.hmmessage P
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Hi all,<BR>
I'm having a little problem with my new kolab installation. I've installed the new beta Kolab-Server-2.2.1 but when I try to login to horde as manager i cannot. I get this message: <BR>
"Access to special Kolab users is denied."<BR>
I have searched but I haven't find how to allow manager to login and I want to change the general preferences for all users (like the colours combination, spam configuration, etc). <BR>
I just have found this message where they say that it has been resolved, but I don't know how to chage this preference,<BR>
<A href="https://www.intevation.de/roundup/kolab/issue2548">https://www.intevation.de/roundup/kolab/issue2548</A><BR>
Thank you very much in advance.<BR>
Regards.<BR><br /><hr />¿Tu fondo de escritorio es aburrido? <a href=' http://search.live.com/results.aspx?q=imagenes+fondos+de+escritorio&mkt=es-ES&setlang=es-ES&FORM=W5WA&mkt=es-es' target='_new'>Anímalo con las imágenes más espectaculares</a></body>