POP3/POP3S in Kolab 16

Martin Campbell martin at placefarm.com
Sun Jan 29 22:46:54 CET 2017

Ideally, I wouldn't use POP3, but this Gmail feature depends on it.



On 29/01/2017 21:01, Jochen Hein wrote:
> Martin Campbell <martin at placefarm.com> writes:
>> pop3 and pop3s appear to be missing from the SERVICES section in
>> /etc/cyrus.conf
>> Is this normal? Is this standard Kolab 16 configuration?
> Yes, that seems to be the default for Kolab 16.  When you use mail
> filtering and folders, you'll need to use IMAP.  POP3 was more or less
> dead a decade ago - it's not getting better.
> Jochen
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