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Gregor Adamczyk g.adamczyk at netkult.eu
Tue Jul 5 15:58:45 CEST 2016

System: Kolab 16 on CentOS 7

Seems like the new epel clamav* packages does not run / start correctly 
after yum update.

Problems with:
clamd at amavisd.service

I saw error messages like this:
ERROR: Can't open/parse the config file /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.service.conf

I did this for a test
cp -av /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.conf /etc/clamd.d/amavisd.service.conf

and did a full and correct freshclam update...
But the problems with automatic starting clamd stay.

So restored my backup and did only an:
yum update --exclude=clamav-*

Now it works correctly.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen/With best regards
Gregor Adamczyk

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