win, Mac and Linux. <br><a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/columba/">http://sourceforge.net/projects/columba/</a><br>Wouldn't it be an idea, beside developing all the connectors or porting Kontact to win and mac, <br>
to fork this mailclient to connect to kolab natively??<br>The Idea is to have something like a Kolab-Desktop like Zimbra does, that fits ontop of kolab and supports all the features users need.<br><br>Porting Kontact as THE client to kolab is a nice Idea, but from a programmers view, most ports stay buggy.<br>
<br>Maybe someone knows another project that could fit out needs.<br><br>Greetings from belgium, Sascha