Kolab 16 on Centos update problem

Gelpi Andrea liste at gelpi.it
Wed Oct 10 11:33:07 CEST 2018

	in my kolab 16 on a CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)

I had the following error trying to update.

The command: yum update responds with:

--> Risoluzione delle dipendenze completata
Errore: Pacchetto:
roundcubemail-plugin-libcalendaring-3.4-46.2.el7.kolab_16.noarch (Kolab_16)
            Richiede: roundcubemail(plugin-libcalendaring-skin-elastic)
>= 1.4
Errore: Pacchetto:
roundcubemail-plugin-zipdownload-1.4-65.2.el7.kolab_16.noarch (Kolab_16)
            Richiede: roundcubemail(plugin-zipdownload-skin-elastic) =

It seems to me that a new package is missing in the repository:


Is this a known problem?

How can I solve it?

Thanks in advance

Gelpi ing. Andrea
It took the computing power of three C-64s to fly to the Moon.
It takes a 486 to run Windows 95. Something is wrong here.

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