dirsrv error

Jan Kowalsky jankow at datenkollektiv.net
Fri Oct 28 22:08:49 CEST 2016

Hi Pietro,

Am 28.10.2016 um 15:50 schrieb Pietro Vassalli:
> Hi to everyone, 
> every monday (don't laugh for that) almost about 3.00 p.m. dirsrv
> process hangs. 

are there any other events on 3.00 p.m. - maybe cron weekly?

> I try to stop it (service dirsrv stop) but no chance. I have to manually
> kill the process, use the recovery of ldap db and restart it (always
> manually). 
> In the end the service restart but I have many problems with my users,
> who are complaining that (thunderbird requires the insertion of
> username/password...) and I'd like to be on holidays in some monday of
> the year... ;-) 

only a idea ... could it be a logrotation script that removes / changes
the dirsrv logfiles? 389-ds ships with it's own logrotation function -
maybe it doesn't like if its logfiles are changed from outside?


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